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时间:2024-09-11 12:14:05


父母的英文例句 篇1

1. Many are orphans, their parents killed as they scavenged for food.


2. Many parents find it hard to discourage bad behaviour.


3. Like their children, parents are often defensive about their private lives.


4. I managed to keep my parents in the dark about this.


5. She had spent years trying to track down her parents.


6. Parents were too frightened to bring their children for vaccination.


7. His parents tried to discourage his interest in music, but he persisted.


8. Parents can programme the machine not to turn on at certain times.


9. In many societies children still marry someone of their parents' choice.


10. He must have been aware that my parents' marriage was breaking up.


11. His parents' obsession with keeping up appearances haunted his childhood.


12. He was just as feared and reviled as his tyrannical parents.


13. One of his main themes is the dissimilarity between parents and children.


14. There is an element of exhibitionism in the parents' performance too.


15. One of the parents was a most obnoxious character. No-one liked him.


父母的英文 篇2

parents 英 ['peərənts]美 ['peərənts]

关于父母的英文阅读:独生子女的父母最讨厌听到这些话 篇3

1. "Have another one!"

1. "再生一个呀!"

As if you can reach into a cookie jar and pull out another child. Some people want to have more, but fertility issues make it impossible. Other people have lifestyle circumstances that get in the way of having more children.


It's not always as simple as "Have another one" - as if you can reach into a cookie jar and pull out another child. For most families, the decision to have another child is personal, complicated and not something we want brought up at yet another family gathering.


2. "Kids need siblings. It's the best gift you can give him."

2. "孩子需要兄弟姐妹。这是你能给他们的最好的礼物。"

I'd argue that the best gift you can give a child is healthy, sane parents. And I know, without a shred of doubt, being my healthiest, happiest self is a gift for my child, too.


3. "Hurry and have another while they're still close in age."

3. "趁孩子还小,赶紧再生一个,这样他们的年龄不会相差太大。"

I've been told to HURRY ever since my son turned 2 years old. Nothing like putting pressure on a person to make a life-changing decision, because if siblings aren't close in age what use could they possibly be?


I know siblings who are seven years apart and super close. My dad and his brother were 11 years apart, and he couldn't imagine a life without his brother's support and love. Plenty of kids are two years apart and vehemently hate each other for the first 25 years of their lives. It's all a crapshoot; can we at least be honest about that?


4. "Are you going to try for a little girl [or boy] now?"

4. "你们现在有没有试着再要一个女儿或儿子啊?"

I think it took approximately 72 hours after my son was born for someone to say, "So do you want to try for a girl next?" As if my life wouldn't be complete without one of each, the yin with the yang. I've heard it every year since.


5. "Only children are so lonely. Don't do that to him."

5. "独生子女很孤单的,不要对他这样。"

Don't expect to know how every only child feels. It's easy to project your own experience - or the experiences you've heard about - onto other people, but don't expect to know how every only child feels.


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