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时间:2023-05-16 01:51:03


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英文鬼故事短篇带翻译:换脸面膜 篇5






没牌子的面膜你敢用啊,万一毁容了咋办, 店主用这些话就是吸引顾客的。小青不在意。












好, 两件,包了。刘艳笑眯眯的拿着小青的卡刷。









































































In the face film

Liu yan and xiaoqing are very good friends, grew up, like a transparent glass, there are no secrets to each other.

Two people like wearing the same clothes, share their favorite food. Brothers, two people was like peas and carrots, the different personality, liu yan lively open and bright, xiaoqing uncommunicative. Therefore, xiaoqing to beginning to end have only liu yan, a close friend, liu yan side around like her character's friends.

Xiaoqing, come on, I found a mask. Liu yan shopping on the Internet, all of a sudden surprise, was reading of the xiaoqing jumped.

What's the matter? Xiaoqing came over and picking up a cup of water to liu yan.

Can magic mask, acome removing white. This: there are a few words for girlfriends best, with this face film can try out the trust between girlfriends.

No brand of facial mask do you dare to use ah, one thousand disfigured ends in, the owner is with these words of attracting customers. Xiaoqing don't care.

If you try, the two of us together, disfigured za two together is destroyed. Liu yan in pettish, big eyes looked at xiaoqing pathetic.

Good good, you buy it. Xiaoqing contrast their small liu yan is a basic should be according to a few days.

Liu yan hurriedly went to the toilet, I go to the toilet, you place the order.

Xiaoqing carefully watch the conformity certification, etc., this face film, suddenly saw a few words to a little bit of interest, then under the single. That she didn't tell liu yan, plan to verify the validation.

A few days later, a big package to the front of liu yan and xiaoqing. Liu yan open on see, is full of face film, wow! Xiaoqing, how much you bought the mask.

Xiaoqing shrugged, not much, you and me every seven days.

First night before going to bed, liu yan tear mask, gel is red, look like a plasma. Some fears, xiaoqing liu yan to see her in this way, and made some first mask on his face, big night, on the red face was full of terror! The wind out of the window, let the mood become very weird, liu yan some back, but see xiaoqing stare, feeling behind freshened, she summoned the courage to put the mask on the face. Sleep mask is without washing, it will slowly slowly deep penetrate into your skin

A week will past, xiaoqing, Liu Yanyong after a sleep mask, face without any discomfort, and has good effect, the skin more smooth, two people are happy to smile, they go out shopping together.

The introduction of clothing store, the shop assistant warmly with the most fashionable clothes, from time to time about their beauty, beauty, you look like oh, isn't twins?

Liu yan is very useful words clearly, isn't it, but we have no blood relationship ah. Pulling xiaoqing stood before the glass, constant comparison, yi, are really like, only to find that today, you see you see, I am a round face, a little now come to a point, you're a little round the frame of oh, ah, I'm envious of your eyelids that mole, a dense eyelash occlusions, is like concealed, I didn't realize I was too long, and I see you liu yan twittering kept talking, check on the face of change, compared with xiaoqing's face.

Clerk very clever not disturbing, stood quietly, after they finish, the cloak of Europe type style is best for you this figure have the beauty of the material, if you buy, I can give you discount.

Good, two pieces, package. Liu yan take xiaoqing card is smiling.

Clerk neat packaging with clothing, beauty, see your skin is so good, what maintain article? The clerk hands pass xiaoqing the clothes.

Have girlfriends can use mask oh. Liu yan blinked nifty answered, holding xiaoqing hand go away.

On the way, why don't you tell her what is the mask. Xiaoqing with a smile.

If I told her that she become beautiful, the world is not the part of the handsome boy ran her.

Xiaoqing knocked liu yan's head. A lot of people are very envious of their friendship, but more think they are Lez.

When any advantages and disadvantages of familiar to each other face, all of the changes will not care about, because already as your own.

Company, liu yan is the manager's assistant, she is holding a stack of files ready to go to the manager's office, enroute to a man, I'm sorry, MingXu, I didn't mean to. Liu yan some blush, slightly shy apology.

MingXu also is the staff of the company, angular face, very manly, is the company's female colleague in the male god, he is the boss's secretary. MingXu squatted down to help liu yan pick up something, he looked at liu yan, in the eyes of a gentle, you, more and more beautiful.

thank you Liu yan's daughter hot, her voice small as flies.

Free meal this evening? MingXu laugh, and the wind of attraction make him fall in love.

Good. After liu yan to low head back to the office.

Liu yan likes MingXu it, xiaoqing know that. Xiaoqing to MingXu also liked.

Xiaoqing, you come and why? The manager looks up at a glance

Liu yan turned to took a look around, xiaoqing? Xiaoqing not ah. Liu yan.

Recent work is too tired, even confused who he is. The manager said to liu yan.

I'm xiaoqing??????? No, no, I'm liu yan, huang manager, not you call me get statistics? Liu yan meng.

The manager looked at it carefully, again you is liu yan, you looks just like xiaoqing, I can't tell.

Liu yan a false alarm.

After work, liu yan hurriedly called to tell xiaoqing what date today, then went straight to the dining room, sat down on the MingXu side.

MingXu elegant pour two cups of wine, let liu yan ordered dinner. Dining room with the romantic music, relaxing, wine wind, MingXu suddenly from behind and took out a rose, delicate and charming be about to drip, just like now liu yan heart moved.

Xiaoqing, I like your gentle and quiet, like the look of your face I'm shy, you do my girlfriend. MingXu soulful look at liu yan, the appearance of the little shyness, MingXu want to drive.

Liu yan in the mind a quiver, looked up at MingXu, you, what did you call me?

Xiaoqing, dear. MingXu thought she was too excited, his looks, he believes that she won't refuse.

I am not liu yan my tears come out, don't know how to explain it, but she got up and ran away.

MingXu unknown, but also think it may be better to play some, not maybe is better, he chased out.

Outside of the heavy rain, the weather know her mood, when I first got into the restaurant, the mood is good, when it is already much transformed. Her crazy running in the rain, very few people in the street, she yell, why ah, I'm liu yan, unique liu yan, I don't want to become another person. The rain tears, mixed in a piece of what is it? Is sad.

You is xiaoqing, you are her. Ha ha ha a erratic girl laughed at in the rain liu yan of the helpless.

I'm not I'm not, I am not her!! Who are you, roll for me out. Liu yan.

Who said not, your face, your body is her, voice is almost the same. Luo luo luo ~ that sound is uncertain, liu yan to crazy around looking for the voice.

Who are you, where are you? Come out. Liu yan's chest ups and downs.

I was you, I in your heart. A figure from liu yan body out standing nearby, the rain fell less than her front, dressed in red, her face and eyes are red. Maybe you don't know, also like MingXu xiaoqing, and she has been changed to you.

Why is this so? She didn't tell me this? Liu yan, see the woman is afraid of fear, but more is anger over xiaoqing, she screamed at the top of roar loud, collapsed on the ground.

Because she wants to monopolize MingXu. Go back and ask her, back. Women look at liu yan's eyes, bewitch said.

Liu yan's eyes flashed a bit red, dull arose and went to the apartment. When liu yan home, xiaoqing is out of the shower, see xiaoqing liu yan, one leng, suddenly broke out and forward it to the xiaoqing fan a slap in the face, xiaoqing what want to say, has yet to speak, was liu yan was pushed to the ground, and keep holding xiaoqing face, bitch, how do you match with me in the face, quick say, you stole my face.

Xiaoqing twist out crazy liu yan, what's the matter with you? What your face? You're dripping wet, go for a change of clothes and things, please, will catch a cold. Xiaoqing touched his face, burning pain, much a few red mark on his face.

Don't shed crocodile tears, you look at the mirror. Liu yan once threw a mirror, said the cold voice.

What on earth has happened? Xiaoqing took the mirror, carefully looked, also began to frown, not as before the mirror, but that doesn't pay attention to your face changed, and thought is the mask effect is very good. How did that happen? Xiaoqing panic turn, look at that face of liu yan, that is not his own way? How, how did that happen.

Ha ha ~ you also like MingXu, it don't deceive me, you secretly like MingXu ambiguous, kui I take you as a best friend. Liu yan is accused, she didn't know one day also like bitching around with xiaoqing noisy, she was so angry, lost his head.

Small yan, not like that, you listen to me, believe me xiaoqing's tears like a flood.

Liu Yanshen breathe a sigh of relief, leaving MingXu for me, since face had become so, I don't know how to change back, later I will call FanQingLiu, are you liu yan, swap after work. Hear? Liu yan's eyes a bit red, she is bad to ruthlessly stare xiaoqing.

Xiaoqing tears nodded.

Later, liu yan associate with MingXu, and moved away from the apartment, although not through with xiaoqing, but obvious cold relationship, have the estrangement. Everyone in the company found no wrong, liu yan xiaoqing, xiaoqing ChengLiu colourful. Liu yan hanging off the arm of MingXu every day in front of xiaoqing, this probably is a kind of satire and showing off.

These happy days didn't take long, liu yan's face grew a few blisters, at first she didn't care. Blister more and more slowly, full of little face, and itching. Liu yan from MingXu moved out of the house, again afraid he saw her lovers, and returned to the side of xiaoqing, please the false, and she bought a sleep mask, but not better. Blisters rags, revealing scarlet meat, some are scratches himself by liu yan, with ichor flows. In such cases, liu yan's mood bad to the fullest, roar, also called again to the xiaoqing, is because of you, you this fall out, to hurt me like this, you roll! She kept the things.

Xiaoqing helpless shook his head, silently went out, and think of just bought the mask to see a few words, I let out a sigh.

A few days later, liu yan face more serious injury, decay fester, and hands long out of the macular. Terrified liu yan, wu cascades of their bodies, encase with scarf on the face, show scarlet eyes, go to the hospital.

The doctor listened to liu yan oral symptoms, requested the scarf off, liu yan shook his head.

You will be scared. Liu yan hands trembling.

The doctor shook his head, what my patients have not seen, although you scarf down, or I how good the diagnosis.

Liu yan scarf down, the doctor was scared by her face, the face is not a good, you could see the inside of the bones on the meat torn, her eyes are red, but eyes turbidity, revealing a little white, doctors are chattering calf. Liu yan and pulls up the sleeves, show the macula, the doctor a look even more frightened, hurriedly ran out of the office, guessed it right from the start to see the face something, now confirmed, that's death spot, is only for the dead body death spot. Ah ~ ghost ah. And liu yan ran after the doctor went out.

Clinic waiting outside people saw liu yan that face at that time, a ghost! The crowd dispersed in a hubbub, a hospital chaos.

No, no, no, I am not a ghost,。 Liu yan took a person to explain, a piece of flesh and fell off the ichor, near the mouth of the meat has gone, with two rows of red in tooth and the man on the spot, fainting. Liu yan despair, look at those people frightened expression, the in the mind the taste of don't know how to describe. Liu Yanyong scarf over her, out from the back door of the hospital, bumpy all the way back to home.

The matter was soon know each big media, and for the sake of a proverb, report headlines ghost also need to see a doctor? Subject is a throw, attracted millions of Internet users

Natural MingXu also included and recognized liu yan, either is true or not, determined with liu yan split up.

It hit liu yan, she didn't dare to go out, hate it when people take when she laughs, hate their eyes and facial expression, the food eaten by her is xiaoqing back, xiaoqing to resign at home to take care of her, but she is more hate xiaoqing robbed her face and resentments xiaoqing did not appear her this kind of situation, she had a wicked idea.

This time she didn't angry with xiaoqing, xiaoqing, you come over to give me a basin of water, please? I want to wash a face.

Xiaoqing nodded and turned around and went to the bathroom.

Liu yan to xiaoqing drink the cup, the cup on his chin, the ichor slow flow some in glass, before xiaoqing, hurriedly with cup of water, on the table.

Xiaoqing with water, liu yan quickly pass the cup xiaoqing, this period of time hard you, some of this happened, my temper with you in a bad mood, you more understanding.

Xiaoqing attitude, some cold, no water, nothing. By the way, tell you one thing, I will move out tomorrow.

What? ! Liu yan excited on striking table, who allowed you move out, I don't agree with you can't move, this is you owe me.

What I owe you money? Friendship? Love? Ha ha, is really funny, you face was disfigured, blame of me the thing, MingXu can break up with you blame me, I kind of take care of you, you angry with me also calculate, today, do you still want me to follow you disfigurement together, do you think I don't know the problem in this glass of water? True when I silly! Xiaoqing to her without friendship.

You you you are you stole my face, your face make me sick in my body, my face to. Liu yan to xiaoqing, want to win back his smooth face, xiaoqing, to run to the roof.

Ha ha ha no place to run. Liu yan looks for that ugly laugh, today must be the face, can not get, then destroy!

Xiaoqing constantly retreat, even stand on the fence, 25 floors high, night on the roof of the wind is very big, seems to be the xiaoqing blown away. Liu yan bad smile of pushing xiaoqing, she's crazy, no reason.

Xiaoqing did not fall, on the contrary, float in the air outside the building, never fall.

Who are you? Liu yan zheng big eyes.

Xiaoqing hand a tear on the face, xiaoqing is no longer a liu yan's face at this time, she returned to her. Suddenly flashed a red shadow and liu yan, liu yan saw, quick, quick kill FanQingLiu. Liu yan command red shadow.

Hum, why should I obey you. Red shadow cold hum 1, fast convergence to the xiaoqing.

Originally hurt me is you this bitch, disfigured kui I treated you as a best friend before. Liu yan excoriates, as if all she did was right.

Said so righteously, can the in the mind is brutal and cold blooded, the last chance for you already, but you still push her down, this is called xiaoqing girl meet someone like this. Today I will take you away. Xiaoqing voice became another girl, that voice was filled with anger.

Xiaoqing landed on the roof, the body out of the shadow, xiaoqing down close your eyes. The shadow quickly attached to liu yan, seize the initiative, hands on the face flesh, eyes to pull down, abnormal terror, then the other body intact skin is turned into the horrible blood, liu yan standing on the fence, a jump, ah ~ bang

Before the shadow is very sad, she thought of by his best friend betrayed, girlfriends have pushed his life comes to an end, a ghost she made with their own flesh and blood of the mask, looking for feeling good friends for this test. Two people at the same time do mask, one side if betrayal or distrust, can lead to face decay, if eliminates this gap between the two, face will be slowly getting better. Regrets after the, xiaoqing wipe in the sleeping in addition to this period of memory, back to the apartment. And she keep looking to the next a pair of girlfriends

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