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时间:2023-10-05 17:03:04


for free 篇1

1. (非正式)免费地,无偿地


these professionals were giving their time for free.

free and easy 篇2

1. 随便的,无拘无束

free, g()ratis, and for nothing

1. (幽默)不收费地

a free hand 篇3

1. 自行处理权;自主权;全权;放手干的权力

make free with 篇4

1. 擅自处理;随意对待


he'll have something to say about your making free with his belongings.

for free【非正式用语 篇5

1. 免费的

the free world 篇6

1. 自由世界(统指以前反对苏联集团的非共产主义国家)

it's a free country 篇7

1. 这里是自由国家(用于声称做某事不违法或不受禁止,常有辩解之意)

a free ride 篇8

1. 占便宜;无本获利,白得


people have been having a free ride, paying so little rent that there is no money for maintenance.

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