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时间:2023-01-31 17:11:52


劳动实践课自我评价 篇1

Old people are a special group in society, everyone will be old, but the old should not be abandoned by society, people old, as if it is poor made, to discuss too many people too. In fact, we should not think about it, people old, inconvenient legs, vague thinking, as if it became a burden on society, it will drag the community. In fact, the old people at a young age with their hard work and sweat for the community to make a contribution, large or small, may only raise their children, but in any case, they paid. They sacrifice their lives for the community, the predecessors of the tree, the descendants of the cool, we take the cool of their trees planted, we have the obligation to serve them, the obligation to give them a happy sunset red life. Each of us has the old time, no one wants to grow old that day is to become the object of society that day. Life, from the reality we are not satisfied, always thinking about possession, in this condolences to the elderly activities let us have a new understanding of life.Learn a lot of truth, to get a little life of Scripture: that is Cherish what you have to learn to love.Respect for the elderly is the traditional virtues of China, the elderly have never asked the old high, they want is to accompany them to chat, talk and laugh on it, because their memories of performance in our body. We are now their grandparents, grandparents and many have gone, so to see the elderly, we may be particularly miss their loved ones, do not feel like and elderly people want to close, just like their grandparents , Like grandparents, want to care for them, take care of them, and they will us as granddaughters, grandchildren, like, holding your hand, put their share of kindness on you, and we are pleased to accept the . Each of us experiences life and death from childhood to youth, from youth to old age.We are still young stage, the future also has a long section to go, how to go, I think, everyone should be aware of. Perhaps when we finish our journey of life, the rest, whether it will be as old as the elderly home happy to spend their old age it?

Patricia, the homeless, the homeless and the dying man, is one of the most respected figures in the world, in 1979, known as the " Live saints "Mother Teresa won the Nobel Peace Prize, the most unquestionably the most gratifying winner in the history of her Nobel Prize. She was from the age of 18 until the age of 87 death, never for themselves, but only for the suffering of the people alive. She said a famous saying: We often can not do great things, but we can do with great love small things. We must grow in love, and we must keep loving until we are wounded, and we must learn to give.In gratitude to enrich themselves in the dedication to improve life.

Practical significance: as a college student, we learned a lot from this activity, but also understand a lot of people behave truth. Volunteer service in the nursing home, although we sweat profusely, but we are very happy, because I did not mind a sense of pride is usually not experience, public service activities are not remunerated, not for personal gain, public service is ecstasy Labor, we created a beautiful mind. Through this social practice, on the one hand, I have strengthened our ability to social interaction, in practice, growth; the other hand, we have made their own contribution to society. Need to say, now the elderly do need children's companionship and care, spiritual support issues need each of us attention. When they have time, should be more concerned about the elderly, even if it is and they talk a few hours, they are satisfied.

I think, as long as we pay in their own lives, worked hard, regardless of success or failure, we have had a good memory of their own. We have no good regret. Now we can imagine that someday we would like the old man in the elderly as know today? Most definitely. I believe that every enthusiastic young man will not let the elderly people be displaced and suffer cold weather. Let us join hands to give their due power for the elderly to contribute to the community.

Finally, I want to say, the public without size, reach out to let love filled the human world.

劳动实践课自我评价 篇2





“纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行”。社会实践使同学们找到了理论与实践的最佳结合点。尤其是我们学生,只重视理论学习,忽视实践环节,往往在实际工作岗位上发挥的不很理想。通过实践所学的专业理论知识得到巩固和提高。就是紧密结合自身专业特色,在实践中检验自己的知识和水平。通过实践,原来理论上模糊和印象不深的得到了巩固,原先理论上欠缺的在实践环节中得到补偿,加深了对基本原理的理解和消化“天将降大任于斯人也。必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤……”。 在短短三天的实践活动中,汗水淋湿了我们的衣裤,泪水模糊了我们的眼睛。但我们选择了坚持。我们把淮师人永争第一的精神带去了社区,把淮师学子的优秀品质和良好的精神风貌体现得淋漓尽致。在社区人民的心底留下了美丽的印象。七月,我们走进火热社会,用汗和泪谱写一曲壮丽的青春之歌。这是爱的奉献,这是我们的无悔选择。七月,我们撒播希望,同时拥抱丰收,就如新世纪的第一缕曙光,我们的暑期社会实践曙光城也给社区留下了光辉灿烂的一笔。



劳动实践课自我评价 篇3








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