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时间:2023-12-27 09:11:14


高考英语口语 篇1



l)从备考室到应考室门前后,还需要等候工作人员的通知。上一个考生走出后,两位考官要就给分进行短暂讨论,意见一致后填入表内。评分阶段未完前,如果下一个考生进来了,主考人不会就此不满,因为这不是考生的问题,这时主考人往往用英语说Please wait outside for a moment./Wait outside please. Please dont come in until we ask you to.等等。尽管这些话没有考生不会的单词,但由于考生平时接触的会说英语的较多的是自己的`英语老师和同班同学,乍一听别人说英语很不习惯。主考人有时要重复两三遍,甚至加用手势,考生退出。这将留下第一个“不良印象”。主考人们会想“怎么这么简单的英语也没听懂?”

2)进入口试室前如能先敲门,并说 May I come in?或 May I?,主考人自然会认为你很有礼貌,中学英语《英语教授张卫族谈如何对付高考英语口试》。人还没见,先有个好印象。


4)十有八九考生主动打招呼,说Good morning.或Good afternoon.这很好。但在使用称呼语上要慎重。如最常用的teacher,它在英语习惯里不是个称呼语,有的主考人认为中国式英语,也有的主考人认为国内有的教材这么用了,因而可以接受。在这种有争议的情况下,考生应避免给自己找麻烦,就简单说Good morning/afternoon.为妥。

5)考生应把准考证交给主考人,以便将有关信息和成绩写在记录单上。考生如果主动,主考人也就不会说Let me have your examination permit/ID.或Give me your examination permit/ID.(ID= identification card,证明自己“身份”的证件,此处也可表示自己获准参加考试的证明;permit=许可证)。当然,主考人知道考生会听不懂,往往边说边比划,可有时考生还不懂,这又会给自己带来不利的印象分。




高考英语口语 篇2

1、 用来回答祝愿,意为:也祝你……;祝你也如此。如:

A:Happy Christmas. 圣诞快乐。

B:Same to you. 也祝你圣诞快乐。

A:And good luck. 祝你好运。

B:Thank you. The same to you. 谢谢,也祝你好运。

A:Well, good-bye, Jim, and best wishes. 好吧,再见,吉姆,祝你顺利。

B:The same to you. 也祝你顺利。

有时也说 You, too. 如:

A:Have a good weekend. 祝周末过得愉快。

B:You, too. 也祝你周末愉快。

2、 用来回答辱骂,意为:你才是! 你也是! 如:

A:You’re a twit. 你是个白痴。

B:Same to you. 你才是。

A:Go to Hell. 滚开!

B:And the same to you. 你滚开。

高考英语口语 篇3

1、 amaze:使某人吃惊;amazing:令人惊叹的;amazed:感到惊奇的

2、 annoy:使某人恼怒; annoying:令人恼怒的;annoyed:感到恼怒的,生气的

3、 astonish:使某人惊愕;astonishing:令人惊愕的:astonished:感到惊愕的

4、 confuse:使某人困惑;confusing:令人困惑的;confused:感到困惑的

5、 convince:使某人信服;convincing:令人信服的;convinced:感到信服的

6、 delight:使某人高兴;delighting(delightful):令人高兴的;delighted:感到高兴的

7、 depress:使人低落;depressing:令人低落(沮丧)的;depressed:感到沮丧的

8、 disappoint: 使某人失望;disappointing:令人失望的;disappointed:感到失望的

9、 discourage:使某人泄气;discouraging:令人泄气的;discouraged:感到泄气的

10、 disgust:使人厌恶:disgusting:令人厌恶的;disgusted:感到厌恶(恶心)的

11、 embarrass:使人尴尬;embarrassing:令人尴尬的;embarrassed:感到尴尬的

12、 encourage:使有勇气;encouraging:令人鼓舞的;encouraged:感到鼓舞的

13、 excite:使人兴奋;exciting:令人兴奋的;excited:感到兴奋的

14、 exhaust: 使人筋疲力尽;exhausting:令人筋疲力尽的;exhausted:感到筋疲力尽的

15、 fright:使人惊恐;frightening:令人惊恐的;frightened:感到恐惧(害怕)的

16、 frustrate:使人沮丧;frustrating:令人沮丧的;frustrated:感到沮丧的

17、 inspire:使人鼓舞;inspiring:令人鼓舞的;inspired:感到鼓舞的

18、 interest:使人有兴趣;interesting:令人感兴趣的;interested:感到有兴趣的

19、 irritate:使人愤怒;irritating:令人愤怒的;irritated:感到愤怒的

20、 move:使人感动;moving:令人感动的;moved:感动的

21、 please:使人愉快;pleasing(pleasant)令人愉快的;pleased:感到快乐的

22、 puzzle:使人困惑;puzzling:让人困惑的;puzzled:感到困惑的

23、 satisfy:使人满意;satisfying(satisfactory):令人满意的;satisfied:感到满意的

24、 shock:使人震惊:shocking:令人震惊的;shocked:感到震惊的

24、 sicken:使人恶心;sickening:令人恶心的;sickened:感到恶心的

26、 surprise:使人惊讶;surprising:令人惊讶的;surprised:感到惊讶的

27、 terrify:使人害怕;terrifying:令人害怕的;terrified:感到害怕的

28、 tire:使人疲倦:tiring:令人疲倦的;tired:感到疲倦的

29、 touch:使人触动;touching;令人触动的;touched:感到触动的

30、 worry:使人担忧;worrying:令人担忧的;worried:感到担忧的

高考英语口语 篇4

The day of the opening ceremony was held in second weeks after the semester starts, I feel the time is late, the opening ceremony, as the name implies, is the beginning of the semester on ah!

That day is Tuesday, the afternoon is obviously a class meeting, but changed to the opening ceremony, so the afternoon class meeting has never.

As said in the broadcast time to start at the opening ceremony, the students unable to hold oneself back to salvage their own version, with the fastest speed rushed to the playground, I really do not know what they want.

Arrived, have to sit and listen to the school leaders to stop speech, but also from time to time with the drum about the palm, it is false ah!

Said a few hours later, finally finish, even back to the classroom, not free activities. Oh! The ceremony boring ah!

高考英语口语 篇5

My hobbies are many, but the painting is my favorite.

Today is Monday, we look forward to to the long-awaited art class. In class, the teacher first slowly drew some flowers on the blackboard. Then carefully to us. I'm obsessed with looking at a picture, until the students with their feet stepped on the foot of her I intentionally, I just woke up. The teacher put the paper down, I painted with relish, drew a lot of flowers, roses, tulips, lotus.。. I revel in the picture, as if all went into the picture. Classmate called me, I took the picture in the platform for the teacher. Draw a good bother the teacher praised me and take my picture, as example to the students. My heart like to eat the sugar is sweet, the in the mind think: the teacher thank you, I will.

Painting can not only broaden our imagination, and can let me be happy, I love painting.

高考英语口语考试攻略 篇6







高考英语口语 篇7

Last summer, my friend asked me to go to his hometown to spend the summervacation. I asked my parents for permission and they said yes.

When I got to hisplace, I was so surprised because there was a beach near his house. It was sobeautiful, many kids played there. The water was so blue under the sunshine. Itwas so fun to swim in the water. In the morning, I woke up early and took a walkalong the beach, and I could hear the sea water's coming voice. I saw a lot ofpeople traveled here and took pictures. In the evening, when the sun was down,we played the games and sometimes we swam.

It was such a good memory for me. Iliked the leisure lifestyle. When summer comes, I will always think of the happydays in the beach.

高考英语口语 篇8

As the pace of modern life continues to quicken, many people are in the habit of rushing through life. Some admit that stress seems to be on the increase all the time. A certain degree of stress is beneficial to us, but too much stress is certainly harmful, and sometimes may even harmful to our health and physique. So it is necessary to know how to reduce stress.

There are many ways that can help us solve this problem, but the following may be the most effective. First, learn to come to terms with yourselves. Don't set a goal that is too high because there are many things in this world that are beyond your reach. Learn to be content to go as far as you can. Second, learn to come to terms with the world around you. Don't try to change other people or other things.

There are people and things in this world that you can do nothing about. So learn to accept them. Third, don't be too interested in material things and don't try to "keep up with the Joneses." Don't harbor any jealousy, vanity or resentment to others. Be satisfied with what you have. Finally, keep in touch with your friends. Talk with them, share with them your happiness and misery. This will help to make you feel better.

高考英语口语考试攻略 篇9



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