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时间:2024-06-16 23:52:22


劳动节英语手抄报内容 篇1

May day, referred to as may day, falls on May 1 every year. It is a common festival for working people all over the world.

In the past, the above-mentioned activities were mainly organized by the government, and the team included representatives of enterprises and organs. Now, in addition to the celebrations coordinated by the government, non-governmental organizations and labor groups with different political views will spontaneously hold various celebrations on this day, which can not only take this opportunity to fully explain their political views, but also expand the influence of the organization.

Generally speaking, the team should first pass through the main streets and squares of the city, and finally hold large-scale gatherings and celebrations in the ancient or wide central square. At the same time, various clubs across Russia will hold rich and colorful entertainment activities, and people's holiday mood is very high.

劳动节英语手抄报内容 篇2

The Chinese people's celebration of Labor Day dates back to 1918. That year, some revolutionary intellectuals distributed leaflets introducing may day to the masses in Shanghai, Suzhou and other places. On May 1, 1920, workers in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other cities took to the streets and held a huge parade and rally. After the founding of new China, China designated may day as a legal labor day in December 1949.

After the founding of new China, the Government Affairs Council of the Central People's government designated May 1 as the legal labor day in December 1949, with a national holiday. On this day of every year, the whole country celebrates. People put on holiday costumes, gather happily in parks, theatres and squares, participate in various celebration gatherings or recreational and sports activities, and commend workers who have made outstanding contributions. After 1989, the State Council basically commended the national model workers and advanced workers every five years, with about 3000 people each time.

On September 18, 1999, China's State Council issued the decision of the State Council on Amending the measures for the national holidays and commemorative days, which revised the measures for the national holidays and commemorative days issued by the Chinese Government Council on December 23, 1949 for the first time. It added the annual Spring Festival, may day and National Day statutory holidays to the National Day holiday, and the National Day holiday was seven days, forming three "golden weeks".

On December 14, 2007, China's State Council revised the "national measures for the holidays of annual festivals and commemorative days" for the second time, adjusting the starting time of the Spring Festival holiday from the first day of the first month of the lunar new year to new year's Eve; "May Day" was adjusted from 7 days to 3 days, with a decrease of 4 days; Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid Autumn Festival are added as legal holidays for 3 days each. May Day golden week will also become history. Since 2008, the May Day golden week has become a three-day holiday.

For workers, there are few opportunities to travel on vacation. Many people choose to travel during the three-day holiday of May Day.

Frequent busyness is harmful to health. During May Day, many people will choose SMS greetings to remind them to rest and combine work and rest.

劳动节英语手抄报内容 篇3

Labor Day began with the struggle of American workers for an eight hour working day in the 1890s. Since then, people all over the world have begun to celebrate this day - International Labor Day. The role of this day in the world reflects its power: it is on this day that all workers around the world announce to work together for a common goal.

On many may day, workers are suppressed, their activities are prohibited, and bloodshed often occurs. The May Day festival gradually lost its original meaning and became a symbolic decoration of dictatorship and centralized regime against the workers' movement; Or a safe legal holiday. Despite the fact, the workers still celebrate labor day with confidence, because everyone knows that this society is constantly developing and strong by our strength, eyes, hands and wisdom, and needs our continuous support.

It is on this day that we insist that decent work, workers' health, food and housing, education and cultural expression are our rights, not privileges. We aspire to these rights. However, on this day, we never timidly and humbly went to the judges and prison guards, never stayed where the finance ministers met, never persuaded them that the trade union was good for business, and never asked for more dialogue. It is on this day that we loudly say: your bank, your buyout and buyback have brought us pain and a large number of unemployed workers; Your trade agreements and patent system make it impossible for workers to make a living and undermine the right of all mankind to food, water and medicine. It is on this day that we say out loud: we not only want to build a better world, but also we are determined not to make the world worse and worse.

May day is a day when we celebrate the past, the present and the future. The way we celebrate is to fight for our rights and express our determination to fight for rights to the world. Let's celebrate May Day loudly and proudly.

劳动节英语手抄报内容 篇4

Today is labor day, labor! Labor is the most glorious! Labor is the happiest! Labor day, of course! So today, the three of us are cleaning up. We should clean our house clean and spotless.

OK! The cleaning has begun! My mother came to sweep the floor. My father and I cleaned the windows. After sweeping the floor, my mother mopped the floor. After mopping the floor, she came to help me and my father. When all the windows were cleaned, the floor was dry. My father and I began to apply floor wax. Floor wax is very good for the floor and plays a protective role. Mother cleans tables, chairs, cabinets and so on. When we finish waxing, my mother will soon finish wiping it. I felt my head and it was all sweat. I looked at my father and mother's head. I thought: my father and mother are also tired. Otherwise, I went downstairs to buy three ice cream. How hard they usually clean! I let my parents rest for a while, took my pocket money of one yuan and fifty cents, went downstairs and bought three puddings. When I came up, I gave one to my father, one to my mother and one to myself. After the rest, my father and I helped my mother clean the furniture... It was a tired day! Busy day!

My feeling is: Although labor is tired, my mood is happy. We must be considerate of our parents. Don't let them work too hard. Doing more housework at ordinary times is also considered as contributing to the family.

劳动节英语手抄报内容 篇5

Everyone has his own favorite festival, and so do I. do you know which festival I like? I don't know! Let me tell you! I like Labor Day best.

The reason why I like may day is that I want to help my mother. She is busy all day. I think it must be very hard.

Today is labor day. I can help my mother clean it right away. I started with sweeping the floor. I didn't expect that the clean floor could sweep so much garbage. Next, I mopped the floor. At first, I couldn't even take the mop well. I dragged it for a while and felt that the mop was dirty, so I washed it. It's really tiring. The last one is washing the dishes. I would like to think that washing the dishes is a very easy thing, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult, It took me half an hour to wash it. I think my mother is so tired! A man has finished all the work at home.

After cleaning, I wiped the sweat on my forehead and happily told my mother, "Mom, I'm finished cleaning!" Mother showed a bright smile on her face and praised me for growing up. I can help my mother reduce the burden of housework and help my mother do simple housework. I'm really happy from the bottom of my heart.

I like labor day so much, because it can relieve my mother's fatigue and do something for my mother. I work and my family is happy!

劳动节英语手抄报内容 篇6

1. The significance of May Day is that the workers' struggle has achieved gratifying results, and the working hours of workers are generally shortened. Under the pressure of workers, the governments of some countries have promulgated laws conducive to the interests of workers, which not only enhanced the confidence of the working class in struggle, but also accumulated rich experience for the International Workers' movement. Through struggle, Yu workers have won their legitimate rights and interests with a tenacious, heroic and unyielding spirit of struggle, which is a historic progress of human civilization and democracy.

2. Commemorating the working people's struggle for legitimate rights and interests: in the period of feudal society and slave society, the legitimate rights and interests of the working people were difficult to be guaranteed and even oppressed by all levels. It was not until the ideological liberation that the working people gradually began to strive for legitimate rights and interests. This is not only a rare thing, but also a thing worth remembering and celebrating. Therefore, in 1889, Engels proposed the establishment of May 1 International Labor Day and held international labor demonstrations the following year.

3. The development of human civilization: the legitimate rights and interests of working people have been protected, which is not only their own benefit, but also a great progress of human civilization in the world. When people begin to respect the rights and interests of working people, it is a leap in human civilization. Therefore, labor day has always been one of the most important festivals in most countries since it was proposed, and China has set it as a legal holiday.

4. Remind the people of the spirit of struggle: behind the labor day is the sweat of countless international workers. They marched and demonstrated for their legitimate rights and interests and fought tirelessly for human rights. This spirit is very worthy of admiration and learning, and should not be forgotten by all workers. Therefore, labor day is held every year when may day comes.

劳动节英语手抄报内容 篇7

May 1 is the international labor day. People will not miss this great time to play, and our family is no exception.

Want to know where we went? Then keep looking down!

At more than six o'clock in the morning, my mother woke me up and asked me if I would go to Phoenix Mountain. I flipped up and said, "yes! Of course!" When the things were ready, we set off.

As soon as you set foot on Fenghuang mountain, you can smell the fragrance of soil. Looking around, green grass, red flowers and green trees grow lush and full of vitality. The birds in the sky were chirping as if they were saying, "ah! How beautiful! How beautiful!"

After a while, we came to the "erlongtan" halfway up the mountain. We saw two lifelike "faucets" spraying water into the pool, splashing half a meter high spray in the pool, which was very beautiful. Puzzled, I asked my father, "how many years has the water flow of this faucet been? Where does its water come from?" My father smiled and said to me, "son, the water is from the reservoir on the mountain and connected to the" dragon mouth "with a pipe. Due to the large drop of water level, the wonder of" dragon spitting water "is formed. See? "

After Dad solved the mystery, we continued to climb up. More than ten minutes later, our family walked in the mall of the dry school of Agricultural Bank of China. Ho! It's really beautiful here. Tall eucalyptus trees stand neatly beside the sidewalk, like sergeants being reviewed. The flowers on the ground are blooming and the grass is dazzling green. People really forget themselves and enjoy this intoxicating beauty.

Don't say that during the May Day holiday, people went out to travel, but many people still came to visit Fenghuang mountain. Ah! How cool it is to be close to nature!

劳动节英语手抄报内容 篇8

Time flies, and in the twinkling of an eye, may day is the common festival of the working people all over the world. May day is specially set up for the working people, because without the working people, there will be no prosperous and information-based world.

Of course, the earliest origin of labor day came from the United States. On May 1, 1886, more than 200000 workers in Chicago held a general strike and demanded an 8-hour working system. Through their efforts, they finally succeeded. In order to commemorate the victory of this struggle, in 1889, Engels convened all workers to hold the second international conference, and finally determined that may 1 of each year was international labor day to commemorate their victory.

The working people have always existed since ancient times. As far as China is concerned, if we want to be in the distant Qin Dynasty, we can't help but praise this great and ancient Chinese civilization. In the long years of more than 2000 years, the Great Wall is like a giant dragon, leaving amazing artificial architectural relics on the earth, which contains rich ideological and cultural connotation, It embodies the hardworking and brave wisdom of the working people in ancient China. Without the hard work and sweat of the 300000 working people, how could we leave this symbol of the spirit of civilization? But in today's society, there is still a rich and colorful life without the efforts of teachers, workers and farmers? Here, I wish the working people all over the world a happy holiday and good health.

劳动节英语手抄报内容 篇9

This year's may day, our whole family went out to XX park by car.

As soon as I entered the door, many lush trees came into my eyes. They were countless. How like the stars in the sky! There was a very, very big tree. I was very curious, so I looked at it carefully, and then said solemnly, "Mom, I know the name of this tree." Mother said, "well, tell me the name of such a big tree." I blurted out, "climb the lion". Mother smiled and said, "yes, it's a climbing lion."

As we talked and laughed, we soon came to the bridge. It was very beautiful. The endless lake and tall buildings vaguely shone on the water. How like an underwater city! Soon we came to the place where we took the boat. I asked my uncle, "how long will it be before it's our turn to take the boat?" The uncle said: "About half an hour! I was stunned, but I couldn't help it. I had to wait slowly for a long time. Finally I looked forward to our boat. I immediately jumped into the boat and rowed happily. My heart was as sweet as honey. I sailed. I saw the little fish greeting us, the wild duck blessing us and wishing us a happy may day. Soon enough An hour passed. When you go back, it's because the water is too big! Some water splashes fell on my hand, as if to remind us to remember to come to this beautiful place next time.

May day passed like this. It's really an unforgettable Festival. It's a memorable holiday for the whole family.

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