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高考英语阅读理解训练 篇1


Text 1

After a busy day of work and play, the body needs to rest. Sleep is necessary for good health. During this time, the body recovers from the activities of the previous day. The rest that you get while sleeping enables your body to prepare itself for the next day.

There are four levels of sleep, each being a little deeper than the one before. As you sleep, your muscles relax little by little. Your heart beats more slowly, and your brain slows down. After you reach the fourth level, your body shifts back and forth from one level of sleep to the other.

Although your mind slows down, from time to time you will dream. Scientists who study sleep state that when dreaming occurs, your eyeballs begin to move more quickly (Although your eyelids are closed). This stage of sleep is called REM, which stands for rapid eye movement.

If you have trouble falling asleep, some people recommend breathing very deeply. Other people believe that drinking warm milk will help make you drowsy. There is also an old suggestion the counting sheep will put you to sleep!

1 A good title for this passage is ____.

A. Sleep C. Dreams B. Good Health D. Work and Rest

2. The word drowsy in the last paragraph means ____. A. sick C. asleep B. stand up D. a little sleepy 3. This passage suggests that not getting enough sleep might make you _____.

A. dream more often C. nervous B. have poor health D. breathe quickly

4. During REM, ____.

A. your eyes move quickly C. you are restless B. you dream D. both A and B

5. The average number of hours of sleep that an adult needs is ______ .

A. approximately six hours C. about eight hours B. around ten hours D. not stated here Text 2

Obviously television has both advantages and disadvantages. In the first place, television is not only a convenient source of entertainment, but also a comparatively cheap one. With a TV set in the family people don’t have to pay for expensive seats at the theatre, the cinema, or the opera .All they have to so is to push a button or turn a knob, and they can see plays, films, operas and shows of every kind. Some people, however, think that this is where the danger lies. The television viewers need do nothing. He does not even have to use his legs if the has a remote control. He makes no choice and exercises, no judgment. He is completely passive and has everything presented to him without any effort in his part.

Television, it is often said, keeps one informed about current events and the latest developments in science and politics. The most distant countries and the strangest customs are brought right into one’s sitting room. It could be argued that the radio performs this service as well; but on television everything is much more living, much more real. Yet here again there is a danger. The television screen itself has a terrible, almost physical charm for us. We get so used to looking at the movements on it ,so dependent on its pictures, that it begins to control our lives. People are often heard to say that their television sets have broken down and that they have suddenly found that they have far more time to do things and the they have actually begin to talk to each other again. It makes one think, doesn’t it?

There are many other arguments for and against television. We must realize that television itself is neither good nor bad. It is the uses that it is put to that determine its value to society.

6. What is the major of paragraph 1? A. To arouse the reader’s concern

B. To introduce the theme of the whole passage C. To summarize the whole passage D. To sate the primary uses of TV

7. Television, as a source of entertainment, is ______. A. not very convenient B. very expensive C. quite dangerous D. relatively cheap 8. Why are some people against TV? A. Because TV programs re not interesting B. Because TV viewers are totally passive C. Because TV prices are very high.

D. Because TV has both advantages and disadvantages 9. One of the most obvious advantages of TV is that ______. A. it keeps us informed

B. it is very cheap

C. it enables us to have a rest D. it controls our lives

10. According to the passage, whether TV is good or not depends on _______ .

A. its quality B. people ’s attitude towards it C. how we use it D. when we use it Text 3

Too often young people get themselves employed quite by accident, not knowing what lies in the way of opportunity for promotion, happiness and security. As a result, they are employed doing jobs that afford them little or no satisfaction. Our school leavers face so much competition that they seldom care what they do as long as they can earn a living . Some stay long at a job and learn to like it ;others quite from one to another looking for something to suit them, the young graduates who leave the university look for jobs that offer a salary up to their expectation. Very few go out into the world knowing exactly what they want and realizing their own abilities. The reason behind all this confusion is that there never has been a proper vocational guidance in our educational institution. Nearly all grope(摸索) in the dark and their chief concern when they look for a job is to ask what salary is like. They never bother to think whether they are suited for the job or, even more important, whether the job suits them, Having a job is more than merely providing yourself and your dependants with daily bread and some money for leisure and entertainment, It sets a pattern of life and, in many ways, determines social status in life, selection of friends, leisure and interest.

In choosing a career you should first consider the type of work which will suit your interest .Noting is more pathetic than taking on a job in which you have no interest, for it will not only discourage your desire to succeed in life but also ruin your talents and ultimately make you an emotional wreck (受到严重伤害的人)and a bitter person.

11. The reason why some people are unlikely to succeed in life is that they _____ .

A. have ruined their talents

B. have taken on an unsuitable job

C. think of nothing but their salary

D. are not aware of their own potential

12. The difficulty in choosing a suitable job lies mainly in that_____ .

A. much competition has to be faced

B. many employees have no working experience

C. the young people only care about how much they can earn D. schools fail to offer students appropriate vocational guidance

13. Which of the following statements is most important according to the passage?

A. Your job must suit your interest.

B. Your job must set a pattern of life.

C. Your job must offer you a high salary.

D. Your job must not ruin your talents.

14.The best title for this passage would be ____. A. What Can A Good Job Offer

B. Earning A Living

C. Correct Attitude On Job-hunting

D. How To Choose A Job

15. The word “pathetic”in paragraph 2 most probably means ____ .

A. splendid B. miserable C. disgusted D. touching

1.A 文章的第一段谈到睡眠能使身体健康, 第二段、第三段谈到睡眠的几种状态,最后一段谈到很快入睡的几种方法。因此整篇文章都围绕睡眠而谈, 因此A为正确答案。

2.D. drowsy :瞌睡的, 想睡的。 因为上一句的意思是:“如果你睡觉有困难的话, 有人建议慢慢的深深呼吸。”紧接着作者说:“另外一些 sick : 有病的;stand up :起立。 asleep : 睡着的。

3.B 答案在文章的第一段第二句话:“Sleep is necessary for good health.”意思是:“睡眠有利于身体健康。”因此本句的意思是睡眠不足有害健康。只有B最符合题意。

4.D 答案在第三段第二句话:“Scientists who study sleep state that when dreaming occurs your eyeballs begin to move more quickly.”意思是:“研究睡眠的。科学家指出一个人做梦的时候眼球移动速度加快。”因此正确答案为D。

5.D 文章中没有谈到成年人的平均睡眠时间。

6.B 文章的第一段只有一句话:“Obviously television has both advantages and disadvantages.”意思是:“显然, 电视既有缺点又有优点”, 紧接着文章围绕着这一主题展开讨论。因此本段的作用是引出文章的主题。B 最符合题意。

7.D 答案在文章第二段的第二句话:“In the first place, television is not only a convenient source of entertainment, but also a comparatively cheap one.”意思是:“电视不仅是很方便的娱乐的来源, 而且相对便宜。”因此只有D最符合题意。

8.B 答案在文章的第二段有这样两个句子:“some people think that this is where the danger lies.” “He is completely passive and has everything presented to him without any effort on his part.”有些 因此B为正确答案。

9.A 答案在第三段的第一句话:“television , it is often said, keeps one informed about current events and the latest developments in science and politics.”电视能使人们了解科学、政治领域里的最新发展。因此A 最符合题意。

10.C 答案在文章的最后一句话:“It is the uses that is put to that determine value to society.”意思是:“电视的使用决定它对社会的价值。”因此C 正确答案。

11.B 答案可以在最后一段找到:“Nothing is more pathetic than taking on a job in which you have no interest, for it will not only discourage your desire to succeed in life but also ruin your talents.”因此有些人事业不成功的原因是选择了不合适的工作。因此B 是正确答案。

12.D 答案在第一段的中间有一句话:“the reason behind all this confusion is that there never has been proper vocational guidance in our educational institution.” 造成这种状况的原因是我们的教育机构没有给学生们进行适当的职业指导。因此D 为正确答案。

13.A 答案在第二段第一句话。“In choosing a career you

should first consider the type of work which will suit your interest. “选择职业的时候首先要考虑的是这个工作你是否有兴趣。”因此A 正确答案。

14.D 文章的第一段谈到:“年轻人找工作时候的随意性, 因为他们没有经过任何的培训。” 第二段谈到:“选择职业的时候首先考虑的是自己是否有兴趣。”因此文章的标题应当是:“如何选择工作”因此D为正确答案。

15.B miserable: 痛苦的 splendid: 辉煌的。disgusted: 厌恶的。touching: 接触的。因此只有B 最符合题意。

阅读理解 篇2

ln the animal kingdom, weakness can bring about aggression in other animals.This sometimes happens with humans also.But I have found that my weakness brings out the kindness in people.I see it every day when people hold doors for me, pour cream into my coffee, or help me to put on my coat.And I have discovered that it makes them happy.

From my wheelchair experience, I see the best in people, but sometimes I feel sad because those who appear independent miss the kindness I see daily.They don’t  get to see this soft side of others.Often, we try every way possible to avoid showing our weakness, which includes a lot of pretending.But only when we stop pretending we’re brave or strong do we allow people to show the kindness that’s in them.

Last month, when I was driving home on a busy highway, I began to feel unwell and drove more slowly than usual.People behind me began to get impatient and angry, with some speeding up alongside me, horning (按喇叭) or even shouting at me.At that moment,I decided to do something I had never done in twentyfour years of driving.I put on the car flashlights and drove on at a really low speed.

No more angry shouts and no more horns!

When I put on my flashlights, I was saying to the other drivers, “I have a problem here.I am weak and doing the best I can.” And everyone understood.Several times, I saw drivers who wanted to pas s.They couldn’t get aro und me because of the stream of passing traffic. But instead of getting impatient and angry, they waited, knowing the driver in front of them was in some way weak.

Sometimes situations call for us to act strong and brave even when we don’t feel that way.But those are few and far often, it would be better if we don’t pretend we feel strong when we feel weak or pretend that we’re brave when we’re scared.

(  )1.The author has discovered that people will feel happy when ________.

A.they offer their help

B.they receive others’ help

C.they feel others’ kindness

D.they show their weakness

(  )2.The author feels sad sometimes because ________.

A.he has a soft heart

B.he relies much on others

C.some people pretend to be kind

D.some people fail to see the kindness in others

(  )3.What did the other drivers do when they saw the flashlights?

A.They speeded up to pass.

B.They waited with patience.

C.They tried their best to help.

D.They put on their flashlights too.

(  )4.In this passage, the author advises us to ________.

A.handle problems by ourselves

B.accept help from others

C.admit our weakness

D.show our bravery

(  )5.Which of the following is the best title of this passage?

A.A Wheelchair Experience.

B.Weakness and Kindness.

C.Weakness and Strength.

D.A Driving Experience.

高考英语阅读理解训练 篇3

Millions of women use cosmetics, often called “make-up”。 The cosmetics industry is one of the biggest in the world. Most large stores sell cosmetics, and there are always shops at airports selling them cheaply.The word “cosmetics” refers to anything that people put on their faces to make them look better. Lipstick, face powder and cream, and eye make-up are the most popular. Although more women than men use cosmetics, there are cosmetics for men as well as women.

Some people even have cosmetic surgery to make their faces look different. They have the shape of their noses and eyes changed.

The most widely used cosmetic is probably lipstick, as many women who do not wear any other make-up will often put on a little lipstick.

Lipstick is made by mixing together different oils and colors. This mixture is then allowed to get hard and is cut into the shape of a small pencil. When a woman presses the lipstick to her lips, the end of it becomes soft, and some of it sticks to her lips, giving them extra color.

Cosmetics were probably first used in India, but it was the Egyptians, six thousand years ago, who made the most use of them. Rich Egyptian women painted their eyes green and black. They used a red color to paint pretty designs on their fingernails, the palms of their hands and the soles of their feet. Pictures of Cleopatra always show her wearing a lot of make-up.

The Romans also used cosmetics. They liked to make their skin very white and to paint their eyes. They also used a kind of lipstick.

In England at one time, very rich women had baths in milk to make their skin beautiful. They also used a lot of sweet-smelling powder to stop people smelling their bodies, which were often very dirty because they did not wash very often or change their clothes.

At one time, some cosmetics were not safe. They were bad for the skin, and some of the lipsticks and powders that people used were even poisonous. Nowadays, people in the cosmetics industry take great care to make sure that everything they use is completely safe.

5. What does the word “Cosmetics” refer to ________.

A. lipstick B. make-up C. creams D. surgery

6. According to the passage people use cosmetics ________.

A. only at airports

B. only to color their feet

C. to make themselves look better

D. instead of surgery

7. From the passage we know that in earlier times ________.

A. cosmetics were never used in milk baths

B. cosmetics were never used on the eyes

C. cosmetics were never used on the skin

D. sometimes cosmetics were harmful to the skin

8. Which of the following statements is true?

A. In order to make their faces look different some people even have cosmetic surgery.

B. In England, women have baths in milk to make their skin beautiful.

C. Cosmetics were probably first used by the Egyptians six thousand years ago.

D. Not all cosmetics are safe so we should be careful to use them.


5. B 事实细节题。根据文章首句 Millions of women use cosmetics, often called “make-up” 可知答案为 B。

6. C 推理判断题。根据第2段第 1 句 The word “cosmetics” refers to anything that people put on their faces to make them look better “化妆品”这个词是指人们涂在脸上使他们看起来更好看的东西,因此可推断,人们用化妆品是为了看起来更好看。故答案为 C。

7. D 事实细节题。根据文章最后一段开头 At one time, some cosmetics were not safe. They were bad for the skin 过去有个时期有些化妆品是不安全的。它们对皮肤有害,可知答案为 D。

8. A 推理判断题。根据第3段第 1 句 Some people even have cosmetic surgery to make their faces look different 可知答案。

Text 篇4

In the mid­1950s, I was a somewhat bored early­adolescent male student who believed that doing_any_more_than_necessary_was_wasted_effort. One day, this approach threw me into embarrassment.

In Mrs Totten's eighth­grade maths class at Central Avenue School in Anderson, Indiana, we were learning to add and subtract decimals(小数)。

Our teacher typically assigned daily homework, which would be recited in class the following day. On most days, our grades were based on our oral answers to homework questions.

Mrs Totten usually walked up and down the rows of desks requesting answers from student after student in the order the questions had appeared on our homework sheets. She would start either at the front or the back of the classroom and work towards the other end.

Since I was seated near the middle of about 35 students, it was easy to figure out which questions I might have to answer. This particular time, I had completed my usual two or three problems according to my calculations.

What I failed to expect was that several students were absent, which threw off my estimate. As Mrs Totten made her way from the beginning of the class, I desperately tried to determine which maths problem I would get. I tried to work it out before she got to me, but I had brain freeze and couldn't function.

When Mrs Totten reached my desk, she asked what answer I'd got for problem No. 14. “I…I didn't get anything,” I answered, and my face felt warm.

“Correct,” she said.

It turned out that the correct answer was zero.

What did I learn that day? First, always do all your homework. Second, in real life it isn't always what you say but how you say it that matters. Third,I would never make it as a mathematician.

If I could choose one school day that taught me the most, it would be that one.

61、 What does the underlined part in Paragraph 1 indicate?

A. It is wise to value one's time.

B. It is important to make an effort.

C. It is right to stick to one's belief.

D. It is enough to do the necessary.

62、 Usually, Mrs Totten asked her students to ________.

A. recite their homework together

B. grade their homework themselves

C. answer their homework questions orally

D. check the answers to their homework questions

63、 The author could work out which questions to answer since the teacher always ________.

A. asked questions in a regular way

B. walked up and down when asking questions

C. chose two or three questions for the students

D. requested her students to finish their usual questions

64、 The author failed to get the questions he had expected because ________.

A. the class didn't begin as usual

B. several students didn't come to school

C. he didn't try hard to make his estimate

D. Mrs Totten didn't start from the back of the class

65、 Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. An unforgettable teacher

B. A future mathematician

C. An effective approach

D. A valuable lesson

【要点综述】 经过一次做数学作业投机取巧而遭遇尴尬的经历后,作者明白了三个重要的道理。

61、 D 句意理解题。作者在文章中提到自己做数学作业投机取巧,只记认为老师会问到自己的问题,因此 事情就足够了。

62、 C 细节理解题。根据文章第三段的内容可知作者的数学老师总是以学生口头回答作业的情况来确定学生的分数,因此C项正确。

63、 A 推理判断题。文章第四段提到作者的老师总是按照学生坐的顺序来问问题,因此A项正确。

64、 B 细节理解题。文章第六段提到当天有几个学生没有来,因此他的预定计划落空了,从而没有回答出老师的问题。

65、 D 主旨大意题。作者讲述这堂数学课的原因是这堂课给他带来了有价值的教训,因此D是最佳选项。

Text 篇5

Arriving in Sydney on his own from India, my husband, Rashid, stayed in a hotel for a short time while looking for a house for me and our children.

During the first week of his stay, he went out one day to do some shopping. He came back in the late afternoon to discover that his suitcase was gone. He was extremely worried as the suitcase had all his important papers, including his passport.

He reported the case to the police and then sat there,lost and lonely in a strange city, thinking of the terrible troubles of getting all the paperwork organized again from a distant country while trying to settle down in a new one.

Late in the evening, the phone rang. It was a stranger. He was trying to pronounce my husband's name and was asking him a lot of questions. Then he said they had found a pile of papers in their trash can(垃圾桶) that had been left out on the footpath.

My husband rushed to their home to find a kind family holding all his papers and documents. Their young daughter had gone to the trash can and found a pile of unfamiliar papers. Her parents had carefully sorted them out, although they had found mainly foreign addresses on most of the documents. At last they had seen a half­written letter in the pile in which my husband had given his new telephone number to a friend.

That family not only restored the important documents to us that day but also restored our faith and trust in people. We still remember their kindness and often send a warm wish their way.

21、 What did Rashid plan to do after his arrival in Sydney?

A. Go shopping.     B. Find a house.

C. Join his family. D. Take a vacation.

22、 The girl's parents got Rashid's phone number from________.

A. a friend of his family

B. a Sydney policeman

C. a letter in his papers

D. a stranger in Sydney

23、 What does the underlined word “restored” in the last paragraph mean?

A. Showed. B. Sent out.

C. Delivered. D. Gave back.

24、 Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. From India to Australia

B. Living in a new country

C. Turning trash to treasure

D. In search of new friends

【要点综述】 本文主要讲述了作者的丈夫来到了一个陌生的城市,一次出去购物回来之后,发现自己的手提箱不见了,里面有他所有的重要的文件,包括护照。就在他孤独无助的时候,一位陌生人打电话来告诉他,他的女儿捡到了文件。作者的丈夫丢失的东西失而复得,这也增加了他对人们的信任。

21、 B 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Arriving in Sydney on his own from India, my husband, Rashid, stayed in a hotel for a short time while looking for a house for me and our children.”可知,作者的丈夫只身从印度来到了悉尼,在旅馆里短暂停留,同时给作者和孩子们寻找房子住,因此选B。

22、 C 细节理解题。 根据倒数第二段中的“At last they had seen a half­written letter in the pile in which my husband had given his new telephone number to a friend.”可知,这家人从作者的丈夫写给一位朋友的信中找到了作者丈夫的新电话号码,因此选C。

23、 D 词义猜测题。根据“That family not only restored the important documents to us that day but also restored our faith and trust in people.”可知,那一家人不仅仅把这些重要的文件归还给了作者家人,而且还把对人的信任归还给了他们;而且根据倒数第二段第一句“My husband rushed to their home to find a kind family holding all his papers and documents.”可知restore表示“归还”。故C正确。

24、 C 主旨大意题。本文讲述了作者的丈夫到了悉尼后,装有重要文件的手提箱被偷了。在他万般无奈的情况下,有人主动联系他,并归还了那些文件。那些重要的文件在别人看来并不重要,但是对于作者的丈夫来说却是万分重要。只有C项能够说明文章的中心思想。故C正确。

Travis is the manager of G&G where he is responsible for forty employees(雇员) and profits(利润) of over $2 million per year.He's never late to

高考英语阅读理解训练 篇6

In a time of low academic (学术的) achievement by children in the United States, many Americans are turning to Japan,a country of high academic achievement and economic success,for possible answers. However, the answers provided by Japanese preschools are not the ones Americans expected to find. In most Japanese preschools, surprisingly little emphasis is put on academic instruction.In one investigation, 300 Japanese and 210 American preschool teachers, child development specialists, and parents were asked about various aspects of early childhood education. Only 2 percent of the Japanese respondents (答问卷者) listed "to give children a good start academically" as one of their top three reasons for a society to have preschools. In contrast, over half the American respondents chose this as one of their top three children for successful careers in first grade and beyond,Japanese schools do not teach reading, writing, and mathematics, but rather skills such as persistence, concentration, and the ability to function as a member of a group. The majority of young Japanese children are taught to read at home by their parents.

In the recent comparison of Japanese and American pre??school education, 91 percent of Japanese respondents chose providing children with a group experience as one of their top three reasons for asociety to have preschools. 62 percent of the more individually oriented (强调个性发展的) Americans listed group experience as one of their top three choices. An em??phasis on the importance of the group seen in Japanese early childhood education continues into elementary school education.

Like in America, there is diversity (多样性) in Japanese early childhood education. Some Japanese kindergartens have specific aims, such as early musical training or potential (潜力) development. In large cities, some kindergartens are attached to universities that have elementary and secondary schools.

Some Japanese parents believe that if their young children attend a university-based program, it will increase the childrens chances of eventually being admitted to top-rated schools and universities. Several more progressive programs have introduced free play as a way out for the heavy intellectualizing in some Japanese kindergartens.

25. We learn from the first paragraph that many Americans believe ________.

A. Japanese parents pay more attention to preschool education than American parents

B. Japans economic success is a result of its scientific achievements

C. Japanese preschool education emphasizes academic in??struction

D. Japans higher education is better than theirs

26. Most American respondents believe that preschools should also attach importance to ________.

A. problem solving B. group experience

C. parental guidance D. individually oriented development

27. In Japans preschool education, the focus is on ________.

A. preparing children academically B. developing childrens artistic interests

C. tapping childrens potential D. shaping childrens character

28. Why do some Japanese parents send their children to university-based kindergartens?

A. They can do better in their future studies.

B. They can gain more group experience there.

C. They can be individually oriented when they grow up.

D. They can have better chances of getting a first-rate edu??cation.


25. C 推断题。从第一段的第一、二句我们可以看出因为美国孩子的学术成就缓慢,很多美国家长到日本取经,然而他们看到的不是他们所预料的,由此我们知道,很多美国

26. B 细节题。从第二段我们知道,62%的美国人把group experience作为他们的三个最重要的选择之一。

27. D 细节题。从第一段的To prepare children for successful careers…and the ability to function as a member of a group可知。

28. D 细节题。从最后—段的第一句可知。

高考英语阅读理解训练 篇7

As a human being you may have the choice of three basic attitudes towards life. You may treat life with the philosophy (哲学) of the vegetable, in which case your life will include being born, eating, drinking, sleeping, marrying, growing old and dying.

The second basic attitude is to look at life as if it were a business. A great many so-called successful men and women believe that life is a business. If you believe so, your first question of life, naturally, is " What do I get out of it? " " How much is this worth to me?" In a word, based on this attitude, happiness becomes a matter of successful competition. The great majority of human beings today look at life as if it were a busi??ness.

The third attitude toward life is the way of the artist. Here the basic philosophy is "What can I put into it?". They value cooperation and contribution. This point of view has been proved by history; for history remembers best those who have contributed most richly to the interests of their fellow-men. The more we investigate(调查),the more we become certain that the artistic attitude is the only one which goes with human happiness.

33. From the passage we know people who take the second life attitude ________.

A. are mostly businessmen

B. think of getting the interests (利益) first

C. find their happiness from hard work

D. take competition as their whole life

34. People who are best remembered by history are probably

A. those living on vegetables B. successful men

C. artists D. businessmen

35. We may infer from this passage that ________.

A. some people are living only on vegetables

B. the artistic attitude is accepted by most people

C. the writer prefers the third life attitude

D. artists do most for the society in order to be remembered longer than others


33. B 推断题。第二种人生态度是把生活看作一种生意,当然是利益最重要了。

34. C 细节题。从最后一段第四句可知。

35. C 推断题。从文章的最后一句可推知


英语阅读理解专项练习题及答案 篇8

The famous director of a big and expensive movie planned to film a beautiful sunset over the ocean, so that the audiences could see his hero and heroine in front of it at the end of the film as they said goodbye to each other forever. He sent his camera crew out one evening to film the sunset for him.

The next morning he said to the men, “Have you provided me with that sunset?”

“No, sir,” the men answered.

The director was angry. “Why not?” he asked.

“Well, sir,” one of the men answered, “we’re on the east coast here, and the sun sets in the west. We can get you a sunrise over the sea, if necessary, but not a sunset.”

“But I want a sunset!” the director shouted. “Go to the airport, take the next flight to the west coast, and get one.”

But then a young secretary had an idea. “Why don’t you photograph a sunrise,” she suggested, “and then play it backwards? Then it’ll look like a sunset.”

“That’s a very good idea!” the director said. Then he turned to the camera crew and said, “Tomorrow morning I want you to get me a beautiful sunrise over the sea.”

The camera crew went out early the next morning and filmed a bright sunrise over the beach in the middle of a beautiful bay. Then at nine o’clock they took it to the director. “Here it is, sir,” they said, and gave it to him. He was very pleased.

They all went into the studio. “All right,” the director explained, “now our hero and heroine are going to say goodbye. Run the film backwards so that we can see the ‘sunset’ behind them.”

The “sunset” began, but after a quarter of a minute, the director suddenly put his face in his hands and shouted to the camera crew to stop.

The birds in the film were flying backwards, and the waves on the sea were going away from the beach.

1、 One evening, the director sent his camera crew out _________.

A. to film a scene on the sea B. to find an actor and an actress

C. to watch a beautiful sunset D. to meet the audience

2、 Why did the director want to send his crew to the west coast?

A. Because he changed his mind about getting a sunset.

B. Because he was angry with his crew.

C. Because he wanted to get a scene of sunset.

D. Because it was his secretary’s suggestion.

3、 The director wanted to film a sunset over the ocean because ______.

A. it went well with the separation of the hero and heroine

B. when they arrived at the beach it was already in the evening

C. it was more moving than a sunrise

D. the ocean looked more beautiful at sunset

4、 After the “sunset” began, the director suddenly put his face in his hands ______.

A. because he was moved to tears

B. as he saw everything in the film moving backwards

C. as the sunrise did not look as beautiful as he had imagined

D. because he was disappointed with the performance of the hero and heroine

5、 Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The crew had to follow the secretary’s advice.

B. If you want to see a sunrise, the east coat is the place to go.

C. The camera crew wasn’t able to film the scene the first day.

D. The director ordered his crew to stop filming the “sunset”。


高考英语阅读理解训练 篇9

In 1985 a French television company sent its reporters to the Paris Metro. They took cameras to see what passengers would do if they saw someone attached on the platform or in the trains. They acted out incidents. The incidents looked real but they were all done with the help of actors. However, very few people tried to help, and most passengers pretended not to notice. in one incident, a foreigner was attacked by three men. The attack was on a train which was quite full, and although one man tried to get the passengers to help, they all refused. It seems that such behaviour(行为) is not unusual, but the question is why? Is it a problem of big cities, or would the same thing happen anywhere? To discuss these questions, we have in the studio(演播室) Professor Wilson, who is an expert on the subject…

1. Who did the experiment?

A. A French television company. B. The Paris Metro.

C. The City Government of Paris. D. Professor Wilson.

2. What did the experiment try to find out?

A. How a foreigner was attacked on the train.

B. How passengers helped each other on the platform.

C. Passengers’ reactions towards incidents.

D. Actors’ performances during incidents.

3. What was the finding of the experiment?

A. Passengers helped a lot during incidents.

B. Very few foreigners were on the train.

C. Very few passengers tried to help during incidents.

D. Some people were good at acting on the train.

4. Who do the underlined words one man refer to?

A. One of the three men who attacked a foreigner.

B. One of the actors who took part in the experiment.

C. One of the passengers who were on the train.

D. One of the reporters who were sent to the Paris Metro.


1A 2 C 3 D 4 D 5 A

1A 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 C

1D 2 C 3 C 4 B

高考英语阅读理解训练 篇10

Good morning. I am Professor Armstrong, and I am your laboratory instructor. This class is intended as a necessary part of the course, which Dr Smith will be in charge of. This class will meet twice a week. This laboratory begins at nine. I expect you to be on time. I do not intend to wait for the latecomers or repeat what has already been covered if you miss the explanation. And do not arrive late and interrupt your neighbor. You may as well not come if you cant be on time.

Attendance is equally important. If you miss three lab classes, youre dropped from the labs—no excuses. You cant complete the course without completing the lab.

Besides, safety is key here. Its very important to keep things neat and clean, dress properly, and be careful. You may not eat, drink or smoke in the laboratory and you should always clean the counterand wash your hands both before and after the class. Long hair must be tied back. Large clothing must not be worn. Any laboratory accident must be reported immediately.

I hope youll enjoy the laboratory. Its a wonderful place, and all the requirements Ive just mentioned are to be followed. We will begin today by learning about the microscope.

1. According to the passage how will be the latecomers be treated?

A. They will be allowed to enter the class and the teacher will repeat information for them.

B. They had better come quietly as long as they dont interrupt their neighbor.

C. They will be dropped from the class if they are late three times.

D. They will not be given any special consideration.

2. According to the passage what happens if a student misses three classes?

A. He can make up the classes.

B. He will be dropped from the class.

C. He may be allowed to remain if he has a good excuse.

D. He cant complete the lab without completing the course.

3. What should you do if you wear long hair?

A. You must have it tied back.

B. You have to cut it.

C. You will be asked to leave class.

D. You may as well not come to the lab.

4. According to the requirements which of the following isnt right?

A. You must report it immediately if there is any laboratory accident happens.

B. Dont eat, drink or smoke in the laboratory.

C. You can dress whatever you like.

D. Wash your hands both before and after the class.


1. D 推理判断题。根据第1段中 I do not intend to wait for the latecomers or repeat what has already been covered if you miss the explanation 可排除 A;根据第1段最后两句 And do not arrive late and interrupt your neighbor. You may as well not come if you cant be on time 可排除 B;根据第2段第 2 句 If you miss three lab classes, youre dropped from the labs—no excuses 可排除 C。故答案为 D。

2. B 事实细节题。根据第2段第 2 句 If you miss three lab classes, youre dropped from the labs—no excuses 可知答案为 B。

3. A 事实细节题。根据第3段倒数第 3 句 Long hair must be tied back 可知答案。

4. C 推理判断题。根据第3段末句 Any laboratory accident must be reported immediately 可知 A 正确;根据第3段第 3 句 You may not eat, drink or smoke in the laboratory 可知 B 正确;根据第3段第 2 句中的 dress properly 及倒数第 2 句 Large clothing must not be worn 可知 C 不正确。故答案为 C。

Text 篇11

Larry was on another of his underwater expeditions(探险) but this time, it was different. He decided to take his daughter along with him. She was only ten years old. This would be her first trip with her father on what he had always been famous for.

Larry first began diving when he was his daughter's age. Similarly, his father had taken him along on one of his expeditions. Since then, he had never looked back. Larry started out by renting diving suits from the small diving shop just along the shore. He had hated them. They were either too big or too small. Then, there was the instructor. He gave him a short lesson before allowing him into the water with his father. He had made an exception. Larry would never have been able to go down without at least five hours of theory and another similar number of hours on practical lessons with a guide. Children his age were not even allowed to dive.

After the first expedition, Larry's later diving adventures only got better and better. There was never a dull moment. In his black and blue suit and with an oxygen tank fastened on his back, Larry dived from boats into the middle of the ocean. Dangerous areas did not prevent him from continuing his search. Sometimes, he was limited to a cage underwater but that did not bother him. At least, he was still able to take photographs of the underwater creatures.

Larry's first expedition without his father was in the Cayman Islands.There were numerous diving spots in the area and Larry was determined to visit all of them.Fortunately for him, a man offered to take him around the different spots for free. Larry_did_not_even_know_what_the_time_was,_how_many_spots_he_dived_into_or_how_many_photographs_he_had_taken. The diving spots afforded such a wide array of fish and sea creatures that Larry saw more than thirty varieties of creatures.

Larry looked at his daughter.She looked as excited as he had been when he was her age.He hoped she would be able to continue the family tradition.Already, she looked like she was much braver than Larry had been then.This was the key to a successful underwater expedition.

56、 In what way was this expedition different for Larry?

A. His daughter had grown up.

B. He had become a famous diver.

C. His father would dive with him.

D. His daughter would dive with him.

57、 What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?

A. Larry had some privileges.

B. Larry liked the rented diving suits.

C. Divers had to buy diving equipment.

D. Ten­year­old children were permitted to dive.

58、 Why did Larry have to stay in a cage underwater sometimes?

A. To protect himself from danger.

B. To dive into the deep water.

C. To admire the underwater view.

D. To take photo more conveniently.

59、 What can be learned from the underlined sentence?

A. Larry didn't wear a watch.

B. Larry was not good at maths.

C. Larry had a poor memory.

D. Larry enjoyed the adventure.

60、 What did Larry expect his daughter to do?

A. Become a successful diver.

B. Make a good diving guide.

C. Take a lot of photos underwater.

D. Have longer hours of training.

【要点综述】 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了一位名叫Larry的海底探险家准备带他的女儿去海底探险以及他的海底探险经历。

56.D 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“He decided to take his daughter along with him.”可知,这一次的不同之处在于他的女儿将与他一起潜水,故选D项。

57.A 推理判断题。根据第二段最后两句“Larry would never have been able to go down without at least five hours of theory and another similar number of hours on practical lessons with a guide. Children his age were not even been allowed to dive.”可知,潜水前有导师指导并训练他,在他那个年龄的孩子甚至不允许潜水,由此可推断,他有一些特权,故选A项,同时可知D项有误。根据第四、五句“…by renting diving suits from the small diving shop just along the shore. He had hated them.”可知B项有误。C项在本段找不到相关信息。

58、 A 细节理解题。根据第三段第四、五句“Dangerous areas did not prevent him from continuing his research. Sometimes, he was limited to a cage underwater but that did not bother him.”可知,他待在笼子里应该是为了保护自己,故选A项。第三段最后一句只是对待在笼子里的补充,而不是其原因,故不能选C或D项。

59.D 句意理解题。根据画线句以及后一句“The diving spots afforded such a wide array of fish and sea creatures that Larry saw more than thirty varieties of creatures.”可知,Larry喜欢这些探险以至于忘却了时间,沉浸于其中。

60、 A 细节理解题。根据本文最后一句“This was the key to a successful underwater expedition.”可知,Larry期望他的女儿成为一位成功的潜水员。

高考英语阅读理解训练 篇12

Chinas government has issued a severe weather warning after the heaviest snowfalls in decades. The country is experiencing transport delays and power cuts as millions of people prepare to make long journeys home for the Chinese New Year. This report from Quentin Summerville: China hasnt experienced weather this bad in decades. And as the country prepares for Chinese New Year, the disruption couldnt come at a worse time. Over 100,000 people are stranded(搁浅) in Guangzhou railway station in the south. It may climb to as many as 600,000 as more people arrive to make their journeys home for the Spring Festival. Travellers have been evacuated to nearby sports stadiums and exhibition centres.

Across China around nineteen airports have shut because of the weather. Around half the provinces in the country have had to start rationing power(定量供电), according to the state media. The government has suspended(暂停) coal exports in favour of home consumption. At least a dozen people died over the weekend because of heavy rains and the snowfall.

The Spring Festival is Chinas most important holiday when people journey home to be with their families. For millions of the countrys migrant workers its their only holiday. Some two billion journeys were made during the festival last year, making it the largest migration of people on the planet. And even without the severe weather, conditions on overcrowded trains and buses are terrible. The holiday stretches Chinas transport system to its very limits

1. Choose the best title for this passage.

A. Heavy snow hits China B. Chinese New Year in snow C. China’s terrible translation system. D. An accident

2. Which is not true according to the passage?

A. The heavy snow is the worst disaster in decades in China.

B. No other cities in the world have more travellers in festivals than in China.

C. The government doesn’t care for people’s life in disaster areas.

D. The country’s migrant workers have more than one holidays to celebrate, according to the passage


1. A.文章主旨大意题。所选标题应该能够确切地概括全文内容。既不能以偏概全,又不能太笼统。

2.C. 综合细节题。短文第三段中Around half the provinces in the country have had to start rationing power(定量供电), according to the state media. The government has suspended(暂停) coal exports in favour of home consumption.提示。A选项中的disaster范围太广。

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