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时间:2023-09-22 01:45:02

consider表示考虑; 把(某人,某事)看作…的意思,那么你知道consider的短语有哪些吗?这次为您整理了动词consider的用法解析和练习!【优秀7篇】,希望能够帮助到大家。

.consider doing sth 考虑做… 篇1

Have you considered how to get there?


consider sb for a job/as a candidate


Have you considered the possibility of retraining?

We are considering whether to change our advice to tourists.

We're still considering where to move to.

consider的用法:作动词 篇2

1.Consider作动词,意为think about sth.考虑,斟酌

常用搭配:consider sth. / doing sth. / where(how, why)+to do /that clause; all things considered通盘考虑,考虑到问题的各个方面。如:

He paused to consider his options.他停下来考虑该如何作选择。

Any reasonable offer will be considered.任何合理报价都将予以考虑。

I’m considering applying for the job.我在申请那份工作。

We’re still considering where to go.我们仍在考虑去哪。

If you consider that she’s only been studying English for six months, she speaks it very well.如果考虑到她学英语才六个月,那么她英语讲得非常不错了。

All things considered, we’re doing quite well.通盘考虑,我们目前干得不错。

2.Consider作动词,还可理解为think of sb. / sth. In a particular way 认为,看待

常用搭配:consider sb. / sth. to be + n.or adj. / as+n./直接加n. or adj.

Conside sb. to have done.(不可用:consider sb. to do)

Tom is considered as (to be)our best friend. 汤姆被认为是我们的最好朋友。

A further study is now considered unlikely. 进一步的研究目前被认为是不可能的。

Lydia was considered an excellent teacher. 莉迪亚被认为是一位优秀的教师。

Consider yourself luck you weren’t in the car at that time. 你当时不在车里,你应该感到庆幸。

The Arab was considered to have stolen the cameral.那个阿拉伯人被认为偷了那头骆驼。

3.Consider作动词,亦有“think about sb. or one’s feelings, take(sth.)into account体谅,体贴”之意。如:

God, you’re so selfish! You’ve got to learn to consider other people! 天啊,你太怎么了!你得学会替别人着想!

We must consider the feelings of other people. 我们必须顾及他人的感情。

consider的用法 篇3


1.consider+n./pron. 例如:

Have you considered the suggestion?

That's what we have to consider now.


We considered going to see the doctor the next day.

Have you considered moving to shanghai recently?

You must consider to tell him something about it.(错误)

3. consider+疑问词+不定式,如:

He is considering how to improve his English.

We must consider what to do next.4. consider+从句,例如:We didn't consider whether he should go or not.

Have you considered when we should go there?


1. consider+sb./sth.+(to be/as)+n./adj.,例如:

I consider him to (be/as) my best friend.

Everyone considers him (to be) clever.

He considered it much improved.

2. consider sb/sth.+不定式短语(作宾语补足语),不能接不


We consider them to be working very hard.

We consider them to have finished the work.

We consider him to be the clever in our class.

We must consider him to there at once. (错误)

3. consider+it+adj./n.+不定式短语,其中it为形式宾语,不


Jiao Yulu considered it his duty to serve the people heart and soul.They consider it necessary to set the slaves free.4.consider +sb./sth.+介词短语作宾语补足语,例如:She always considered herself in the right.We considered his suggestion of great importance.5. consider+宾语从句,例如:We considered that the film was worth seeing for another time.I don' t consider that he has a final say in this matter.另外,(1) consider的名词形式为 consideration,常用于下列的结构:1. He showed much consideration for his wife.2. He didn't take part in the meeting in consideration of his job.3. You can't answer my question without consideration.4. Your plan is under consideration.(2) considerable意思为“可观的、相当的(接不可数名词)、值得思考的、重要的”等,例如:1. The increase was considerable.2. Your plan is considerable.

第三、 consider与 regard的区别:consider指经过深思熟虑或由亲身经历而“认为”,regard指用眼睛看这种判断通常基于表面的观察,后面接复合结构,一般由名词来充当,不接形容词或动词不定式,一般as连用,例如:

1. we regarded him as one of the best teachers in our school.

2. I regard picking pocket as a crime。我认为扒窃是一种罪行。

第四、think about和 think of也都有表示“考虑、认为、想一想”的意思,常接表示事物的名词或动名词,例如:

1. She is thinking about/of changing his job.

2. What do you think about/of our plan?

3. Have you thought about/of my suggestion?

第五、look on/upon as意思为“把…看作、视为”,后面一般接名词,例如:

1. Do you look on him as an authority ( 权威)on the subject.

2. He usually looks upon my idea as a joke.


ConsiderThe Choir - Chase the Kangaroo

作"认为"、"以为"、"觉得"(=be of the opinion,regard as)解时,后面多接宾语从句,这时一般不接动名词作宾语.例如: 篇4

failed to consider the feelings of others.


To think carefully; reflect:


Give me time to consider.


.consider sb/sth as +n/adj 把…当作(后可跟名词或形容词 篇5

Do you consider it wise to interfere?


I did not consider it necessary to report the incident.

I consider it a great honour to be invited

consider的用法:作形容词 篇6

1.Considerable作为形容词形,意为:great in amount or size相当多的,相当大的。其副词形式为considerably。

She has considerable influence with the President. 她对总统有相当大的影响。

It’s considerably colder today.今天冷得多。

其反义词inconsiderable,常与not搭配,not inconsiderable意为:fairly large or important 相当大规模的,相当重要的。

He has built up a not inconsiderable business mall. 他已建立起一个相当大规模的商业购物中心。

2.Considerate作为形容词,意为:careful not to hurt or inconvenience others考虑周到的,关心的,体贴的。如:

Diana is considerate towards her employees. She is willing to listen. 黛安娜是个体谅她雇员的人。她乐于听取意见。

It was considerate of you not to play the piano while I was asleep. 在我睡觉的时候你不弹钢琴,真是体贴入微。


It was inconsiderate of him to keep us waiting like that. 让我们等这么久,他太不体谅人了。


This is a considered opinion. 这是经过深思熟虑的意见。

Her paintings are very well considered abroad. 她的画在国外受到好评。

a bit ,a bit of的区别 篇7

a bit,a bit of这两个短语都可表示“一点,一些”。其区别是:

a bit的意思是“有点”,在句子中常修饰动词、形容词,作状语;a bit of是表示数量的短语,意思是“一点点”,在句子中多用做定语,后面只接不可数名词。例如:

The weatheris a bit cold.天气有点冷。

Please wait a bit.请等一下。

I know a bit of French.我懂一点法语。


用a bit或a bit of 填空:

1、He is not_____like his brother.

2、After hard work,we should take_____rest.

答案:1. a bit 2.a bit of


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