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时间:2023-06-14 21:40:44


翻译句子 篇1

1、起初我感觉这份工作很累人,但很快就习惯了(get used to)

In the first time I think this job is tired,but quickly I get used to it

2、请原谅我昨天对你说的话(for give sb for sth)

Please forgive me for those talkings to you to yesterday

3、除了等着车,来我们什么也做不了(do nothing but)

Except waiting the car,we do nothing but

4、我毫不费力地在人群中找到了我父亲(have difficulty in doing)

I don’t have difficulty in finding my father in the crowed


When he walking to the classroom,he find classroom are watching TV

翻译句子 篇2

1、他答应要来的,可是到现在还没到(turn up)

He promise to come,But now he is not turn up

2、不想去上学,他就装病(pretend to do)

Don’t want to go to schol,he pretend to disease

3、有时狗仔队不惜违反法律去拍名人的照片(risk doing)

Sometimes the paparazzi risk

4、所有的鸟都有翅膀,但并不是所有的鸟都会飞(not all)

All of bird have wings.But not all bird will fly

5、会上将详细地讨论这个问题(in detail)

In the meeting we will discuss this question in ditail

翻译句子 篇3

1、这些专家们为我国的发展做出了巨大的贡献(make contributions to)

These experts make contribuitions to devolup of our country

2、国王拒绝评论选举的结果(comment on)

The king refuses to make a comment on the result of election

3、令我惊讶的是爸爸很支持我的想法(in favor of)

It is surprised to me that for my father is in favor of my idea

4、学生会由六个部门组成(be made up of/consist of)

The students union consists of six departments

5、校长经常鼓励学生们参加学校的各种各样的活动(participate in)

The headteacher often encourages students to participate in the kind of game

6、他的大个子使他在人群中很显眼(stand out)

It is very conspicuous of him when he stands out in the crowd


They have thought about a very good idea to prevent those from happening

8、她今晚很可能给我打电话(be likely to)

She is likely to call me this evening

9、为了引起别人的注意,他说话很大声(hold the attention of)

In order to catch the attention of people,he talk aloud

10、圣诞节前需要大量的商品(in demand)

A lot of goods are in greatly demand before Christmas

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