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时间:2023-07-12 12:24:19


阶梯的英语例句: 篇1


He was halfway down the ladder when he fell.


Forget the ladder; climb the jungle gym.


A file of passengers was coming down the steps.


A notched board at either side of a staircase that supports the treads and risers.


Hard work is often a ladder to success.


He is still on the bottom ring of the political ladder.


A trough running parallel to the staircase was used to drain the ziggurat.


The boss has offered you a higher rung on the career ladder, but you're not ready to climb.


But this ladder does not go straight up.


A flight of steps leads up to it through a deep and gloomy but magnificent arch.


This young man knows how to climb the social ladder.


He is still on the bottom rung of the political ladder.


The broom went up and down the steps.


Those at the bottom of the ladder do not have far to fall.


We will have class in the theatre this afternoon.


Hope lifts us step by step up the mysterious ladder, the top of which no eye hath ever seen.


Courage is the ladder to achieve your dream.


If people think they can move up the income ladder, they're willing to tolerate a larger equality gap.


A new type of underwater welding system is studied, which includes an oscillating wire feed system and a welding power source with staircase external characteristic.


Diners can access the plane via a flight of stairs near the tail, and the public must go through the restaurant in order to enter the aircraft.

ladder的意思 篇2

n. 梯子,阶梯,梯状物,途径,(紧身裤袜或长筒袜的)滑丝

vi. 使(袜子)发生抽丝现象,像长筒袜一样抽丝

变形:过去式: laddered; 现在分词:laddering; 过去分词:laddered;

阶梯英语单词 篇3


ladder英语例句库 篇4

1.The ladder rests firmly against the tree.梯子稳固地靠在树上

2.The ladder went at the critical moment.在关键时刻梯子垮了。

3.Have you any nylons that won't ladder?你有不会抽丝的尼龙袜子吗?

4.There was a workman up the ladder.有一个工人在梯子上工作。

5.Be careful not to fall off the ladder.当心别从梯子上掉下来。

6.He laddered to the top of his profession.他跃 上他的行业的最高峰。

7.He climbed the ladder in defiance of the warning.他无视警告爬上了那架梯子。

8.Hand the paintbrush up to Father on the ladder.父亲在梯子上, 把油漆刷子递给他。

9.Stand on a ladder and suplex your opponent out of the ring in a ladder match.在梯子大战中,站在梯子上将对手扔到场外。

10.This ladder won't reach the roof.这个梯子够不到屋顶。

11.The ladder won't reach the window.梯子够不到窗户。

the ladder against the wall.把梯子靠在墙上。

13.This ladder is riddled with woodworm.这个梯子已经让蛀虫蛀了很多洞。

14.Hold the ladder tightly and move up a rung at a time.抓紧梯子一级一级地往上爬。

15.The other one is the assurgent ladder truck including 5 different angle combinations.第二类为直升式云梯车,其形式共区分为5种不同的角度组合。

be safe you should go up a ladder one rung at a time.为安全起见, 登梯子时你应该一步一步往上爬。

17.The ladder gave way.梯子塌了

18.Is that ladder stable?那架梯子平稳吗?

19.Is this ladder secure?这梯子牢靠吗?

20.He is not the first politician to kick down the ladder by which he has risen to exalted heights.他不是第一个被抬上高位便忘恩负义的政客。

阶梯英语单词 篇5


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