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时间:2023-03-20 19:12:00


六年级的英语自我评价 篇1

hello. I'm a active cheerful girl. I'm happy for I can have this test, and I would like the teachers(或者you) to give me a chance. I could be the helper for teachers.

there is 4 people in my family. my father, my mother and my sister.

I like English, fiddle, drawing, surf the internet and so on. by the way, I like guys who like chatting, and I have two best friends, they are Wendy and Nancy, they are with me almost. and my favorite coloris purple, my favorite animal is dog.

my achievement is kind of good, they choosed me to be the model student many times, I will still do my best.

at last, thanks for you listen to me.

六年级的英语自我评价 篇2

时光流逝,丰富多彩的三年初中生活即将结束,这三年是我人生中最重要的一段里程,它将永远铭记在我的脑海里。我衷心拥护中国共产党的领导, 热爱蒸蒸日上、迈着改革步伐前进的社会主义祖国,用建设有中国特色的社会主义理论武装自己,积极参加党章学习小组,逐步提初自己的政治思想觉悟,并向党组织递交了入党申请书

作为班长,我能以身作则,严于律己,在同学中树立了好榜样,并能团结好班委,处理好班级的一切事务,是老师的得力助手。 初三我们班被评为市优秀班级,这是全班同学共同努力的结果,我为能生活在这样一个班级而自豪。三年来,我在组织能力、语言表达能力有了长足的进步。


学习中摸索出一套符合自己的学习方法, 脚踏实地,循序渐进,精益求精,学习效率初。三年来学习成绩优异,半期考、期考等重大考试均居年级前列。


从一个懵懂的中学生逐步成长为品学兼优的“四有”新人,但我有清醒地认识到自己的不足之处, 体锻虽然达标,但还须加强体育锻炼,提初成绩,在今后的学习中,我将不断总结经验,继往开来,更好地报效祖国。

六年级的英语自我评价 篇3

1.Hello,every body!My name is ,and I am years old.I am in Pamiry School. I am in Class*, Grade Six.I go to school from Monday to Friday.My favourite subjest is English.I think it is interesting.I like reading and listening to English very much.I often go the library on Sunday afternoon.I love ice cream,too.I can play piano very well.There are three poeple in my family.They are my mum,my dad and me.I love my family and my school!

Good morning, everyone. I'm from . As a smart girl with good study, I know it is not enough just to be smart, paying greater efforts is more important

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