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时间:2023-12-11 15:51:33


Chicken相关英文幽默故事:Chicken Soup 鸡汤 篇1

Joe was in the hospital and it was time for lunch. He looks at his lunch and says, "I don't like chicken soup, bring something else." The hospital worker said, "It's good for you, the doctor said you should have it." Regardless, the patient refused to eat it. That night, a patient in the room with Joe had a bad stomach pain so the nurses came in to give him an enema. By mistake, they gave the enema to Joe. The following week, when he was leaving the hospital, a new patient asked him how he liked the hospital. He told him, "Well, the hospital itself is pretty good, but they're very strict about their food. when they bring up chicken soup you better eat it, or else they'll come back in the middle of the night and shove it up your behind!"

Joe在住院,一天午餐时间,他看了看自己的饭菜,说:“我不喜欢鸡汤,拿点别的给我吧。”医院的护工说:“鸡汤对您的身体有好处,医生说您得喝这个。” 无论如何,Joe还是不肯喝。那天晚上,和Joe同房间的一个病人得了严重的胃病,于是护士过来给他灌肠。可是他们搞错了,给Joe做了灌肠。第二个礼拜,Joe出院时,新住进来的病人问他觉得医院怎么样。Joe告诉他:“这个医院本身是很好的,但是他们对伙食真的很严格,如果他们让你喝鸡汤,你最好喝了它,不然他们会半夜过来硬是从你后面塞进去!”

chicken的复数例句 篇2

1. Domestic chickens are descended from jungle fowl of Southeast Asia.


2. I have to feed the chickens and hoe the potatoes.


3. I don't want to count my chickens before they are hatched.


4. I've brought you some eggs. We keep chickens.


5. Chickens clucked in the garden.


6. He had chickens and things round the back.


7. Entire roast chickens were sixty cents apiece.


8. They keep chickens in the back yard.


9. food pellets for chickens


10. Let's not count our proverbial chickens.


11. The old man likes raising rabbits, chickens, dogs and horses.

这个老人喜欢养兔子 、 鸡 、 狗和马。

12. We hunted the neighbour's chickens out of our yard.


13. Chickens, goats and rabbits were offered for barter at the bazaar.

在集市上,鸡 、 山羊和兔子被摆出来作物物交换之用。

14. A few scrawny chickens were scratching around the yard.


15. The farmyard was quiet, with just a few chickens scratching about.

这农家庭院静悄悄的, 只有几只鸡在四处扒食。

chicken的复数形式 篇3


chicken的用法 篇4

chicken的用法1:chicken可以指作为家禽的鸡,也可指作为食品的鸡肉。作“小鸡”解时是个体名词,可数; 作“鸡肉”解时则是物质名词,不可数。

chicken的用法2:chicken还可作动词解,常与out连用,意思是“因害怕而打退堂鼓”。例如:I used to ski but I've chickened out.我过去滑雪,但现在打退堂鼓了。John was courageous and manly when others chickened out.当别人都害怕打退堂鼓了,可约翰却是勇气十足的,有个男子汉气魄。

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