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时间:2024-01-05 18:32:47


emphasis的单语例句 篇1

1. Because so much emphasis is being placed on economic growth this year, it is especially tempting to bypass the green baseline.

2. The cabinet put special emphasis on the services industry in rural areas, urging an increase in farmers'incomes and a relaxation of the urban household registration system.

3. Emphasis is placed on an extensive range of imported wines, with Californian wine served by the glass.

4. Wu's emphasis on creating a cultured environment turns the class of about 40 students and their parents into a ceremonial site for calligraphy.

5. The lines are elastic and full of rhythm on ceramic, while the colors are layered and have emphasis on canvas.

6. This is obviously a policy with more emphasis on formality rather than on substantial ways to improve the government employees'working capability.

7. The practical activity of giving emphasis on professional ethics for public servants was an important move to improve professional ethics level of public servants.

8. Such an emphasis on incentives addresses legislators'concerns about the actual effect of the new law.

9. But one cannot draw parallels between this renewed emphasis on chastity and some conservative Americans'advocacy of celibacy.

10. But an emphasis on expanding the number of doctoral students has brought some problems, which demand a change in the management style of our educational policy.

emphasis的双语例句 篇2

1. This delibrate emphasis in style make our efforts rely on the surface, neglecte the more important spiritual aspect in emotional intention.


2. In recent years, China has placed great emphasis on supporting the Infrastructure construction and CICO has greatly accelerate its development with this chance.


3. We all know the emphasis on concurrent programming as linear processor speed growth is limited in the past years.


4. At present, the researching emphasis of intrusion detection technology centralizes in anomaly detection without instructions.


emphasis的中文意思 篇3

英 [ˈemfəsɪs] 美 [ˈɛmfəsɪs]


名词 强调; 着重; (轮廓、图形等的)鲜明; 突出,重读



1. You put too much emphasis on the last syllable.


2. They put emphasis on quality rather than on quantity.


3. Morality was the emphasis of his speech.


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