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《牛津小学英语5A Unit8》教学设计(精选8篇)

时间:2023-09-10 10:02:40

《牛津小学英语5A》Unit 6教案 篇1



2、能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型:are you free now?/how about…?/can you come and help…with…?/see you this afternoon.



focal points: 能正确的运用所学句型进行交际对话。

difficult points:

1、句型can you come and help…with…?的灵活运用。


teaching aids:多媒体课件、电话、单词卡片

step 1 preparation

1 greetings.

2 sing an english song:we can sing and dance.

step 2 revision

1 play the game: act and guess.

2 the students do and say together.

3 sum up the main points of the v.ing structure.

step 3 presentation and drill

1 teaching of the sentence:how about…?

the way:1)t:boys and girls,i like pe.do you like pe?


t:can you swim?ss:(do the action)

t:what are you doing?how about yao ming?(present the picture of yao ming)

2)drll:how about…?

2 present the picture and talk about the picture,teach the phrase and the word:at home,homework,do one’s homework.

3 the teacher talk with the students:how many courses of homework do you do every day?teach:maths.

4 use the cai to present a picture which means:a boy is doing his maths,but he can’t do the phrase:help…with…

5 drill:the using of the phrase:help …with…(make phrases)

6 practise:the sentence pattern:can you come and help… with …?(use some pictures)

7 teaching of the sentence pattern:is that…?

the way:1)t:i can’t do my homework,i’d like to ask s1 for help.(call s1)

teach the sentence pattern:is that…?

2)the students call each other.

8 teaching of the word:ring

the way :1)make the telephone the word:ring

2)drill:add two words:wing,king(the students try to read or spell them according to the pronunciation rules.)

step 4 practise

1 get the students look at the picture and talk about the picture.

2 listen to the tape recorder

3 do the exercise:true or false in pairs.

4 check the answer.

5 the students read after the tape recorder.

6 the students read in roles.

step 5 consolidation

1 the teacher act out a dialogue with a student as a model.

2 the students make out the dialogues in pairs.

3 the students act out their dialogues.

step 6 summarization

sum up the main points of the lesson

step 7 homework

1 try to make a call with your friends or your teachers.

2 read the text and the new words after the tape.

《牛津小学英语5A》第三单元教学设计 篇2



教学目标:1.能听懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词:lessn, sing, sng, dance, pla.


教学目标:1.能听懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词:learn, listen, ae, ride, put, can.2. 比较熟练的掌握句型: Can u…?


教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词:ride, put.


教学目标:1.复习本单元所学词汇。2.能听懂会说、会读、会写句型: Can u…?

es, I(we) can. / N, I (we) can’t. What can u d? I can…能较熟练地在情景中运用所学句型和日常交际用语Listen t … , please. Nw, fllw e, please. es. / O. / All right. O. Let’s sing it tgether.。4.解元音字母a在单词里的'读音。5.能有表情地演唱 ‘ We can sing and dance’

教具准备:1.Part A 挂图2.单词图片3.歌曲“We can sing and dance ”


1.Sing “We can sing and dance”

2.Free tal and revisin

1) Greetings

2) Act part A

3. Learn part A ( the first paragraph)

1) T: Listen t the tape please, and tr t answer questuin:

a.What tie is it nw?

b.Where are the students?

c.What are the ding?

S: 听本课课文第一段介绍性录音磁带。

T: Let’s sa it b urselves.

S: 复述本段。

3)T: Can u act Part A nw?

S: es, we can.


4.Learn F≈G

1)T: Bs and girls, let’s pla a gae ‘ hide and see’.


Where’s Li Hng? Wh can find hi?

S: I can. He’s behind the dr, I thin.

T: Oh, n.

S: He’s beside the windw, I thin.

T:Oh, n.

S: …(继续猜测)

T: es, u’re right.


2)T: Shw the wrds n the blacbard:

after, basetball, class, dance


5nslidatin and d exercises

1)As and answer using the drills:

Can u…?

es, I (we) can. / N, I (we) can’t.

What can u d?

I can…

2) Finish the exercises n the wrb.

6. Hewr

1) Review the wrds and expressins, prepare fr the dictatin

2) Written wr: Part C. Mae sentences and transla

《牛津小学英语5A》Unit 6教案 篇3

课        题

unit 5  review and check    第二课时 ( 复习课 )








教 学 准 备


教 学 方 法




step 1: warm up

1. 师生齐唱歌曲 two jackets

2.  free talk.

t: hello, what’s in our classroom?

s: there is a tv in our classroom.

t: is there a bookcase in our classroom?

s: yes, there is.

t: unit 1 talks about our school and our classroom. today we’ll go to unit 2 which talks about a house.

step 2: presentation and practice

1. here’s yang ling’s new house. please say something about her house. 教师提问:where is the …? 引出介词 behind ,under 并四会学习单词

2. 教师利用实物作道具,边示范边说介词,如:the ball is in the box. /on the box /under the box/ behind the box… 师生互问答:where’s the ball? it’s…

3.      3. 游戏: 教师随意摆放球的位置,让一学生转过身去看不到,猜测球的位置,is there a ball in the box ?/is there a ball behind the box?….让全班学生回答:yes, there is. /no, there isn’t.



4.      look and answer.

t: look at the pictures, then ask and answer in pairs.学生自由操练,然后三到四组同学展示。说反话游戏。

5. t: now, it’s fun time. let’s play a game, 说反话。if i say “there is a pen in the pencil box.” you should say “there isn’t a pen in the pencil box.” pay attention to the plural form.请注意复数, some要改成any.

step 3: consolidation

1 find the differences

t: here are two pictures. try to say something about the differences, using there’s/ there are… in picture 1/2. there isn’t/ there aren’t … in picture 1/2.

2. say a rhyme: do you like my house?

3.      dictation.


作    业

1. listen to the tape and repeat three times.

2. copy the words and sentences.


unit 5  review and check


《牛津小学英语5A》Unit 6教案 篇4

unit 1 (第一课时)

一、 教学内容

b look read and learn & c look and say

二、 教学目标

1、能正确地听、说、读单词及词组mean, danger, should, shouldn’t, litter, park, smoke, keep of, be quiet

2、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型what does it / this / that mean? it means you / we must / should / shouldn’t ….



三、 教学重点

1、能正确地听、说、读单词及词组mean, danger, should, shouldn’t, litter, park, smoke, keep of, be quiet

2、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型what does it / this / that mean? it means you / we must / should / shouldn’t ….

四、 教学难点

1、能正确地听、说、读、写词组keep of, be quiet


五、 教学准备





六、 教学过程

step 1 free talk/ revision

1 good morning,boys and girls.

2 let’s sing a song.

3 give the students some orders:

“stand up.”

“clean the desk.”

step 2 presentation and pratice

1. show some sign pictures of public signs to teach the title “public signs”。

2. according to the description to teach the public signs.


“keep quiet”, “ do not touch”, “ keep off the grass”, “no eating and drinking”。


“no parking”, “no smoking”, “no littering”, “no cycling”, “danger”。

teach the new words: smoke, litter, cycle, danger.

3. show the public signs quickly.

play the match game: put the right pictures in the right place.

step 3 look, read and learn

1. read the public signs after the tape recorder one by one.

2. read altogether.

3. practice in pairs, one points another says.

step 4 practice

1. show the pictures and ask:

what does it mean?

right / wrong. it means “…”。

teach “it means….”

2. what does it mean?

yes. it means “…”。

it means you should / shouldn’t….

teach “should / shouldn’t”。

3. pracitc:

what does it mean?

step 5 consolidation

ask the students to practice part c.

七、 作业设计

1. copy the phrases in english 3 times, and in  chinese for once.

2. do the workbooks.

3. describe some public signs using the short dialogue.

八、 板书设计

unit 2 public signs         date.

pictures of part b

some phrases and the small pictures

九、 教后记

《牛津小学英语5A》Unit 6教案 篇5


a learn to say



bananas .watermelons , peaches, pears .apples ,oranges ,mangoes, pineapples .

2 能听懂会说几种家庭成员间的称呼语 father, mother, brother, sister.

3、三会句型:good morning .

good afternoon ,

this is my …


nice to meet you .

nice to meet you , too .

4 能初步了解名词复数的读音。



bananas .watermelons , peaches, pears .apples ,oranges ,mangoes, pineapples .

2 能听懂会说几种家庭成员间的称呼语 father, mother, brother, sister.

3、三会句型:good morning .

good afternoon ,

this is my …


nice to meet you .

nice to meet you , too .

4 能初步了解名词复数的读音。

5 能用this is my …  句型介绍家庭成员。



bananas .watermelons , peaches, pears .apples ,oranges ,mangoes, pineapples .

2 能听懂会说几种家庭成员间的称呼语 father, mother, brother, sister.

3、三会句型:good morning .

good afternoon ,

this is my …


nice to meet you .

nice to meet you , too .









step 1 free talk/ revision

1.sing  a  song: << hi, nancy>>

2.greetings .(同位之间练习,自由锁链反应)。

hello /hi,… good morning/ good afternoon.

nice to meet you ,…

nice to meet you ,too.

step 2  look and say

. hello! good morning !this is yang ling /…/my father .引入本课新授部分。

1. learn to say :this is my father .

show the family photo.

t: today we’re going to learn a new dialogue. look at this photo of my family. let me introduce something about it .

a、t: this is my father ,(师反复重复:father , this is my father )what does “father” mean? do you know?

“father” means “爸爸”,“my father ”means “我的爸爸”。

b、t: show me your family photo , please introduce your father to me ,

you should say : miss gu, this is my father.

c. practice and check.

2. learn to say :

this is my mother/brother/sister. the same method and then play a game .

the t say the word aloud ,but the ss say it low. if the t say it low ,the ss say it aloud .

3 look at your photo and introduce your family to your classmates

1. he t shows the wall picture.

t: how many people are there in the picture?


t: who are they?

ss :nancy, mr green ,mr black.

t: mr black is nancy’s father , nancy wants to introduce her father to mr green ,what are they talking about?

4 生组成三人学习小组,先讨论交流,表演一番后评论。listen to the tape and repeat .

5. the t introduce gao shan to the ss. (this is gao shan)

6. act:

t: “hello, gao shan , this is my sister ,nancy.”

gao shan says: “hi, nancy.”

nancy says: “hi, gao shan.”

7. three students a group make the dialogue.

8.open the books ,turn to page 18 , a learn to say .listen to the tape and repeat .

step 4 consolidation

1 学生可以自由进行家庭成员的介绍,扩充知识面。

2. 先给予一定时间让学生自己熟悉人物名称,让他们练一练,说一说。






unit 3 this is my father  (日期)

good morning .

good afternoon ,

this is my …


nice to meet you .

nice to meet you , too .


牛津小学英语5A Unit 8教学案例 篇6

牛津小学英语5A Unit 8教学案例



自从接到了参加江苏省信息技术资源英语录像课评比的通知,我就开始着手设计本课。本课的主题是a camping trip,教学对象为五年级学生。本节课的教学内容既涉及学生在三、四、五年级学过的有关物品的单词,又涉及了表示“有”的说法。根据学习内容和学生情况,采用了以旧带新引入新知识的教学策略,并以新旧知识的整合作为本课的落脚点,以帮助学生在学习过程中不断扩展和丰富语言知识,组增强学生的交际能力。


1)能正确地听、说、读、写词汇tent, pot, hill, a tin of, children, show。

2)能正确地听、说、读词汇tin-opener, match, blanket, telescope, fish, camping trip (site)。

3)能理解掌握句型 What do you/ they have ? I/ We/ They have …

What does he/ she have ? He/ She has …





3)能初步理解掌握句型What do you/ they have ? What does he/ she have? 及其答语。




I. Greeting

1. Greeting

T: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you again.Who’s on duty today?

S1: I am. My name’s… . I’m a girl. I like reading and dancing. Today is … . We have Chinese, Maths, English and PE in the morning. We have Art and Science in the afternoon. That’s all.

2. Free talk.

T: OK, boys and girls, let’s play a game, OK?

老师做出一个动作,如run, T: What am I doing? Guess.

S: You’re running.


(jumping, walking, sleeping, dancing, swimming, sitting, standing,speaking)

3. T: Now, let’s sing a song,OK?

Sing a song ---what are you doing? 5’

(设计思路)在教学中,要做到以学生为主体,通过free talk,可以使大部分学生得到发言的机会,另外,学生们在回答自己提问的同时,配合动作,又极大地提高了学习本课内容的兴趣。同时,行为动词的引入,也为进一步的学习埋下了伏笔。

II. Presentation

1. T: Please look at the slide. (图)It is spring now. What’s the meaning of

‘spring’? ----春天

T: Spring is coming. The trees turn green and the flowers start to grow. Do you want to go on and outing? Ss: Yes, we do.

---- go camping Let’s go camping! 让我们去野营吧!(图)

---- a camping trip a camping site

They’re having a camping trip. They’re at a camping site. 2’

2. T: When we go camping, what do we need?

1)Ss answer the question.

S: We need … .

( a tent, a telescope, a tin-opener, a pot, a stove, a blanket, a owel, some tins, a tin of fish(四会), a tin of chicken, some fruit, some chocolates, a box of chocolates, some water, some eggs, some biscuits and so on.)(图)

Look at the slide.

2) Read the words of Part B after the tape.

(设计思路)通过对野营所需物品的谈论,可以很自然的引出本课的生词,并且在轻松、和谐的课堂氛围中,可以更好、更快的掌握本课的三会及四会单词,并会带入句型中加以运用。通过We need….这个熟悉的句型,可以很轻松的引出本课have、has的用法。 5’

3. 1) T: We have so many things. We can go camping now,What do you have? ( to S1)

S1: (出示实物) I have …. ( to S2…..S6)

Practise ‘I have … .’

2) T: What does he/she have? Ss: He/She has …(指着刚才出示实物的学生说)


4. have 与has 的用法

都表示拥有,但have 用于第一、二人称以及第三人称的复数,而has用于第三人称单数。(生总结,并看幻灯)

(设计思路)这样的练习即符合小学生好奇心强、对未知事物充满兴趣的心理特点,又可以在课堂教学中可以充分调动学生参与和体验的热情。此环节立足整体把握教材的知识体系,在导入新知识时先分析新旧知识的联系,再以旧带新,做到语言知识的融会贯通,不断丰富学生的语言积累。 5’

5. Let’s chant.

What do you have? I have a tent.

What do I have? You have a tin.

What do you have? We have a pot.

What do they have? They have some fruit.

What does he have? He has a chair.

What does she have? She has a stove.

Go, go, lets go. Let’s go camping!

比较do 与does 的用法

Do和does都是助动词,用帮助行为动词构成句子。Do用于一、二人称以及第三人称的`复数, does用于第三人称单数。 3’


6. T: Boys and girls, I think you must be tired. Let’s learn a song, OK?

---- What do you have?

7. T: Boys and girls, do you like going camping? Ss: Yes, we do.

T: Miss Li and her students are having a camping trip. Listen to the tape, and try to answer my questions.

Questions: 1) Where are the children?

They are at a camping site. It’s near a hill.

---- 4-skill words children hill

Learn to say: site, a camping site

2) What are they doing?

They are showing their things to each other.

---- 4-skill words show Learn to say: each other

3) What does Liu Tao have? He has a big tent.

What does David have? He has a chair.

What does Nancy have? She has a chair, too.

What does Helen have? She has a tin of chicken and a tin of fish.

What does Yang Ling have? She has a tin-opener.

What does Mike have? He has a pot and a stove.

What do Su Hai and Su Yang have?

They have two blankets and a telescope.

What does Miss Li have? She has a box of chocolates.

What does Mr Green have? He has some fruit.7

(设计思路)在Part A 的学习中,我先设计了几个题目。通过课件的展示,让学生边听边思考提出的几个问题。问题涉及到wh-的几个类型。问题的设计应注意层次性、注意启发性、注意广泛性、注意灵活性。 对学生课堂提问的回答给予积极评价。

III. Practice

.1. Listen to the tape again, and try to fill in the blankets.

1)Now the children and their teachers are the hill. They’re a camping site. They’re their things to each other. Liu Tao has a big . Davida chair. Nancy has a chair, too. Helen has a tin ofand a tin of . Yang Ling has a , Mike has a and a stove. Su Hai and Su Yang have two blankets and a . Miss Li and Mr Green have a box of chocolates and some fruit. They’re very happy!

(设计思路)此项练习可以使学生更好的理解Part A 的内容,通过对课文的阅读与理解,提高他们的听、说、读写等综合运用语言的能力。

2) Read the paragraph together. 3’

IV. Consolidation

1. Read Part A. 2’

2. T: Who can make a dialogue with the following drills?

A: The camping trip is coming.What do you have?

B: I have … .

A: I have … . How about … and …? What do they have?

C: I have … .

D: I have … .

ABCD: Great!/ How nice!/ Good! Let’s go camping! 7’

V. Homework

1. Listen to the tape and copy the new words .

2.Make a dialogue about the camping trip with your classmates. 1’


《牛津小学英语5A》Unit 6教案 篇7


b look read and learn & c look and say



bananas .watermelons , peaches, pears .apples ,oranges ,mangoes, pineapples .

.2、三会句型:good morning .

good afternoon ,

this is my …


nice to meet you .

nice to meet you , too .

3 能初步了解名词复数的读音。



bananas .watermelons , peaches, pears .apples ,oranges ,mangoes, pineapples .

2、三会句型:good morning .

good afternoon ,

this is my …


nice to meet you .

nice to meet you , too .

3 能初步了解名词复数的读音。



bananas .watermelons , peaches, pears .apples ,oranges ,mangoes, pineapples .

2、三会句型:good morning .

good afternoon ,

this is my …


nice to meet you .

nice to meet you , too .









step 1 free talk/ revision

1.sing  a  song: << hi, nancy>>

2.greetings .(同位之间练习,自由锁链反应)。

hello /hi,… good morning/ good afternoon.

nice to meet you ,…

nice to meet you ,too.

step 2 presentation and practice


learn to say the new word: bananas.

a. show the fruit . (bananas)

t: look, i have some bananas .

please show me your bananas and say bananas .

t:i have a banana . show me your banana and say “a  banana”。

ss: a banana.

b. practice .

2. look and say the other words .

3 告诉学生单数和复数的区别,同时注意他们的读音。

3. .play a game. “猜水果”。游戏方法:教师用袋子藏一种水果,让学生用他


t: let’s play a game ,ok? there are some fruits in my bag ,i want one student to come to the blackboard ,touch and guess, if you’re right , i’ll give you some fruit.

s1: apples ?ss: yes .(or no)

2. listen to the tape and repeat .

step 3  look and say

1. show the masks . (mr. black, mrs .black, mr. green , miss li) .please say :“good morning/afternoon to  them.” 生来分别扮演这四个角色,分成四个小组,进行互动式练习。

2. the  ss practice by using “good morning /afternoon …nice to meet you ,… nice to meet you ,too .”

3. show the wall pictures .(c look and say)

look at the pictures.

5. practice

(1) mr. green :good morning ,mr. black.

mr. black: good morning, mr. green .

2) mrs black: good afternoon /nice to meet you ,…

mrs li :  good afternoon /nice to meet you ,too .

(3) helen:  hi ,li tao ,this is mike .

li tai:    nice to meet you , mike.

mike:     nice to meet you ,too .

(4) mike :  hello, gao shan ,this is helen .

helen :    nice to meet you ,gao shan .

gao shan : nice to meet you ,too .

step 4 consolidation

1 学生可以自由进行练习,以巩固所学,扩充知识面。

2. 先给予一定时间让学生自己熟悉人物名称,让他们练一练,说一说。






unit 3 this is my father  (日期)

a banana --- bananas

a watermelon --- watermelons

a pineapples --- pineapples

a pear --- pears

an apple --- apples

an orange ---  oranges

a mangoes ---  mangoes

a peach ---, peaches

good morning .

good afternoon ,

this is my …


nice to meet you .

nice to meet you , too .


《牛津小学英语5A》Unit 6教案 篇8

unit 2 ben’s birthday第三课时 ask and answer; listen and write




when’s your birthday? my birthday’s on…

what would you like as a birthday present?

i’d like…根据实际情况进行问答。


重点 1.能熟练运用本单元的重点句型

when’s your birthday? my birthday’s on…

what would you like as a birthday present?

i’d like…根据实际情况进行问答。



板书设计 unit 3 ben’s birthday

a: when’s your birthday?

b: my birthday’s on…

a: what would you like as a birthday present?

b:i’d like…



a. free talk 1.greetings

2.look and say(看日历说日期)

3.free talk

t: what day is it today?                t: what date is it today?

t: when’s your birthday?              t: what would you like as a birthday present?

t: would you like a …?

t: when’s the teachers’ day?/when’s the children’s day?  s: it’s monday.

s: it’s the…

s: it’s on the…

s: i’d like a …

s: yes, i do./ no, i don’t.

s: it’s on the tenth of september./it’s on the first of june.

b. read and act 1. books opened at p22. read the text after the tape.

2. then read in chorus. try to recite the text.

3. act the dialogue.

c. ask and answer

1.t:when’s your birthday?

t: what would you like as a birthday present?

open the books at p25. ask and answer in pairs.

2. do a survey



the first the second the third





a: ’s birthday is on …   he would like……

d. listen and write 1.books opened at p26.look at the picture , please.

t: ben’s birthday’s coming. he is talking to his family about his birthday party. what would he like as his birthday present? let’s listen carefully.

2.t: what would he like as his birthday present?

t: what else would he like?

t: what color?

t: what does ron want?

3.listen to the tape again and fill in the blankets.

4.check up the answers.

5.read the sentences in chorus. s: he would like a big cake with a lot’s of strawberries.

s: he would like some fish.

s: a blue one and a yellow one.

s: he wants a blue fish, too.

e. assign homework

1. ask and answer(p25)

2. 通过询问制作全班同学生日表。

3. 预习part e。

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