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时间:2024-10-23 18:53:46


初一作文:我的新老师 1









我的英语老师作文800字 2







我的奇葩同桌作文 3





考试作弊的作文英文 4

In my opinion, cheating in an exam is a matter of ones integrity. It is easy to be dishonest and deceive other people but it is much harder to deceive ones self. A person who cheats knows they are doing the wrong thing and, as such, it is a reflection on their character.

One reason why I, personally, do not advocate cheating is that I would lose my sense of self-respect. To me, my integrity is too valuable to risks the damage that would be caused if I were to cheat. Apart from the fact that I would know I had done the wrong thing, it would generate a concern about being found out. Another consequence of cheating is that it proves one has not acquired the knowledge necessary to warrant the qualification sought. If the cheating results in being awarded a certificate, to me, that certificate would represent a constant reminder of the stain on my integrity.

In the final analysis, cheating comes down to ones character and the degree of self-respect you have. I prefer to earn what I want based on my own ability and efforts rather than become a second-rate person by cheating.


我个人不提倡作弊的原因之一是,那会使我失去自尊。对我来说,我的诚信是无价的,不能承受作弊造成的任何损害。且不说我知道我是在做错事,我也会担心自己会不会被发现。欺骗的。另一个后果是,它证明了一个人没有保证其资格的必要知识。 如果通过作弊获得一个证书,对我来说,那个证书将会是时刻提醒我诚信方面污点的警示。


考试作弊的作文英文 5

Nowadays,cheating is popular on all kinds of examations in the middle a few students never cheat on students cheat more or less.Many students dont work hard at their lessons.They are afraidthat they will fail the exam if they only depend on their own abilities.If the student fails to pass an entrance exam,he will lose the chance to go to key middle schools or colleges.How can we prevent cheating on exams?

In my opinion,it is necessary to punish the students who cheat on exams.Besides,we should take some measures to improve the examation system.



考试作弊的作文英文 6

Exams are a means of measuring how much knowledge we have learned. From school until now, we have taken countless exams. We are very familiar with the types of test papers and the rules of the exam.

Who can guarantee that no one cheats in each test? From asking a question to plagiarism. For people nowadays, cheating is already a very common thing. But why do students cheat in exams? One of the reasons is that the knowledge is not firmly grasped. I dont usually study much, and when it comes to exams, I always think about cheating; The second reason is the habit of asking others or looking at their answers during exams. Because of these two reasons, it often leads to students cheating.

With the continuous progress of society and the advancement of technology, the means of cheating in exams for students will certainly not fall behind. Previously, the usual cheating method was to pass a note of paper; Now, using a mobile phone. In just a few seconds, the answer can reach many people. Does the school turn a blind eye to student cheating in exams? No, the school has also used many "weapons" to deal with the phenomenon of students cheating in exams. For example, "Candidates are not allowed to bring their mobile phones into the examination room, otherwise they will be confiscated." "If the invigilator discovers cheating during the exam, the score for the subject will be zero." For example, "The school installs cameras in each examination room to observe students every move." Even so, wouldnt students cheat? Perhaps for some students, they may not cheat, but it does not mean that all students will not cheat again.

Cheating in exams is nothing more than wanting to achieve higher scores or receive honors. But sometimes, it may be a path that determines the quality of ones life. Cheating in the middle school entrance exam is nothing more than wanting to get into a good school, have a good learning environment, and lay a foundation for the future path; Cheating in the middle school entrance examination is nothing more than wanting to be admitted to a key high school or a regular high school without failing and being abandoned in society for students who have received nine-year compulsory education; Cheating in the college entrance examination is nothing more than wanting to get a higher score. But this is also an important "path" that determines future life. If you fail the college entrance examination, you will face many setbacks and make a turning point in your life.

Cheating is not always smooth. If you want a good path in your life, then rely on your own strength to open it up. As Mr. Lu Xun once said, "What is a road? It is a place that has never been traversed, carved out from a place with only thorns."






考试作弊的作文英文 7

The first time is like a line of footprints, imprinted on our path of growth.

Looking at the certificate on the desk, I couldnt help but think of the first time I cheated. That day, the sun was shining brightly. The teacher announced that the final exam will be tomorrow, so we need to study hard and rest early. When I heard this news, my heart immediately became extremely nervous, afraid that I might not do well in the exam.

At night, the bright light accompanied me to bury my head in studying. I slowly fell asleep. I woke up early in the morning, panicked and overslept. It was all because I was too tired last night and fell asleep in a daze, forgetting to set the alarm clock. Its already 7 oclock now, I quickly washed and dressed, and rushed away with my backpack. On the way, I bought a few warm buns and started eating them. By the time we arrived at school, it was already seventy-three tenths, and there were only thirty minutes left before the exam. I have started to review without a head or mind again.

With a crisp and piercing bell, a invigilator came in. I hurriedly accepted the book. I took the exam paper, took a rough look, wrote my name, and started working on it. It started very smoothly, which can be called "smooth sailing", but halfway there was a roadblock - a big problem according to the content of the text. At first glance, I racked my brains, scratching my ears and cheeks, but no matter what, I couldnt think of it. I have recalled the content taught by the teacher before, but I still cant come up with this difficult problem. At this moment, a clever trick flashed before my eyes - cheating. I instinctively looked around, and the invigilator happened to go out for a ventilation, which made me feel happy. I carefully took out my Chinese textbook from my desk and looked around. Everyone was buried in thought, and I chuckled inwardly. Quickly opened the book and looked at it, then put the textbook back in and wrote the answer on the exam paper based on my memory just now.

Finally, I ranked first in my class and received a certificate. Although I appeared happy on the surface, I have always felt uneasy and ashamed. Every time I see that certificate, I always remember the time I cheated.

Through this exam, I have come to understand that cheating is not allowed during exams, and only by relying on ones true strength can one truly reap the rewards. To move forward steadily on the path of learning.



到了晚上,那明亮的灯光伴着我埋头复习。慢慢的`就进入了梦乡。一早起来,惊慌失措,自己竟然睡过了头,都是因为自己昨晚过于疲劳,迷迷糊糊的睡了过去,忘了调闹钟 。现在已经7点了,我赶忙洗漱穿衣,匆匆带着书包飞奔而去。在路上,买了几个热乎乎的包子,吃了起来。到了学校,已经七十三十分了,离考试时间只剩下三十分钟了。我又开始了无头无脑的复习。




我的奇葩同桌作文 8











考试作弊的作文英文 9

Everyone has many firsts, cooking for the first time; Washing clothes for the first time; The first time... these unforgettable moments were engraved in my mind and will never be erased. I vividly remember the scene when I cheated for the first time.

That time, I handed out an exam paper and quickly looked at the questions. It wasnt very difficult, so I quickly started working on it and everything went smoothly. Not good, I encountered a "tiger blocking the way" and forgot the answer to this question! I vividly remember the answer to this question on the book in my desk. Copy? Still not copying? I felt conflicted in my heart. Two little people were arguing in my mind. One said, "Copy it! How much do your parents and teachers have for you? This question has a lot of scores, how disappointed they are if they cant do it!" The other little person said, "Dont copy, be honest. The score is not important, what is important is a persons character!" Perhaps the weight of the words "parents and teachers" is too heavy, or for other reasons, I hesitated for a moment, Selected the former.

I gently pulled out the book and was about to read when I suddenly noticed the teacher looking at me. I was so scared that I stuffed the book back in one go. After making sure repeatedly that the teacher didnt look at me, I took action. I took out the book, flipped over to that page, took a few random glances, closed the book, and frantically wrote down the answer. The stone in my heart fell to the ground. I waited anxiously until the end of class.

The first time I cheated, it made me feel uneasy and uncomfortable. Hey, the taste of cheating is really uncomfortable!





考试作弊的作文英文 10

Life has many flavors, including the taste of being criticized, the taste of failure, the taste of happiness, and I have tasted the taste of cheating.

That math surprise exam happened to be the day I didnt prepare, so I immediately panicked. I seemed to see the mockery from my desk mate after the grades came out, the teachers expression of disappointment, and the anger of my parents when they found out about the grades.

I was afraid that this would happen, so I decided to cheat. Yes, it was cheating. There was a mini calculator in my backpack, which I secretly put in my sleeve. The exam is over, and I am like a panicked rabbit. Even a single sound can make my heart skip a beat. I didnt write the exam paper seriously at all. My eyes were fixed on the teacher, looking at my desk mates answer when the teacher wasnt paying attention.

Ding - class is over, I have been thinking about whether this question is correct? Can I get a high score on the exam?

The exam papers were distributed in the afternoon, and I scored 97. The teacher wrote a sentence: I have made progress, come on! The red hook, with a big score of 97 and the words written by the teacher, hurt me and almost made me want to cry. My desk mate scored 93 on the exam and even said he wanted to learn from me when he saw my grades.

When I returned home and saw my parents looking at me with relief, I remained silent and tried my best to calm myself down. Lying in bed, looking out the window at the gloomy sky and thunder, the air was so oppressive that it seemed suffocating. A feeling of regret surged in my heart, and I couldnt help but think: the taste of cheating is really unbearable!







我的奇葩同桌作文 11



印象中最记得,那天周五下午最后一节自习课,我向学习委员请教很多数学题,没有留意时间已经到了五点半多,而这时最后一辆公交车也快到街上了。我不停地埋怨自己错过公交车时间,现在有可能赶不上最后一辆公交车了。我心里很焦虑,我以最快的速度把练习题和作业之类的,装进书包带回家周末做。看着同桌很悠闲地练钢笔字,我心里默� 就是拍了同桌的肩膀,同桌的手抖了一下,她写好的钢笔字被我搞破坏了,我心里很害怕,要被挨骂了。令我意想不到的是,同桌微笑地跟我说:“没事,我刚刚只是在练习而已,你要快点去街上赶公交车回家吧,不然你家人该担心了。”我心里满是愧疚,我也微笑和她道歉,之后我加快脚步速度往公交车的方向走…



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