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Unit 2 What time is it? 教案优秀7篇

时间:2023-05-15 07:39:00

Unit 2 What time is it? 教案 篇1

b let’s talk let’s find out c let’s check


1. enable listen, read the main sentences: it’s … o’clock. it’s time for … \ it’s time to …

2. know “hurry! oops. i’m ready.”

3. to do the part of let’s check.

analysis of the teaching

important points:

the main sentences in the dialogue: it’s time to get up. it’s time for english.

difficult points:

the sentences: breakfast is ready! hurry!

knowledge points:

the differences between “it’s tome to …” and “it’s time for…”

analysis of the students:

the students can read the words fluently in the last class, so it will be easy for them to learn the dialogue.

teaching aids

1. the courseware of this lesson.

2. the head ware of the main characters.

3. a tape recorder, a tape and a clock.

teaching procedure

step one  warm-up

1. review the part of let’s chant.

2. the daily talk and the free-talk:

t: what time is it?

s: it’s eight o’clock. it’s time for english class.

t: yes, it’s time for english class. are you ready?

s: yes, i’m ready.

t: ok, class begins.

3. let’s check

a. game

show the clock and turn it. let the students guess “what time is it?”

tips: 8:30 8:13 12:00 2:12

7:05 7:50 9:40 9:05

in the right time students in the process, the teacher can infiltrate "ready." when student guesses right, "oops!" said a surprised.

b. the teacher inspires students in this time of the eight will be doing things out and write on the blackboard, use “it’s time to ….\ it’s time for …” for example:

for english class, for lunch, for pe class, for music class, for breakfast; to go to school, to go to bed, to get up.

c. let’s check

(teaching intention: firstly, the ss can be interested in english and set up a good english atmosphere. secondly, ss can be confident in english studying.)

step two presentation

a. the presentation of the dialogue

t: boys and girls, he is mike. what is he doing?

ss: he is sleeping.

t: his mother says to him to get up.

mike: oh! it’s 6:30. it’s time to get up.

mom: breakfast is ready!

mom: hurry! it’s 7:05. it’s time to go to school.

t: what time is it?

ss: it’s 8 o’clock. it’s time for english.

mike: i’m ready!

b. make a chant

hurry, hurry, the boy is hurry.

oops, oops, the boy oops.

then act and guess “hurry \ oops”

to show the courseware and it’s easy for ss to understand the dialogue.

the ss should act it out.

step three practice

1. listen to the tape and imitate.

2. make an act-out to the whole class.

3. practice in groups.

have a competition between the boys and the girls.

step four consolidation and extension

1.     to invent a new dialogue.

2.     let’s find out.

learn how to use english to understand their own movies to watch the performances, location and time and to make a choice.

3.     a little text.

fill in the blanks. (选词填空,每空填一次。)

for    to   it’s  is   8:06

1.     it’s time _______get up.

2.     breakfast _________ ready.

3.     it’s time __________english.

4.     what time is it? it’s _______.

5.     ________ 7:05. it’s time to go to school.

on the black board:

unit 2 what time is it?

let’s talk

it’s 6:30. it’s time to get up.

it’s 7:05. it’s time to go to school.

it’s 8 o’clock. it’s time for english.


1. listen to the tape for 3 times

2. act the dialogue with your partners

4.     recite the dialogue.

teacher’s notes

在这节课中, 重点是让学生掌握时间的问句极其回答方式, 对学生来说 ,这属于比较难得知识了,所以,应让学生多练,多读。 breakfast ….注意其读音。要在情景中学,在情景中运用英语。

Unit 2 What time is it? 教案 篇2

unit two what time is it?

teaching aims:

ability objects

1.enable knows the sentences of asking time and know how to answer it, for example: what time is it? it’s nine o’clock.

2.enable describes: it’s time for english class. it’s time to go to school.

3.enable knows the orders: time for breakfast. drink some milk.

4.enable says the schedule of one day: such as: 6:30 get up; 7:05 go to school; 4:35 go home; 9:00 go to bed.

5.enable makes a schedule of one day by them.

knowledge objects

1.ss must master the words: breakfast, english class, lunch, music class, p.e class, dinner

2.ss should master the important sentences: what time is it?

it’s nine o’clock.

it’s time for english class.

3.listen , say , read and write the four-skilled words : one , two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight , nine , ten.

music, math, chinese, english, p.e.

the four-skilled sentences: what time is it?

it’s two o’clock.

it’s 9:45. it’s time for math class.

affection, strategies, culture awareness objects

1.to foster the interests of learning english, to bring up the feelings of having a good attitude of study.

2.to have a good arrangement of their time.

3.to form a good habits of value time, and make full use of time.

analysis of the contents

teaching important points

the master of the main sentences and the four-skilled words

teaching difficult points

the expression of the main sentences:what time is it?

it’s two o’clock.

it’s 9:45. it’s time for math class.

the teaching arrangements: 6 times

1. a let’s learn let’s do c task time

2.a let’s talk let’s playc let’s sing

3.a read and write c good to know

4.b let’s learn let’s chant c story time

5.b let’s talk let’s find outc let’s check

6.b read and writec pronunciation

unit 2 what time is it?  教案 (1)

a let’s learn let’s do c task time


1. enable listen, say the words: breakfast, english class, lunch, music class, p.e. class, dinner

2.enable master the main sentences:what time is it?it’s nine o’clock. it’s time for english class.

3.enable knows the orders and do the actions.

4.compete the “ task time”

analysis of the teachingimportant points:

the words: breakfast, english class, lunch, music class, p.e. class, dinner

difficult points:

the sentences: what time is it?it’s nine o’clock. it’s time for english class.

knowledge points:

how to expression of the time.

analysis of the students:

it is difficult for the students to use the new words freely.

but let’s do is easy.

teaching aids

1. the teaching picture of the clock.

2.the cards of the new words

3.a tape recorder, a tape.

teaching procedure

step one warm-up

1.sine a song: one two three four five(book2)

2.ok. next we will review some part we learned past. so listen and act.

3. the free-talk

t: what’s this?

ss: it’s an english book.

t: how many ss are there in your class?

ss: forty –five.

t: how many books do you have?

how many pencils do you have?

(teaching intention: firstly, the students can be interested in english by singing and acting. secondly, review the old knowledge and lay a foundation. )

step two presentation

1.the expression of time

a.the teacher shows the clock: look, what’s this? yes, it’s a clock. what time is it? it’s one o’clock.

b.read the word: o’clock

c.guess game:

use the clock guess “what time is it?”

read “what time is it?”

2. the presentation of the new words

a. t: boys and girls look here, what’s time is it?

ss: it’s … o’clock.

t: let’s have our english class.

t: the t shows the picture o f the word of: english class.

and then practice the new word. it’s very easy for the ss to master this word.

b. then practice the words: class, class, english class.

t: what’s this?

ss: it’s a table.

t: what’s on the table?

ss: noodles, rice.

t: we have them for lunch.

then show the word: lunch.

lunch, lunch, potatoes for lunch

d.by the same way to show the other words: music class, p.e. class.

3.the presentation of the sentences: the t shows the action of looking at the watch, and says: what time is it?

t: who knows the meaning of the sentences?

t: what time is it?

ss: nine.

t: it’s nine o’clock.

we’re having english class.

t: it’s nine o’clock. it’s time for english class.

practice the sentence in groups.

one: what time is it?

two: it’s nine o’clock. it’s time for english class.

step three practice

1. use the time table model and practice using the other words, such as:

one:what time is it?

two:it’s two o’clock.it’s time for music class.

one:what time is it?

two:it’s four o’clock. it’s time for p.e. class.

one:what time is it?

two:it’s eleven o’clock. it’s time for lunch.

(praise: good; ok; great; excellent; very good; wonderful; try hard; come on.)

2. the presentation of let’s do.

t: it’s seven o’clock. it’s time for breakfast. oh, time for breakfast.

next let’s do.

time for breakfast.drink some milk.

time for lunch. have some chicken.

time for dinner. eat some rice …….

learn this chant by different ways. compete between the boys and the girls.

have a competition between groups.

(teaching intention: the ss can be at ease after the hard study.)

step four consolidation & extension

1. use the time table model and practice using the other words, such as: one:what time is it?

two:it’s two o’clock. it’s time for music class.

one:what time is it?

two:it’s four o’clock. it’s time for p.e. class.

one:what time is it?

two:it’s eleven o’clock. it’s time for lunch.

2. a little test:

listen and tick or cross.(听录音,判断图片是否与所读的句子相符。)

课本p16 let’s do 图片1

课本p16 let’s do 图片5

课本p16 let’s do 图片3

课本p16 let’s do 图片2

课本p16 let’s do 图片6

课本p16 let’s do 图片4

( )

time for breakfast. drink some milk.

time for lunch. have some chicken.

time for dinner. eat some rice.

time for p.e. jump and run.

time for english. read and write.

time for music. sing and dance!


listen to the tape 3times

remember the new words and let’s do

on the blackboard:

put on the following cards on the black board.

unit two what time is it?

boysgirlsbreakfast english class lunch

musicclassp.e. classdinner

*what time is it?

it’s nine o’clock.

it’s time for english class.

teacher’s notes

在教授这一节课时, 学生总体上来说是比较容易的。


其次是,句子的导入在情景中, 学生自然而然的明


Unit 2 What time is it? 教案 篇3

a read and write c good to know


1. master the writing of the words: 1-10, and “what time is it? it’s two o’clock.

2. know “read and write”

3. at the same time understanding of the countries in the time to express the difference.

analysis of the teachingimportant points:

master the writing of the words: 1-10, and “what time is it? it’s two o’clock.

difficult points:

at the same time understanding of the countries in the time to express the difference.

knowledge points:

write the four skill words

analysis of the students:

the students can read the words before, so it will be easy for them to write the words. but they don’t know the sentences,so write the sentences are very difficult.

teaching aids

1.the pictures of the words.

2.a map of the world.

3.a tape recorder, a tape.

step one warm-up

1. review the part of let’s do and sing and do it

2. listen and draw.

1.the teacher says the time and the students draw.

3. the daily talk and the free-talk.

t: good morning. how do you do?

s: how do you do?

t: what time is it now?

s: it’s nine o’clock. it’s time for english class.

(teaching intention: firstly ,the ss can be interested in english by singing and set up a good english atmosphere. secondly, ss can be confident in english studying.)

step two presentation

1. what time is it? it’s … o’clock.

a. t: look at the map of the world. what time is it in beijing?

s: it’s two o’clock.

teacher shows a map of the world so that students observe beijing and other cities the time to answer questions. and put the sentences on the blackboard.

b. guide the students to remember the spelling of sentence.

2. write the words: 1—10

a. t: it’s two o’clock in beijing, which one is two?

s: that one is two.

t: who can come here and write down the word?

s: i can.

in the same way, teach the other words.

b. then look at the map. then tell me, what time is it in london\ new york\ sydney?

s: it’s six \ one\ four.

c. listen, read and point.

d. spelling the words.

step three practice

1. after the listening of the tape, the ss will practice the four-skilled words:

pay attention to the good habits of the handwriting.

(teaching intention:firstly: make the students grasp the new lesson.secondly: revise the old knowledge. )

2. games

when the ss master the words, the teacher can use some games to practice the four-skilled words. such as: read the words quickly. pass over the words. listen and then find the words. guess the words. make a choice.

(teaching intention: make the students use the new lesson . secondly: foster the students’ ability to study on their own. assess them fairly.)

step four consolidation and extension

1. do the wb of this part: a read and write

2. know “good to know”

simple on the question of the time difference, through observation of students in four different cities map at the same time as the time difference, figure out the four cities of the time difference between

different cities.

3. read and write cross. ( 根据实际情况,填写。)

1) it’s ______ o’clock. school is over.

2) ________________________?

it’s two o’clock.

3) please write the words: 1- 10


home work

1. listen to the tape for 3 times

2. rewrite the four-skilled words and sentences.

on the black board:

unit 2 what time is it?

what’s time is it?

it’s two o’clock.

onetwothere fourfive

sixseveneightnine ten

teacher’s notes

课堂中运用游戏教学可以激发学生学生学习英语的兴趣,起到催化剂的作用,但就要求老师课前一定要做到心中有数,要作到善始善终,及时进行评价,方能受到良好的效果。本课主要是要求学生掌握正确的书写方式, 尤其是句子的书写, 注意大小写正确的标点符号。

Unit 2 What time is it? 教案 篇4

b let’s learn let’s chant c story time


1.       to master the things of one day :

get up       go to school        go home       go to bed

2.     to say the different things and the time

it’s 7:05.    it’s time to go to school.

it’s 6:30.    it’s time to get up.

it’s 7:05.    it’s time to go to school.

it’s 4:35.     it’s time to go home.

it’s 9:00.     it’s time to go to bed.

3.     the part of let’s chant.

4.     know the story time.

analysis of the teaching

important points:

the main phrases: get up; go to school; go home; go to bed.

the sentence:  it’s 7:05. it’s time to go to school.

difficult points:

the other sentences using the other phrases:

it’s 6:30. it’s time to go to school.

it’s 4:35. it’s time to go home.

it’s 9:00. it’s time to go to bed.

knowledge points:

the usage of “go”。

analysis of the students:

it is very easy for the students to use the new phrases. and they have learned from book3: go home, go to school. pay attention to how to correctly time the expression.

teaching aids

1. the pictures of the different things.

2.     the timetable and a clock.

3.     a tape recorder, a tape.

teaching procedure

step one  warm-up

1.     let’s sing.  ten little candles ( book2 unit 6)

2.     act out the part of let’s talk.

3.     the daily talk and the free-talk.

t: good morning. how do you do?

s: how do you do?

t: what time is it now?

s: it’s nine o’clock. it’s time for english class.

(teaching intention: firstly, the ss can be interested in english by singing and set up a good english atmosphere. secondly, ss can be confident in english studying.)

1.     step two presentation

a.     the presentation of how to correctly time the expression

t: look at the clock. what time is it?

s: it’s … o’clock. it’s time for…

teacher can watch on the blackboard writing class at the time, and guide students in the class at the time say.

t: look at the clock. what time is it now?

s: it’s … o’clock. it’s time for english.

then the students can practice in groups.

b.     presentation of the new phrases: get up; go to school; go home; go to bed.

t: look at the picture. who is she?

s: she is chen jie.

t: what is she doing?

s: she is getting up.

teach the ss the phrase: get up.

practice the phrase: get up. use the different ways to practice the phrase.

use the same to show the other phrases: go to school; go home; go to bed.

the students can ask and answer with their partners and find who the “industrious bee” is.

“when do you get up? i get up at …”

step three practice

1. listen to the tape and imitate.

2. practice the following sentences:

it’s 6:30. it’s time to get up.

it’s 7:05. it’s time to go to school.

it’s 4:35. it’s time to go home.

it’s 9:00. it’s time to go to bed.

3. game

use the big timetable to have a competition to practice the sentences.

4.     let’s chant

a.     to listen, and then with that.

b.     watch, say and do.

step four consolidation and extension

1. to invent a chant of the new sentences:

it’s 6:30. it’s time to get up.

it’s 7:05. it’s time to go to school.

it’s 4:35. it’s time to go home.

it’s 9:00. it’s time to go to bed.

2.     story time

students understand the story, while education students not to open too joke.

3. a little text.

read and write. (写出下列短语的汉语意思。)

get up _________              go to school ________________

go home _________            go to bed ___________

go to the canteen ____________   go to the playground________

at the classroom door _____________ beside her clock _________

on the black board:

unit 2 what time is it?

b  let’s learn

6:30                 get up

7:05                 go to school

4:35                 go home

9:00                 go to bed

it’s 7:05.      it’s time to go to school.


1. listen to the tape for 3 times

2. practice the main sentences with your desk mate.

teacher’s notes

本课的内容与学生生活实际相联系, 所以在教授是也要注意

在情景中教授新知。这样会大大提高学生的积极性, 从而提高课堂效率。 要注意知识的拓展, 比如说在教授:it’s 7:05. it’s time to go to school. 就能很自然的过度到其他类似句子的教授, 还可以把时间换为学生生活实际中的时间,很好的做到了英语与生活实际相结合

Unit 2 What time is it? 教案 篇5

b read and write c pronunciation


1. to listen, read, say and write the new words: music, math, chinese, english, and p.e.

2. to master the four-skilled sentences: it’s 9:45. it’s time for math class.

3. to use the sentences structure and say the other sentences freely.

4. understanding e vowel in the alphabet opens and closes the syllable pronunciation rules.

analysis of the teaching

important points:

the main sentences: it’s time for music class.

it’s time for math class.

it’s time for chinese class.

it’s time for english class.

it’s time for p.e. class.

difficult points:

the four-skilled words and sentences

knowledge points:

write the four skill words: chinese, english, and p.e.

know the differences between o’clock and clock.

analysis of the students:

the students can read the words before, so it will be easy for them to write the words. but write the words are very difficult. pay attention to the writing.

teaching aids

1. the cards of the new words.

2. a big timetable. written courses on it.

3. a tape recorder, a tape.

teaching procedure

step one  warm-up

1.       review the part of let’s chant.

2.       sing a song: it’s twelve o’clock.

3.       the daily talk and the free-talk.

4.       act out the part of let’s talk.

(teaching intention: firstly, the ss can be interested in english by singing and set up a good english atmosphere. secondly, ss can be confident in english studying.)

step two presentation

1.       the presentation of the new words.

t: look at here. what’s this?

s: it’s a clock.

t: what time is it?

s: it’s 8:30. it’s time for english class.

show the word: english.

teach and practice the word: english.

english, english, english class

i like english class.

use the same to show the other words: math, chinese, english

p.e.  class

and then practice the words.

2.       the presentation of the whole sentences

t: what time is it?

s: it’s 8 o’clock. it’s time for english class.

t: who can write the words of the whole sentences?

then the t sets an example of the right writing way of the whole sentences, and then the ss take out the exercise book, and write the sentences.

(teaching intention: the presentation of the new contents)

3. let’s chant

use a simple chant to practice math, chinese, english.

th     th    m-a-t-h       math

ch    ch    c-h-i-n-e-s-e   chinese

sh    sh    e-n-g-l-i-s-h     english

4. write the four- skilled words and the sentences.

step three practice

listen to the tape and imitate

1.       practice the dialogue with the desk mate.

one is zoom.  the other is zip.

2.       game :

use the big timetable to have a competition between the boys and girls.

the t shows the time and the course, the ss should say as quickly as possible.

and then have a competition between groups.

who wins, who will get a star.

3.       have a competition of writing the words.

(teaching intention: have a good master of the new contents; lay a foundation for the next learning.)

step four consolidation and extension

1. the writing sentences by the other subjects:

it’s time for music class.

it’s time for math class.

it’s time for chinese class.

it’s time for english class.

it’s time for p.e. class.

(teaching intention: the ss can understand and master the new contents very well.)

2. pronunciation

3. a little text.

translate. (汉译英。)

音乐课                    数学课

语文课                    英语课


on the black board:

unit 2 what time is it?

read and write

music      math      chinese     english

it’s 9:45.  it’s time for music class.

it’s 11:05. it’s time for english class.

it’s 4:20.  it’s time for p.e. class.

it’s 2:50.  it’s time for chinese class.


1.     listen to the tape for 3 times.

2.     write the new words for 3 times.

3.     make a dialogue with your partner.

a; look at my clock. what time is it?

b: it’s 8:30. it’s time for music class.

a: look at my clock. what time is it?

b: it’s 9:45. it’s time for math class.

a: look at my clock. what time is it?

b: it’s 2:50. it’s time for chinese class.

teacher’s notes

课堂中运用游戏教学可以激发学生学生学习英语的兴趣,起到催化剂的作用,但就要求老师课前一定要做到心中有数,要作到善始善终,及时进行评价,方能受到良好的效果。本课主要是要求学生掌握正确的书写方式, 尤其是句子的书写, 注意大小写正确的标点符号。

Unit 2 What time is it? 教案 篇6

a let’s talk let’s play c let’s sing

teaching objectives

1. enable understands the dialogue, and can express the dialogue, and can use the dialogue in a certain situation.

2.enable uses the main sentences frequently: what time is it?

it’s 5:00.

3.to invent a new dialogue by groups. know “just a minute. let’s run. go home”

4.sing the song: it’s twelve o’clock.

the analysis of teaching

important points:

the sentences: what time is it now?

it’s 5:00. it’s 6:00. it’s time for dinner.

the difficult points:

the sentences: school is over.

just a minute.

let’s run.

knowledge points:

the usage of “it’s time for…”

analysis of the students:

the students can read the words fluently in the last class, so it will be easy for them to learn the dialogue. pay attention to the usage of “it’s time for…”

teaching aids

1.the teaching picture

2.the courseware.

3.the head ware of the main two persons.

4.a tape, a tape recorder.

teaching procedure

step one warm-up

1.review the part of let’s do.

2.the free-talk.

t: good morning. how are you?

s: fine. thank you. and you?

t: i’m fine. thanks.

t: what time is it now?

s: it’s nine o’clock. it’s time for english class.

ss: english class, english class, i love you.

(teaching intention: firstly, the ss can be interested in english by singing and set up a good english atmosphere. secondly, ss can be confident in english studying.)

step three presentation

1. let’s go to the playground.

shows the word-cards: playground, canteen, computer room, teacher’s office, garden, home and so on

the teacher shows the card one of them, and the students say: let’s go to the…

2. school is over.

teacher draws a clock and asks: what time is it?

it’s 5 o’clock.

yes, school is over, now.

read “school is over.”

3. show the courseware and asks: who are they?

he is wuyifan and he is john.

they are good friends.

john: school is over. let’s go to the playground .

wu: ok.

use the courseware to show the contents.

(teaching intention: presentation of the new lesson)

then listen, read and point. just a minute. (read “just a minute.)

step three practice

1. after the reading of let’s talk, the ss can practice in pairs and then act out the dialogue.

(teaching intention:firstly: make the students grasp the new lesson. secondly: revise the old knowledge. )

2. sing the song “it’s twelve o’clock”

step four consolidation and extension

1. do the exercise book of a let’s talk

2. make a new talk.

3. a little test:

read and choose. (选择填空。)

( ) 1. let’s __________.

a. go home b. go to home( )

2. it’s time ___ english.

a. for b. to

( ) 3. just ____ minute.

a. ab. an

( ) 4. let’s _______ school.

a. go b. go to

5. _______ is it?it’s 1 o’clock/

a. whatb. what time

home work

1. listen to the tape for 3 times

2. act the dialogue

3. make the new sentences with other words.

the blackboard design

unit 2 what time is it?

school is over.let’s go to the playground.

what time is it? it’s 5:00.

it’s time for dinner.

teacher’s notes

句子教学由一个简单的情景导入, 让学生在真实的语言环境中感知语言, 理解语言, 自由发挥, 但在对话的练习中,缺少一个model, 有了则会一目了然。 在教学中应让学生掌握正确的语音,语调,应变老师的领读为学生的模仿,注意just a minute 的模仿。

Unit 2 What time is it? 教案 篇7

unit 2   what time is it?教案

period 4  b  let’s learn

teaching aims :

be able to listen say and read :get up  go to school  go home  go to school.

be able to use: it’s time to ......

be able to say let’s chant .

to understand story time.

teaching step

step1   revision

warm : play a game     what’s 1and 3? ......

let’s chant.

sing a song.

step 2  presentation

t: can you guess what time it is? (用手臂做分针和时针)

s: it’s nine o’clock.

t: what time is it ?

s: it’s five o’cclock......

t: school is over. where do you go?

s: we go home .

t: it’s time to go home .look ,it’s 7:05. where do you go ?

s: it’s time to go to school /get up /go to bed......

t: it’s 4:30.where do you go ?

s: go home .

t: in the evening at nine o’clock, what do you do?

s: go to bed .

t: in the morning at 6:30, what do you do ?

ss: get up .

t : ask your friends ,at that time ,what do they do?

step3   practice

t: ( ask a girl standing at the classroom door)  where is jane ?

s: at the classroom door.

t: do you like eating noodles?

s: yes .

t: eating noodles from the plate.

ss: eating noodles from the plate .

t: can you guess where john is ?

s: he is beside the door /window /clock /......

t: what is he doing ?

s: he is sleeping .

t: yes .sleeping beside her clock.

t: open your books and turn to page 18, listen to the tape and read it.

step 4  consolidation and extension

1. do your activity book.

2. make a rest time with yourfather .

3. speak let’s chant with your partna.

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