时间:2022-05-20 21:17:11
(1) 虚实相间—把握你的智慧。如果你要择业,面对招聘人员表达自己的观点看法,最好不要过分实在,应适当有所保留,关键之处可避实就虚,概括应答,给对方遐想的空间,因为不同的人有不同的喜好,万一你的观念不和对方胃口,你就彻底失败了。虚实相间的应对,既能游刃有余,又可展示你的魅力。
(2) 展示个性—珍重你的人格。没有一位在事业上有所作为而却没有个性的人,而且有个性的人才容易得到别人的尊重。在应聘过程中,招聘者喜欢有个性有专长的人;在朋友交往中,人们也往往看重有个性的人,有个性才能给人留下深刻的印象。迎合与顺从,往往给人听话而无创意的印象。
1. Know exactly where you want to go.
Your elevator pitch should answer three questions: Who are you? What do you do? Where do you want to go, or what are you looking for? You need to know exactly what you want to achieve or no one can help you get there.
2. Bullet point it.
2. 简单写出重点
Write down four bullet points that explain why you're great. Discuss your work history, background, skills, accomplishments, and goals. Keep out any irrelevant details that take away from your core message.
3. Tell them a story.
3. 讲故事
People love stories, so tell them a story. It also makes it easier for others to remember you later on.Our minds are essentially "associate machines," which means we remember things better when there's a story or association attached to the subject. In other words, if you want people to remember you, tell them a story and make sure it's good.
4. Eliminate jargon.
4. 避免行业术语
You need to be able to explain what you do and who you are in a way that appeals to most people. This means avoiding acronyms or terminology that wouldn't be understood by someone outside of your industry.