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时间:2024-10-22 00:53:56


常用的商务英语口语例句 1

Trying local food is an important part of the travel experience.

Attending cultural events is a great way to experience the local life.

Shopping for local souvenirs is a great way to bring back memories.

Respect the cultural differences between the two sides.

Avoid making assumptions based on stereotypes.

常用的商务英语口语例句 2

I'm afraid I won't be able to attend the meeting.

I'm on a business trip and will be back in a week.

Wine is always a good choice as a gift.

A good quality pen is practical and elegant.

A book on local culture is thoughtful and informative.

常用的商务英语口语例句 3

Could you please confirm the delivery date? 您能确认交货日期吗?

Thank you for your attention to this matter. 谢谢您关注此事。

Hello, this is Andy speaking. 你好,我是安迪。

May I speak to Mr. Brown, please? 我能和布朗先生通话吗?

Hold on for a moment, please. 请稍等一下。

常用的商务英语口语例句 4

Can I have your business card, please? 您可以给我您的名片吗?

Let's get down to business. 现在开始谈正事。

Would you like to introduce your company first? 你们可以先介绍一下你们公司吗?

May I know your thoughts on this matter? 您对这个问题有何看法?

What's your target market? 您的目标市场是什么?

常用的商务英语口语例句 5

Offer a firm handshake when meeting someone. 在见面时要握手。

Use a warm and friendly tone in conversation. 在交流中使用温暖友好的语气。

Listen actively to the other party's needs and concerns. 活跃地倾听对方的需求和关注点。

Be flexible and open to negotiation. 灵活开放地进行谈判。

Find a win-win solution. 找到双赢的解决方案。

常用的商务英语口语例句 6

I'll get back to you as soon as possible. 我会尽快给您回复。

Let me check with my supervisor first. 让我先向我的上级领导咨询一下。

Could you please give me a deadline? 您能给我一个截止日期吗?

This project is urgent and requires your immediate attention. 这个项目很紧急,需要您立即处理。

Could you please fill in the form? 您能填写一下这张表格吗?

常用的商务英语口语例句 7

How do you see the competition in this market? 您如何看待这个市场的竞争?

What's your main product range? 您的主要产品是什么?

How do you ensure the quality of your products? 您如何保证您的产品质量?

What's your payment term? 您的付款方式是什么?

What's your MOQ? 您的最小订购量是多少?

常用的商务英语口语例句 8

What are the local customs and taboos that need to be considered? 需要考虑哪些地方的风俗和禁忌?

I'll be leaving for Shanghai tomorrow morning. 我明天早上要去上海。

Can you arrange a taxi to the airport for me? 您能为我安排一个到机场的出租车吗?

Is there any recommended hotel near the exhibition center? 展览中心附近有哪些推荐的酒店?

Do I need to bring any documents for the trip? 出差需要带哪些文件?

常用的商务英语口语例句 9

What's the demand for this product in the local market? 这种产品在当地市场上的需求如何?

Who are your main competitors in this market? 您在这个市场上的主要竞争对手是谁?

What's your strategy for entering this market? 您进入这个市场的策略是什么?

What's your market share in this market? 您在这个市场中占有多少市场份额?

What's the price range of similar products in this market? 这个市场中类似产品的价格范围是多少?

常用的商务英语口语例句 10

Welcome to our company. 欢迎来我们公司。

May I offer you a cup of coffee? 我可以给您来杯咖啡吗?

Would you like to have a seat? 请坐。

I'll inform Mr. Smith of your arrival. 我会通知史密斯先生您的到来。

Do you have any specific requirements? 您有什么特殊要求吗?

简单商务英语口语对话 11

A: Here's my name card.

B: And here's mine.

A: It's nice to finally meet you.

B: And I'm glad to meet you, too.

A: 这是我的名片。

B: 这是我的'。

A: 很高兴终于与你见面了。

B: 我也很高兴见到你。

常用的商务英语口语例句 12

Would you like something to drink? 您想喝点什么?

Could you introduce me to some of your colleagues? 您能介绍一下您的一些同事吗?

How long have you been working for this company? 您在这家公司工作多长时间了?

It's a beautiful venue. 这个地方非常漂亮。

Thank you for a wonderful evening. 感谢您提供一晚愉快的时光。

常用的商务英语口语例句 13

Stay calm and avoid panicking.

Follow the instructions from the emergency services.

Evacuate the building if necessary.

Use the nearest emergency exit.

Inform others around you about the situation.

常用的商务英语口语例句 14

Use facts and data to support your argument. 使用事实和数据支持你的观点。

Understand the other party's bottom line. 了解对方的底线。

Don't show your emotions easily. 不要轻易表露你的情感。

I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. 对不起,我没有听清楚。

Can you repeat that, please? 请您再说一遍好吗?

常用的商务英语口语例句 15

I'm sorry, Mr. Brown is not available right now. 很抱歉,布朗先生现在不在。

Can I take a message for him? 我能为他留言吗?

I'll have Mr. Brown return your call as soon as possible. 布朗先生会尽快回复您的来电。

Thank you for calling. 谢谢你的来电。

Thank you for inviting us to your party. 感谢邀请我们参加你的聚会。

常用的商务英语口语例句 16

We'd like to sign the contract today. 我们今天想签订合同。

Let's go through the contract together. 我们一起看看合同内容。

Do you have any questions about the contract? 您对合同有什么问题吗?

We'll send you the signed contract by email. 我们将通过电子邮件给您发送签署的合同。

We look forward to doing business with you. 我们期待与您合作。

常用的商务英语口语例句 17

Can you provide samples? 您可以提供样品吗?

What's your delivery time? 您的交货时间是多久?

What's your after-sale service policy? 您的售后服务政策是什么?

May I know your price? 您能告诉我价格吗?

Can we discuss the price in more detail? 我们可以详细讨论一下价格吗?

简单的商务英语口语如下: 18


I’d like to report the loss report the of my credit card.


Do you have a code number^



Then, it doesn’t matter. Even if someone has got it, he can’t cash your money if his code number is not right.


What should I do now?


You want us to transfer your deposit to a new card or to cancel it?


I want a new card.


Please tell me your name address and code number and show your identification.

好的。 。



Yes, your name, address, are all correct. I'll give you a minute.


Thanks a lot.


Good morning. What can I do for you?


Good morning. I’d like to transfer some money from my checking account to my savings account.


Please write a check to yourself by putting your name next to  pay to the order of pay to the order of


OK. Then?


Write the amount you want to transfer.




Please write it in words as well.




Write down the number of your savings account and sign your name on the back of the check.


OK. By the way, do you offer an interbank transfer service?


Yes,  we do.


Good morning. What can I do for you?

早上好。 。

Good morning.


I am here to ask you to open/issue an L/ C for my company.

My purpose of coming here is to ask you to establish an L/C for my company.


What kind of L/C?


A confirmed irrevocable L/C at sight in favor of ABC Company.

A confirmed irrevocable sight L/C in favor of ABC Company.


An L/C at 30 days after sight.

A time/ term/usance L/ C at 30 days after sight.

A 30 days time/ time L/C


What is the total amount of money?


In the amount of US $ 35000.

For the amount of US $ 35 ,000.

Its US$35,000.


What do you think of our booth?

What‘s your idea about our stand?

我们可否和把角的公司交换一下摊位?那将更有利于我们展示产品。 ?。

Could we exchange booths with the company in the corner? It would be better to display our products.


I’ll discuss this matter with them later.


Do you think it would be better to divide this space into two booths by using a wooden screen?


Do you think it would be better to move this signboard a little more to the left? Then it won’ t stand signboard   stand in the way  of our entrance.


A lot of originality! I’ll do that at once. originality


We have to order a glass display counter.


And stick a piece of paper saying  No Touch on it.


Great minds think alike.

Like knows like.


Are there any show rules?


We should wear our badges at all times.


No banners signs flags or placards may be displayed or distributed in aisles.


No cameras or other photographic equipment may be brought into the convention without the permission of show management 。


Shopping bags are allowed.


Well. Please paste up these posters on the walls in the surrounding hallways.


I will.


These are catalogues and pamphlets of our company’s products. Please put them on the left side of the counter.


Yes. What else should we do?


Remember to give our buyers your smiling face.


We sure will.

常用的商务英语口语例句 19

Dress appropriately for the occasion. 根据场合穿着合适的服装。

Keep a polite and respectful attitude. 保持礼貌和尊重的态度。

Make eye contact during conversation. 在交流中保持眼神接触。

Use proper titles when addressing someone. 在称呼别人时使用适当的头衔。

Punctuality is important. 守时很重要。

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