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时间:2023-09-12 20:10:59

单词学习笔记 篇1

1.plate n.盘子

2.dessert 餐后的甜点

3.I'd like to V 我想要……=I would like to V

例:I'd like to go to the party, but I have another appointment.


4.blueberry n. 蓝莓

blueberry pie 蓝莓派

5.excellent a. 极好的

例:The musicians gave an excellent performance.


6.choice n. 选择

have no choice but to V 除了……之外别无选择

例:The police had no choice but to arrest the drunk.


7.stuffed a. 吃得过饱的

stuff vt. 填塞;使吃得过饱

例: Billy stuffs himself at every meal. It's no wonder he's overweight.


8.be ready for N 准/预备……

例:Are you ready for tomorrow's test?


9.check n.账单 & vi.查核

check in/into a hotel 到达旅馆时办理住宿手续

check out of hotel (旅馆的客人)结账离开

例:They checked into the hotel at three in the afternoon.


If you don't check out of the hotel by noon, you'll have to pay for an extra half day.




上甜点 篇2

W= Waiter P= Patron

The patron finishes her meal. The waiter comes to take her



W: Can I get you any dessert?


P: Yes, I'd like to try the blueberry pie.


W: Excellent choice. (He brings her the pie. After she finishes, the waiter comes back. ) Would you like anything else?

服务生:那是绝佳的选择。(他拿来她的派。她吃完后, 服务生便回来。)您还想尝些别的东西吗?

P: No, I'm stuffed. I'm ready for the check.


W: Here you are. Thank you and have a nice evening.


P: Thank you.


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