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时间:2023-12-20 15:28:51


《简爱》英文读后感带翻译 篇1

Jane eyre -- once the advent of 19th century literature sensation, it with an irresistible beauty attracts thousands of readers, have a kind of uncontrollable urge, drives us to picked up the book, and then, the heart also deeply moved for the tremor.

This is a novel with rotation colorific 19th century, is one of the three sisters famous writer * charlotte Bronte with. This is a book with their own hearts and strong spirit pursuit cast a book that contain the author infinite emotion and personality charm, won a brilliant for women of the sky.

Hero Jane figure, appearance is ordinary, skinny no money, no status, but had no ordinary temperament and very abundant emotion world. In her life through the, abandoned women born craven and charming gradually formed the strong and

independent personality. She wouldn't be cousin brutal before the princes, but neither willingly. Even if the outcome unsatisfactory, however constant no head, In the devil like cold brock's Mr Hirst tortured by, she can't show any fear, but leisurely carry down, independent strong to survive. Read Jane eyre, I for youth she by the ill treatment and pessimistic, empathy of experience with Jane that young sensitive soul has hurt. I also for Jane and dump. Like her in high position than her so-called gentry in front performance of that kind of thus attitude, like her in the face of love that demonstrate the self-esteem of self-renewal in spirit, mind can't help exclamation in distance in place of her in the progress of modern two hundred years, again a few women have the courage to their dignity of a beloved and rich man say not? Jane can! In her body moments flashed in an independent personality with lofty splendor!




《简爱》英语读后感 篇2

the Thinking of JANE EYRE

During the winter vacation I read a book named JANE EYRE, and I did think and get a lot. After I closed the covers of the book, I felt like having a long journey of the spirit. Jane Eyre, has left us so much to recall and to think.

Jane Eyer was a born resister, whose parents went off when she was very young, and her aunt,the only relative she had,treated her very badly. Actually, Jane wasn’t pretty, and of course, the ordinary appearance didn’t make others feel good of her, even her own aunt felt disgusted with it. And some others even thought that she was easy to look down on and to tease, so when Miss Ingram met Jane Eyre, she seemed quite contemptuous, for that she was obviously much more prettier than ‘the plain and ugly governess’。 But as the little governess had said: ‘Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!’ This is the idea of equality in Jane Eyre’s mind. So, finally she had the courage to express her love to Mr Rochester. She said:"Do you think I can watch another woman become your bride?Do you think I`m a machine,whitout feelings?Do you think,because I`m small and poor and plain,that I have no soul and no heart?Well,you`re wrong! I have as much soul and heart as you.It is my spirit that speaks to your spirit!We are equal in the sight of God!” Her idea of equality and self-respect impress us so much and let us feel the power inside her body.

God hadn’t given her beauty and wealth, but instead, God gave her a kind mind and a thinking brain. When we think of this girl, what she gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but a huge charm of her personality.

简爱读后感英文版 篇3

”Jane Eyre” is a novel with a rotation of the color, it told people the true meaning of life.

”Jane Eyre” Bronte, author of gentle, pure, like the pursuit of some good things, despite the poverty of her family, from the loss of maternal love, combined with her short stature, appearance is not outstanding, but perhaps such a soul deep inferiority complex, reflected in her character is a very self-esteem. Her of Jane Eyre is a beautiful, little woman, but she has an extremely strong sense of self.

Jane Eyre in a survival environment, from an early age with their peers under the same treatment as people do not, aunt of the , cousin of contempt, insult and tortured cousin …… perhaps it is because of all this, for Back to the Jane Eyre indomitable confidence and strong , a personality to overcome the inherent strength. she has steadfastly pursued a bright, holy, better life.

In before, she never because he is an inferior status of the family teachers feel inferior, but think they are equal. It is because of her integrity, high moral character, pure, spiritual not secular society of pollution, making Rochester was shocked, and she can be seen as an equal in spirit and their own people to talk to, and deeply in love with her 。

And when they get married that day, Jane Eyre know Rochester has a wife, she must feel that they want to leave, although she said, “I want God to comply with the law issued by the world , I would like to stick to living a sober and sometimes I was not as so crazy now when accepted 。 ” But speaking from the heart, deeper love Jane realize that they are being cheated, she’s self-esteem has been teased because she loved Rochester. However, Jane Eyre has made a very rational decision. In such a strength of love under siege, in the prosperous life under the , she still has to adhere to their own dignity as an individual, this is the spirit of Jane Eyre the most charming place.

Novel design of a very bright at the end – although Rochester’s manor destroyed, he himself became a disability, but it is such a condition, so that Jane Eyre is no longer in the dignity and the conflict between love and at the same time access to their own dignity and love.

In today’s society, people are mad for money and status of submerged love. In between poor and rich choice of the rich, and in love with does not love does not love to choose between. Few people will be like this for the love of Jane Eyre to abandon all for the character, and without looking back. “Jane Eyre” by the show to us is a kind of getting back to basics, is a fully paid by the pursuit of love, there are as a human being should have dignity. It is like a cup of ice water, purifying the hearts of everyone.








简爱英语读后感 篇4


"Jane Eyre" is the history of British literature as a classic masterpieces, it successfully portrays the history of English literature first to love, life, society and religion have taken independent hard enterprising attitude and dare to struggle, dare to fight for freedom and equality of women image.


All the women who love foreign literary works like to read Charlotte's Jane Eyre. If we think that Charlotte writes Jane love only to write this tangled feeling. I think it's wrong. The author is also a woman, living in the middle of the nineteenth Century in the fluctuating UK, when thought had a new start. The most permeated in Jane Eyre is this idea - the independent consciousness of women. Let us imagine that if Jane's independence has long been strangled in Jirenlixia childhood life; if she does not have the independence, she had and his wife and daughter live together in Rochester, began to have money, and status of new life; if she does not share of purity, we now in the hands of "Jane Eyre" is no longer touching the tears of the classic. So, I began to think about why Jane Eyre moved us and loved it - it was her independent character and the charm of her heart.


However, we can not help but ask, is this only one step to be independent? I don't think it is. After all, the independence of women is a long process, not overnight. It needs a thorough courage, like Jane then decided to leave Rochester, "the wind rustling Xi Zhuang earth went to the Yi River is so cold, did not return" bold and daring. I think this should be the most critical step, and it should be a decisive step towards independence. Charlotte's Jane Eyre has left her stubborn character and independent personality to us. So she is a successful, happy woman.


Jane has been an independent female classic, I hope the sun, flowers in more Jane walked out, whether poor or rich; whether beautiful or homely, with the perfect mind and enrich the mind, can be an independent personality and a strong personality life.

简爱英语读后感 篇5

"Jane Eyre" is the British modern literature a significant position of the novel, is the representative of the author Charlotte, he has successfully created a dare to struggle, dare to the image of women, the freedom and equality indeed, after I read this book, I was very moved, also deeply such a defiant, brave heroine infection.

The full text can be divided into four stages: at the home of aunt Reed, at the raund school, in Schonfeld, in Saint John.

Jane was born in England, young when she lost her parents, aunt Mrs. Reed in a dozen years spent at home, but Mrs. Reed not good to her, including her children, even the servants don't love her, her uncle John even often insulted her, perhaps this kind of living environment, give it to her the thought brought great restraint, her behavior is limited, she had to fight. When she had the first conflict with her cousin, Jane said without fear, "your boy is really vicious and cruel!" You are like a murderer, you are like a man who abused others, you are like the emperor of Rome. Although the result of the quarrel was obvious, Jane's brave performance, the spirit of resistance, shook any reader.

Because Mrs. Reed did not like Jane and sent her to a school at random, but on the contrary, she agreed with Jane. She didn't want to stay at Mrs. Reed's home.

Jane entered the Rao Wald school. In this school, children, including Jane, suffer from cold and hunger, and be beaten, punished, cut, hair and other insults, meals are very bad, and their living environment is not healthy. A cold can not be timely treatment, destined to a half will take a number of trained typhus infection, the child's life, Jane in such a school, witnessed all her hatred of the school, the school's founder, especially hate Mr Hearst, he is a pseudo word Jun, this school is a hell on earth. Jane in this school had her alumni Helen Burns said: "when we are beaten we should It is without rhyme or reason., fiercely fought back, I am sure we should fight back, fiercely fought back, the lessons learned that US, that he will never dare such a hit. This will further show the reader her indomitable adherence to the resistance. You have to be convinced.

The third part is the core part of the book, Jane a governess at Thornfield house. For Jane to say that this is a very strange place, is Jane's first set foot on the society, contact with the outside world, where Jane met Mr. Rochester, although Rochester is older than Jane, who looks not beautiful, but their thoughts have a lot in common, naturally fell in love with Jane he. Jane does not care about Rochester's vast wealth and fame and fortune, she is a real emotion, a friendly and open, she hopes they are equal between. But when she thought Rochester was going to marry Ingram and wanted to leave her, she said angrily, "do you think I will stay and become your decisive person?

Do you think I'm an automatic machine, a machine without feelings... Do you think I'm poor, low, beautiful, short, and I have no soul and no heart

You are wrong! - my soul is exactly the same as you... And I talk to you now, and not through the custom, customary, not even by physical, human - it is my spirit that addresses your spirit, just as the two had passed through the grave, and we at God's feet, equal - because we are equal.

I was moved by this passage. Yes, we are equal. Even if the beautiful and attractive miss Ingram has a good reputation, there is a strong hearted family teacher. Jane also challenges the upper class. After a few twists and turns, Jane and Rochester were finally able to walk together.

Jane had been treated unfairly from childhood, but she achieved her career success and happiness by virtue of her fearless, acting and fighting spirit. I threw her away and wished her a better life.

Though the unfair treatment in today's society may be rare, the spirit of resistance is indispensable to all of us. We must learn to resist and fight against it because we are equal.

《简爱》英语读后感 篇6

Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think:

We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past.

We remember her pursuit of justice. It’s like a panion with the goodness. But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodness on one side and must check the badness on the other side.

We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality. In her opinion, everyone is the same at the God’s feet. Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance, but all the human being are equal in personality.

We also remember her striving for life, her toughness and her confidence…

When we think of this girl, what she gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but a huge charm of her ersonality.

Actually, she wasn’t pretty, and of course, the ordinary appearance didn’t make others feel good of her, even her own aunt felt disgusted with it. And some others even thought that she was easy to look down on and to tease, so when Miss Ingram met Jane Eyre, she seemed quite contemptuous, for that she was obviously much more prettier than ‘the plain and ugly governess’。 But as the little governess had said: ‘Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!’ This is the idea of equality in Jane Eyre’s mind. God hadn’t given her beauty and wealth, but instead, God gave her a kind mind and a thinking brain. Her idea of equality and self-respect impress us so much and let us feel the power inside her body.

In my mind, though a person’s beauty on the face can make others once feel that one is attractive and charming, if his or her mind isn’t the same beautiful as the appearance, such as beauty cannot last for, when others find that the beauty which had charmed them was only a falsity, it’s not true, they will like the person no more. For a long time, only a person’s GREat virtue, a noble soul, a beautiful heart can be called as AN EVERLASTING BEAUTY, just as Kahill Gibran has said, that ‘Beauty is a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted’。 I can feel that how beauty really is, as we are all fleshly men, so we can’t distinguish whether a man is of nobleness or humbleness, but fleshly men, so we can’t distinguish whether a man is of nobleness or humbleness, but as there are great differences in our souls, and from that, we can know that whether a man is noble or ordinary, and even obscure, that is, whether he is beautiful or not.

Her story makes us thinking about life and we learn much from her experience, at least, that is a fresh new recognition of the real beauty.

《简爱》英语读后感 篇7

Recently, I have reading the book "Jane Eyre”。 Although I forgot some details in the book, Jane gave me deeply impression, I admire her very much. After that the teacher also told us to put the play in to a movie, and then we all can touch each hero’s soul in the book. The play it mainly tell us how Jane is growing up when suffering from great difficulties and painless. whats more, it is impressed me that she still love her master even if he is blind at last due to rescue his mad wife.

And I like the Classic lines what Jane said to Mr. Rochester :"Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you? Do you think I am an automaton?--a machine without feelings? and can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my lips, and my drop of living water dashed from my cup? Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!--I have as much soul as you,--and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you.

I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh;--it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at Gods feet, equal,--as we are!" its so beautiful, Jane is a girl who will never lose confidence in life and always sensible when handling with some motional problems. Jane was huge in my heart. She can control her life and fate. She knew how to continue her life and she got it!

Maybe after what she told me I have known that what love is and how to love and to be loved! The book is a book worth of reading, so all in all let’s enjoy it!

《简爱》英文读后感带翻译 篇8

The human brain needs a constant supply of nourishment, and nourishment comes from books. Summer naturally to read some masterpieces, these days, I read one of the worlds top ten masterpieces of Jane Eyre.

This book tells the story of a girl in the difficult life environment tenacious growth, the final metamorphosis into a personal charm of the excellent female story. The most attractive part of this story is the setting of the heroine, Jane Eyre. Her personality is sometimes complicated to be difficult to understand, and sometimes simple to be able to see through at a glance. She was an unusual person, and when she was sent to the prison camp-like school, she was fed little and unpalatable food. Here she met a friend unfortunately will die of disease, Jane Eyre quietly slipped to her bedside, with her until death. In the trapped in her little bit of growth, finally found the love of their own people.

In the process of growing up, you may be spite, disgust, frustration, trampled all over the body hurt, but as long as strong, there will always be a happy and happy ending.




《简爱》英语读后感 篇9

Oliver Twist, one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens’, is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in Britain in 18th century.

The author who himself was born in a poor family wrote this novel in his twenties with a view to reveal the ugly masks of those cruel criminals and to expose the horror and violence hidden underneath the narrow and dirty streets in London.

The hero of this novel was Oliver Twist, an orphan, who was thrown into a world full of poverty and crime. He suffered enormous pain, such as hunger, thirst, beating and abuse. While reading the tragic experiences of the little Oliver, I was shocked by his sufferings. I felt for the poor boy, but at the same time I detested the evil Fagin and the brutal Bill. To my relief, as was written in all the best stories, the goodness eventually conquered devil and Oliver lived a happy life in the end. One of the plots that attracted me most is that after the theft, little Oliver was allowed to recover in the kind care of Mrs. Maylie and Rose and began a new life. He went for walks with them, or Rose read to him, and he worked hard at his lessons. He felt as if he had left behind forever the world of crime and hardship and poverty.

How can such a little boy who had already suffered oppressive affliction remain pure in body and mind? The reason is the nature of goodness. I think it is the most important information implied in the novel by Dickens-he believedthat goodness could conquer every difficulty. Although I don’t think goodness is omnipotent, yet I do believe that those who are kind-hearted live more happily than those who are evil-minded.

For me, the nature of goodness is one of the most necessary character for a person. Goodness is to humans what water is to fish. He who is without goodness is an utterly worthless person. On the contrary, as the famous saying goes, ‘The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose’, he who is with goodness undoubtedly is a happy and useful person. People receiving his help are grateful to him and he also gets gratified from what he has done, and thus he can do good to both the people he has helped and himself.

To my disappointment, nowadays some people seem to doubt the existence of the goodness in humanity. They look down on people’s honesty and kindness, thinking it foolish of people to be warm-hearted. As a result, they show no sympathy to those who are in trouble and seldom offer to help others. On the other hand, they attach importance to money and benefit. In their opinion, money is the only real object while emotions and morality are nihility. If they cannot get profit from showing their ‘kindness’, they draw back when others are faced with trouble and even hit a man when he is down. They are one of the sorts that I really detest.

Francis Bacon said in his essay, ‘Goodness, of all virtues and dignities of the mind, is the greatest, being the character of the Deity, and without it, man is a busy, mischievous, wretched thing, no better than a kind of vermin.’

That is to say a person without goodness is destined to lose everything. Therefore, I, a kind person, want to tell those ‘vermin-to-be’ to learn from the kind Oliver and regain the nature of goodness.

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