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牛津小学英语教材 3B 第5课(第一课时)译林版08-02这次帅气的小编为您整理了《牛津小学英语3B》第九单元教案【优秀6篇】,希望可以启发、帮助到大家。

《牛津小学英语》3B Unit 1 B Look and learn 篇1

教学内容:《牛津小学英语》6b unit 8 prat d talk and write.练习册part f.


1、熟练掌握unit 7 的四会词汇及句型。



1、熟练掌握unit 7 的四会词汇及句型。





step 1 warm up

1. greetings

2. say a rhyme i want to write a letter.

step2 revision

t: i have a penfriend.  this is something about her . listen to the tape twice. and try to auswer the questions.

(1)what’s the name of my penfriend ?

(2)how old is she ?

(3)where does she live?

(4)what’s her telephone number?

(5)what’s her e-mail address?

(6)what are her hobbies?

(7)what’s her favourite season?

(录音内容:mary is my penfriend. she is eleven. she lives in new york. she is a student at new york primary school. her favourite subjects are english and art . she likes playing the piano and jogging . she likes. winter best, because she can make snowmen with friends .  oh. her e-mail address is mary @newyork . com.

ss answer the questions

step3 talk and write

t: can you tell me something about your best friends?






step 4 look read and complete


1、自行阅读表格,了解有关wei hua 的信息




5、学生以wei hua的身份,同桌之间进行自我介绍

step 5  homework.

组织出一期“our best friends”的海报,要求学生将各自的采访信息写成一篇短文发表在海报上。


unit 8 review and check.                     ‘s best friend

name         age           city

telephone number                    school

favourite subject                     hobbies

penfriend’s name


《牛津小学英语》3B Unit 1 B Look and learn 篇2

教学内容:h. sing a song     练习册c、d、e、f部分



2.理解歌曲内容,能准确唱出歌曲i wish i was taller。






step1 warm up

1. greetings

2. sing a song.

①listen to the tape.  ②简单介绍歌词大意。  ③sing after the tape.(2遍)

3. free talk


step2 revision

1. listen and repeat.(a部分)

2. listen and answer.(d部分)

①who’s younger, su hai’s aunt or su hai’s mother?

②is the man is black su hai’s uncle?

③is su hai’s father stronger than su hai’s uncle?

④who’s older, su hai’s father or su hai’s uncle?

3. listen and write.(b部分形容词及其比较级)

4. look and write. 出示c部分图片,指导生写出对话。

5. choose and write.

bird,    girl,    skirt,    t-shirt

the tall   in the yellow    and the blue    has a    .

step 3 do exercise.(练习册)

1. look, read and write(c部分)

①指导看懂题意。             ②指导读懂表格内容及句子内容。

可采用问答形式帮助学生理解如:t: who is taller thon jack? who is younger than jack? who is heavier than tom?…

③生自由练习。              ④read and check.

2. look and write.(d部分)


如:p1: who’s taller the boy or the girl.

p2: who’s stronger, the policeman or the doctor?

p3: who are heavier, the oranges or the pears?

p4: whose hair is longer?…

②生自由阅读并补充句子。     ③read and check.

3. look, read and write.(e部分)

①talk a bout the pictures.

t: what are they? who’s heavier? whose ears are longer? whose nose is shorter? who’s stronger?

②read the passage in pairs.

③complete the sentences.             ④read and cheek.

4. read, write and answer.(f部分)

①read the dialogues in pairs.

②指生对话                    ③指导理解对话内容

④answer the questions.

a: who is taller than john?         b: is marg stronger than john?

c: what is john good at?           d: where are they going?

⑤生自由阅读并完成练习        ⑥check it.

step 4 homework

1. read the text two times(a部分)

2. write the words two times(b部分)

3. make dialogues use the sentences of part c.


b部分词组     c部分句型及图片



《牛津小学英语》3B第二单元第一教时 篇3

一、教学目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型what are these/those? they’re ….how many kilos? …kilos, please.2. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写单词grapes.二、教具准备1、课前在教室四周贴上水果图片,将全班分成6个小组。2、超市小货架,营业员佩带的胸卡、单词、句型卡片、喇叭、帽子、各种水果实物。三、设计思路围绕“听说读写能力的培养”这一主题,通过深入浅出的句型操练,让学生在掌握句型的基础上主动参与购物、自主训练,最终达到把所学知识转化为实际应用能力的目的。三、教学过程step 1 say a rhyme《they are all play》 pears, bananas and pineapple.                   oranges, peaches and apples.                   big fruit and small fruit,                   they are all very good.(设计意图:通过复习三年级学过的一首小诗,充分调动学生的情感因素,变被动为主动,激发学生的学习兴趣。巩固再认各种水果,为呈现任务做好准备。)step 2 presentation(一)teach: what are these/those? they’re ….1. t: boys and girls, now i’ll play a game with you “touch and guess”。 look, here’s a big bag. who can come here and touch?  (一生上前来摸一下)t: what’s this?s: it’s an apple.t(面向全班):yes, it’s an apple.t: go on .(s继续摸)t:what’s this?s: it’s an apple, too.t: it’s an apple, it’s an apple, too. they’re apples.t 出示卡片they’re ….ss read together.(设计意图:从触摸游戏入手,激起学生的好奇心和积极参与的欲望,同时将学生的注意力集中到水果复数上,引出句型they’re …,同时达到句型what are these?早渗透、勤反复的目的。)2.(出示单词图片)t:what are these?  引导学生回答they’re ….(apples、oranges、pears、bananas、peaches)  t 最后出示grapes, 学习葡萄,学生拼读练习。 (拿着葡萄问学生)t:what are these?  s: they’re grapes.  practice in chains. (学生进行连锁操练what are these? they’re grapes.)  t出示句型卡片:what are these? 拼读单词these, 读整个句子。  s拿出自己带的水果进行同桌操练。  check: s1: hello, , what are these?        s2: they’re ….        s3: hello, , what are these?        s4: they’re ….        ……(设计意图:用已经学过的水果图片操练句型what are these? they’re…,引出本课新单词葡萄。这样既复习水果单词,又可以让生词、句型结合起来学习。)3. t: now, let’s play a guessing game. i put some fruit over there. can you guess what are those?(手指墙角桌上用布盖好的水果)  s: they’re ….  若学生回答不出来,继续问2遍后揭示答案。  t 手指教室四周墙上的水果图片问:what are those?   ss answer  t 出示句型卡片:what are those?  ss 拼读单词those, 读句子。  pair work: what are those? they’re ….  check(设计意图:以猜的游戏入手,抓住学生的兴奋点,引出句型 what are those?)4.t: now, let’s play. boys and girls, stand up, please. follw me.t: this, that, these, those.(边说边做手势)ss 站起来跟着做。t:now, listen and do.老师说单词,学生做手势。t: let’s say a rhyme: this this this,that that that,these these these,those those those.5. t: what are these/those?  ss: they’re….  t: they are fruit. do you like fruit?  ss: yes, i do.(设计意图:在学完两组句型之后,学生应该得到一点放松,因此接着设计一个简单的rhyme,既复习巩固了知识,又活跃了气氛,使学生全身心放松,缓和了紧张的学习气氛。)(二)teach: how many kilos?…kilos, please.1. t: now, let’s go to the supermarket. ok? close your eyes.老师戴上帽子,将贷架摆上桌,戴上售货员的牌子,拿出一只喇叭,扮演水果店老板叫卖:apples, apples, three yuan a kilo; bananas, bananas, four yuan a kilo。(设计意图:创设购物情境,教师将平时的水果店缩小了放进课堂,扮演水果店老板叫卖,同时将卡片3元/公斤three yuan a kilo、4元/公斤four yuan a kilo出示,使学生对kilo有一个初步的印象,为进一步教学kilo打下基础。)2.t 出示卡片:1公斤:one kilo 学生练说1公斤、2公斤、3公斤、4公斤 t(出示1公斤、2公斤):one kilo and two kilos, how many kilos? ss answer. 反复练习几次。(设计意图:用简单的数学加法引出how many kilos?…kilos.学生容易理解接受。)3.t出示句型卡片how many kilos?…kilos    ss 读这一句子。  t 出示5公斤、6公斤、8公斤,进行学生之间的ask and answer。  t 拿出小型水果筐(装上水电,贴上重量。)进行小组与小组之间的ask and answer.4.t: now ,boys and girls, you can come here and do some shopping. can i help you?s1 come to the front: i’d like some …,please.t: how many kilos?s1: … kilos, please.t: here you are. (老师与学生之间练习两次。i’d like some …,please.三年级已经学过,若学生一时忘了怎么说将这一句型出示一下。)t: now , who will be a saler?s3: i try.s3: can i help you?t: i’d like some …, please.s3: how many kilos?t: four kilos, please.学生与师对话两次。5. t: now you can buy some fruit from your saler. let’s have a competition.(将学生分成6组,每组一个售货员,其他同学扮演顾客向售货员买水果。每个售货员手里有十几张水果的图片,获知所购重量后,直接写在图片上,卖给顾客。最后比较哪一组的售货员卖出的水果多。)6.t: let me see. group 1 , group 2, group 3, group 4, group 5, group 6.评出优

《牛津小学英语》3B第二单元第一教时 篇4

教学内容:e. look, read and judge.补充练习a部分










step 1 warm up

1. greetings

2. sing a song: i wish i was taller!

3. free talk


step 2 revision

1. listen repeat and answer(a部分内容)

①on sunday morning. where did su hai go for a walk?

②who did she meat?

③what did they do under a big tree?

④do su yang and su hai look the same?

⑤is su hai as tall as su yang?

⑥who’s younger, su hai or su yang?

⑦does jack have any brothers or sisters?

⑧how old and is jack?

2. look and read



step 3 presentation

1.导读e部分引言部分,学习goal keeper。


3.学习165 centimeters。




6.read and check

step 4 do exercise(练习册a部分)

1. look at the pictures and talk about them.(可让生同位间进行)

2.listen to the tape.(指导生记录关键词语)

3.listen and repeat.

4. listen and judge.

5. listen and check.

step 5 home work

1. read the text of part a.

2. read and write the words two times.(b部分)


词组:b部分的形容词及其比较级goalkeeper, centimeter





《牛津小学英语》3B第二单元第一教时 篇5

unit 1 who is younger?


本单元的主要话题是两种事物的比较,通过ben, jack和su hai之间的闲聊引出本单元的主要语言项目:形容词比较级。教师可创设情景,用实物或动作将比较级的概念清晰明了地传播给学生,同时注重比较级单词的读法与写法规律。


1.能听懂会说、会读、会写单词tall, young, old, heavy。

2、能听懂会说、会读单词和词组twin, minute, centimeter, child, also, chat。

3、能听懂会说、会读日常交际用语:i’m as tall as you. su yang’s twenty minutes younger than su hai. whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine?

4.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型who’s taller then david? gao shan is taller than david。


6.会唱歌曲i wish i was taller。






课时安排:第一课时:b. look read and learn    c. work in pairs

第二课时:a. listen, read and say

第三课时:c. work in pairs         d. listen and write

第四课时:e. look, read and judge   练习册a部分

第五课时:f. play a game     g. listen and repeat     练习册b部分

第六课时:h. sing a song     练习册c.d.e.f部分



2. 注重对语法知识的渗透讲解。学生刚接触比较级对其用法易模糊,特别对于“…than…”和“…as…as…”两句型易混淆,因此教学中教师有必要对学生对此句型进行简单梳理,讲清两句型特点及区别。(详细内容见教参)

3. 注意对“who’s(比较级)than…?”和“whose…is(比较级)?”两句型的区别讲解,在教学中学生对这两句型的构成易混淆,教师要注意在新授时帮助学生理清句式特点及句意。

《牛津小学英语》3B Unit3案例 篇6

一 教学目标

1  能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a car, a bike, a bus 和 a kite。

2  能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型 what’s this/that in english? it’s a… do you like…? yes, i do. /no, i don’t.

3  能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语 i loke puzzles. me, too. i love dolls. thank you very much. look at my kite. it’s nice. let’s…

4  初步了解名词的单复数。

5  了解辅音字母j 和 k 在单词中的发音。

6  能诵读歌谣 fly, fly my kite.

二 教学重难点

1能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a car, a bike, a bus 和 a kite。

2能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型 what’s this/that in english? it’s a… do you like…? yes, i do. /no, i don’t.

三 课时安排:5课时


教学内容:《牛津小学英语》4a unit 4

一 教学目标

1能正确听说读写词语in english, do, you, like, don’t, love, a puzzle, a kite, a doll.

2能正确运用日常交际用语 what’s this/that in english? it’s a puppet. do you like puppets? 及其回答 yes, i do./ no, i don’t.


二 教学重难点

1能正确听说读写词语in english, do, you, like, don’t, love, a puzzle, a kite, a doll.

2能正确运用日常交际用语 what’s this/that in english? it’s a puppet. do you like puppets? 及其回答 yes, i do./ no, i don’t.

3正确朗读单词 puppet, puzzle.


三 教学准备


2准备 puppet puzzle kite 和 doll等玩具和图片。

3新单词卡片 a kite, a doll, a puppet, a puzzle, love.


四 教学过程

a .  free talk :

1.  good morning/afternoon. / how are you?

2. t: hello.

s: hello, miss fan.

t: what’s that on your desk?

s: it’s a dog.

t: can i have a look?

s: sure.

t: oh, i love your dog.

b .  presentation and practice


1)拿出玩偶说it’s a puppet,跟读。

2)show these toys to the ss and stick them on the bb.


1)t point to her toy and say, this is a … let ss introduce their toys with these  sentences’ this is a …’ ‘that is a…’

2)t: what’s this /that in english?

s: it’s a ..

3)ss pratice the sentence with their toys. s----ss

4)t write down the sentences.

3.介绍名词单复数,生词like love和句型do you like/ love…?及其回答

1)t point to the toy and say, a puzzle---puzzles---i like puzzles.

2) ask the puppet: do you like puzzles?模拟回答 yes, i do./ no, i don’t.

3) the puppet ask t: do you like …?  tell ss the differences between like and love.

4) ss practice.

c. read andsay

1.look at the pictures carefully and listen to the tape. guess are these sentences right?

yang ling is in nancy’s home.

yang ling and nancy like puppets.

they like kites.

yang ling and nancy like puzzles.

they don’t love dolls.







d.   consolidation

game  t:what’s this…?

s:it’s a …  (guess)

t:do you like this…?

s:yes, i do. i love…

t:here is a … for you.

s:thank you.

e.assign homework

1. 听录音,朗读,表演。

2. 自编对话。


教学内容:《牛津小学英语》4a unit 4

一 教学目标

1.能正确听说读写单词a car a bus a bike a kite.

2. 能正确听说读单词 a balloon.

3. 能正确听说读写句子 what’s this/that in english?及其回答it’s a …

4. 能朗读歌谣fly, fly my kite

二 教学重难点

1. 能正确听说读写单词a car a bus a bike a kite.

2.能正确听说读单词 a balloon.

3. 能正确听说读写句子 what’s this/that in english?及其回答it’s a …

三 教学准备




四 教学过程

a.free talk

t: look,boys and girls. what’s this in english? (木偶)

s: it’s a puppet.

t: do you like puppets?

s:yes, i do. no, i don’t.


b. bevision

1. review read and say, act it.

2. 复习单词a puppet a puzzle a doll, 学生贴图片。

c. look read and learn

1. (气球) t: look at this picture. what’s this in english? oh, it’s a balloon. it’s red. it’s a nice balloon. do you like balloons?

ss: yes.

t: now read the word ‘balloon’ after me. can you put it on the bb?

2. play a game: what’s missing?

3. t:look at the picture. what’s this in english?

ss: it’s a car.

t: now let’s read andc spell the word ‘car’ (twice)

t:who can put it on the bb?


4. play a game what’s missing?


d. work in pairs

1.t: look here. what’s this in english?

ss: it’s a pen.

t: what’s that in english?

ss: it’s a book.


2. work in pairs.

e. say a rhyme

1. 听录音,欣赏

2. 介绍大义,朗读。

f. assign home work

1. 抄写四会单词和句子。

2. 朗读并默写四会单词和句子。


教学内容:《牛津小学英语》4a unit 4

一 教学目标

1. 通过复习,掌握本单元的单词和句型what’s this/that in english?及其回答。

2. 进一步掌握句型do you like…? 及其回答。

二 教学重难点

1. 能四会掌握do you like… 及其回答。

三 教学准备

1.磁带 录音机 幻灯 玩具 图片


四 教学过程

a. free talk

1. say a rhyme

2. free talk

b. revision

t: now let’s review some words and sentences.

what’s this in english?

ss: it’s pen.

t: do youlike pens?

ss: yes, i do.

t: me, too.


c. work in pairs

1. 出示表格ask and answer









2. practice in groups

3. report

1) how many ss like…?

2) who are they?

d. look and read



e. assign homework

1. 默写本单元的单词。

2. 用do you like…? 了解别人对物品的喜欢与否。


教学内容:《牛津小学英语》4a unit 4

一 教学目标

1. 通过复习,掌握本单元所学的单词和句型。


3.能初步了解辅音字母j k在单词重的发音。


二 教学重难点



三 教学准备

1.磁带 录音机 实物投影仪 玩具 六种颜色牌子 水彩笔


四 教学过程

a. say a rhyme.

b. free talk

t: look! what’s this in english?

s: it’s a car.

t: do you like cars?

s: yes, i do. …

t: here’s a car for you.


c. read and act

1. 出示风筝的头影片

t: what’s this in english?

ss: it’s a kite.

t: … come here ,please.

s1: all right.

t: look at my kite. do you like it?

s1: it’s nice. i like it.

t; let’s color it.

t: do you like red? …

2. 听录音两遍

3.  ask and answer: whose kuite is it?  do you like it?

4. 跟读 学生轻声读 同桌分角色读 出示投影编对话。

d. listen and repeat

1. t : now let’s look at this picture. ( jim juice key kitchen)

ss: 跟说这四个单词,体会。

2. 含有j k的单词 jacket jogging  kite

e. play a game

1. 六个人带六种颜色,老师说i like red.有红色的学生把牌子给老师,然后他发口令。

2. 组内玩游戏。

3. 输了说歌谣。

f. assign homework


2. 背诵并表演read and act

3. 自编对话。

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