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时间:2023-04-09 13:36:52


英文广告合同范本 篇1


注册地址: 法定代表人:

项目联系人: 通讯地址:

电话: 传真: 电子信箱:


注册地址: 法定代表人:

项目联系人: 通讯地址:

电话: 传真: 电子信箱:


第一条 [合同标的]

1. 本合同委托作品的要求:

1) 设计作品的内容(如填写空格不够,可另作附件);

2) 评审验收标准(如填写空格不够,可另作附件);

3) 设计作品的交付时间。

2. 在本合同履行过程中,如甲方提出新的设计要求,双方可就设计费的调整、设计成果的交付时间等相关事宜另行签订协议。

3. 乙方保证所交付的设计作品具有独创性、不存在任何权利瑕疵,包括但不限于知识产权瑕疵,否则因此引起的任何法律责任由乙方负责;乙方为完成本合同委托事项而需要使用他人作品的,应保证得到该作品著作权人的有效授权。

第二条 [基础资料]

1. 甲方应向乙方提供的基础资料及协作事项如下:

1) 基础资料清单

2) 提供时间和方式;

3) 其他协作事项

2. 甲方保证所提供的基础资料不存在任何权利瑕疵,包括但不限于知识 产权瑕疵,否则因此引起的任何法律责任由甲方负责。

3. 如确属基础资料存在错误或前后不符而产生的延误及损失由甲方负责。

第三条 [工作计划]

乙方应在本合同生效后 日内向甲方提交设计工作计划。设计工作计划应包括以下主要内容,乙方应严格按照工作计划开展设计工作:

1. 第一阶段

2. 第二阶段

3. 第三阶段

第四条 [交付方式]


1. 交付时间: 月 日前交付。

2. 交付地点为以下第

1) 甲方住所地当面交付;

2) 乙方住所地当面交付;

3) 其他 ;

3. 交付的载体选择以下第种形式:

1) 纸质版本

2) 电子版本

3) 其他形式的载体

第五条 [评审验收]

1. 双方同意将验收委托设计作品的评审标准、评审人员组成、评审程序 作为本合同的附件,另行约定。

2. 对任一阶段的设计成果,甲方应在收到后[15]日内将评审意见提交乙方,如甲方认为不符合要求,应提供书面修改意见。双方另行约定完成修改并交付的时间,届时再次评审。对任一阶段的设计成果,如甲方在收到后[15]日内未提出评审意见,即视为该阶段的设计成果已通过验收。如果评审确认设计成果不符合要求,双方另行约定完成修改并交付的时间,届时再次安排评审验收 。

3. 如非设计师或设计公司的过错而导致增加的修改费用或其他成本费用 ,必须由甲方另行承担。如果由于设计师或设计公司的错误而导致增加的修改费用或其他成本费用,不应由甲方承担

第六条 [权利归属]

1. 设计完成作品的著作权归方所有。著作权如果发生转移应在数字作品备案中心进行备案。

2. 委托作品著作权归属乙方的,甲方在约定的使用范围内享有使用作品的权利;双方没有约定具体使用作品范围的,甲方可以在委托创作的特定目的范围内免费使用该作品,但使用前需付清合同中约定的价款 。

3. 双方认可委托设计作品的知识产权价值,经甲乙双方评估认定:本合同所完成的设计作品的著作权遭遇任何一方的侵害,权利人的实际损失或侵权人的违法所得为本合同总金额的10倍(或10倍以上)

第七条 [合同价款]

甲方在签订本合同时,应支付定金人民币: 元整(大写),即RM B:

1. 一次性支付。甲方应在设计作品通过验收后币: 元整(大写),即RMB: (小写);

2. 分阶段支付。甲方应按下表的约定向乙方支付各阶段价款:

3. 乙方账户信息为

第八条 [诚信保密]

对本合同的内容、双方的合作关系、来往的任何协议、文件、信函、通知中的内容及任一阶段的设计成果予以保密。双方同意,即使是本方管理人员和员工, 也只能是在为履行本合同而必须知道的基础上知悉上述信息。本合同履行过程中接触到的对方商业秘密,应当遵守保密义务,否则给对方造成损失的,应当承担损害赔偿责任。

第九条 [违约责任]


1. 甲方迟于合同约定的期限付款的,每日按应支付价款的万分之分之一至万分之五)向乙方支付违约金;

2. 乙方迟于合同约定的期限交付委托作品的,每日按未交付作品应收价 款的万分之 (万分之一至万分之五)向甲方支付违约金。因乙方迟于合同规定的期限交付委托作品导致合同目的不能实现的,应返还已收取的价款,给甲方造成损失的,还应承担赔偿责任;

第十条 [合同解除]

1. 非因甲方原因或不可抗力,乙方延迟交付任一阶段的设计成果,经甲 方催告后[30]日内仍未履行的,甲方可以单方解除本合同,并有权要求赔偿损 失;

2. 非因乙方原因或不可抗力,甲方延迟交付任一阶段的设计费,经催 告后[30]日内仍未履行的,乙方可以单方解除本合同,并有权要求赔偿损失。

第十一条 [项目联系]

1. 甲乙任何一方在本合同约定的交付时间内,按照对方提供的地址,以 特快专递、挂号信件或电子邮件送达项目信息或交付设计方案之后,接收方应 在本合同约定的交付时间起三十天内给予回复,接收方如不回复则表示默认收 到。

2. 任何一方如更改项目联系人、地址或其他联系方式,应提前天通知 另一方。

第十二条 [争议解决]

双方因履行本合同发生的争议,应当协商解决,协商不成的,按照以下 第 种方式解决:

1. 向深圳仲裁委员会申请仲裁

2. 向中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会华南分会申请仲裁

3. 向人民法院提起诉讼

本合同经双方签字盖章后生效,本合同一式份,甲、乙双方各执 份,均具同等法律效力。




英文广告合同范本 篇2

Unit: (hereinafter referred to as Party A)

Advertisers: (hereinafter referred to as Party B)

After friendly consultation between Party A and B, in accordance with the principle of mutual benefit and mutual benefit, the following articles are reached on Party A's propaganda and planning on Party B's entrustment:

Article 1: Party A entrusts Party B to publicity planning project: _________________________


The second article: the principle of propaganda and planning

Party B provides the whole process of publicity and planning, including advertising planning and design services, providing reference for Party A's market positioning and market area and serving for decision-making.

The third one: the way of agency

Party a commissioned party B to complete the whole process of propaganda and planning, and entrusted the plane design, advertising agency and other business, fully responsible for the project publicity and planning.

Fourth: the rights and obligations of Party A

1. In the agreed period, Party B should be required to submit the relevant propaganda and planning scheme, and the Party A will assist the organization after the confirmation of the market investigation.

2, it has the right to require Party B to provide written opinions and suggestions from the angle of planning within the scope of the Commission.

3, Party B will be required to provide Party A with planning plans and adjustment of propaganda strategies and suggestions.

4, to approve the overall propaganda strategy formulated by Party B, and to bear all the costs related to publicity and promotion, advertising and so on.

5, payment shall be paid in accordance with the agreement of the contract with Party B for the payment of the publicity and planning fee and on time.

The fifth, the rights and obligations of Party B

1, the party shall have the right to pay the publicity and planning fee in accordance with the requirements of the contract.

2, in accordance with the requirements of Party A and the different stages of the project progress, put forward the advertising plan, after the approval of Party A to organize the implementation.

3, Party B provides:

The newspaper project soft article writing; the project, all kinds of exhibitions, promotions, activities planning.

4, bear the claim or other legal liability caused by Party B's fault.

Sixth: the term of agency

Party A entrusts Party B publicity planning period is divided into: ______ years ___ month ___ to ______ ___ ___ date month year;

Seventh: standard and mode of payment for project publicity and planning

1, publicity planning fees totaling $________ yuan (capital ______________________).

2, after the signing of this contract, Party A will pay to Party B RMB ____________ whole (capital ___________________________) for payment.

3, after the end of the contract, Party A shall pay the balance, namely RMB ____________________ whole (capital ________________________).

The eighth article: liability for breach of contract

1. Party A is responsible for all the losses caused by Party A's failure to provide relevant license and relevant legal documents and preferential policies for activities.

2. If the Party B does not provide the plan of publicity and planning in time because of Party B's reasons, Party A shall investigate the responsibility or terminate the contract.

3. Party A shall have the right to rescind the contract if Party A fails to pay Party B publicity and planning fees according to the agreement.

4. In the course of cooperation, the other party has the right to require the other party to bear the related economic loss by disclosing the business secrets or providing the relevant information to the third party.

5, any party to terminate the contract without authorization to suspend unilateral breach of contract or shall be borne by the defaulting party, must therefore have caused losses to the observant party and liability for breach of contract.

6, in the execution of this contract, if there is a force majeure factor affecting the execution of the relevant provisions, it shall be settled by the two sides and properly resolved. It is not a breach of contract to terminate the contract or change the relevant provisions of the contract on the basis of the agreement between the two parties.

Ninth: Annex

1, both parties may supplement the terms of this contract and sign a supplementary agreement in written form. The supplementary agreement has the same legal effect as this contract.

2. The annexes of this contract are all valid parts of the contract and have the same effect.

3. All matters not specified in this contract and its annexes and supplementary agreements are carried out in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations and regulations of the People's Republic of China.

4. The contract is two copies, each party and Party B has one copy, all with the same legal effect.

5. In the event of a dispute in the performance of this contract, the parties shall settle the dispute by negotiation, negotiation or adjustment, and the parties agree to be arbitrated by the Arbitration Commission.

6. The contract will terminate naturally after the expiration of the contract. If the two parties renew the contract, they shall make a written opinion to the other party seven days before the expiration of the contract.

7. This contract shall come into force on the date of signature or seal of the representatives of the two parties.

Party A: Party B:

Representative: (signature) representative: (signature)

Date: day and date: day and day


单  位:(下简称甲方)






















甲方委托乙方宣传策划期限分为: ______年___月___日至______年___月___日止;




















甲 方:乙 方:


日期:年 月日  日期: 年 月 日

英文广告合同范本 篇3



Party B: Address:


According to the provisions of the contract law of the People's Republic of China and the relevant laws and regulations, Party B accepts the entrustment of the first party and entrustment with the two parties through consultation.

First, entrustment:

Two, the way of payment:

1, Party A shall pay 40% of the total cost of the contract, namely ____ yuan (RMB) to Party B, Party B received the money after the start of design.

2. Party B shall provide complete design draft. After confirmation by Party A, the total amount of the total cost shall be paid.

Three. Design time:

1, Party B shall provide complete design draft in __ working days.

2, Party B shall complete the design work of party a company commissioned in _____ years __ month __ day (delay time by party a reason, work time should be postponed).

Four. The responsibilities and obligations of the two parties:

1, Party B shall, according to the requirements of Party A to finish the related work on time.

2, Party A has the responsibility to fully cooperate with Party B to carry out the work stipulated in this contract and provide relevant information according to the needs of Party B. Party A is responsible for the consequences caused by Party A's delay in the required information.

3. Party A shall provide complete design information before the start of the design, due to Party A's provision of incomplete information and changes in content.

For structural changes, Party A shall pay the corresponding cost of design changes.

4. After Party B receives the complete design information of Party A, it is designed to facilitate the determination of the style of Party A, and Party B begins to design the first draft after the style is determined.

5, Party A has the right to put forward amendments to the works designed by Party B. The first draft Party A can make a structural modification. After the first draft is determined, the structural modifications should be made. Party A shall pay the corresponding cost separately.

6. The consequences of the delay due to the amendment of Party A shall be borne by Party A.

7, due to the loss caused by post production by Party A alone, the loss caused by problems in the design of the product is borne by Party B. The legal liability caused by copyright, for the economic disputes shall be borne by Party a..

8. During the course of the project, Party B is attached to the brand of Party A and shall not sign any form of cooperation agreement with the customer in the identity of Party B.

Five. The agreement on intellectual property rights:

1, Party B has the copyright of the works completed by the design. After the settlement of all the fees designed by Party A, Party B may transfer the copyright of the works to Party A.

2. Before Party A has not paid all the cost of the design, the copyright of the works designed by Party B shall be attributed to Party B, and Party A does not have any right to the work.

3. Party A shall have the right to investigate the legal liability of Party A if it uses or amends the works designed by Party B before the payment is not paid.

Six. Liability for breach of contract:

1, Party A terminates the contract before the completion of the first draft of the design work. The prepaid expenses have no right to request the return. If a party terminates the contract after the completion of the first draft of Party B's work, it shall pay the full design fee.

2. If Party B terminates the contract without proper reasons, the fees charged shall be returned to Party A.

Seven, if a party or a party has a dispute over the performance of this contract, it shall be settled amicable through negotiation. If either party fails to negotiate, any Party A and B can submit it to the Beijing Arbitration Commission for arbitration.

Eight, the contract is effective from the date of signature by Gai Zhang and both parties. The contract is two copies in one form. Each party has one contract signed by the other party (Gai Zhang), which has the same legal effect.

Nine. If there is no matter in this contract, the two parties shall jointly discuss and supplement the contract. The contents of the supplement and modification are equally valid to this contract.

Party A: Party B:

(signature seal) (signature seal)

Date: Date:









1、甲方需在合同签订之时支付总费用的40% ,即____元(人民币)给乙方,乙方收到甲方的款项后开始设计。




2、乙方需在_____年__月__日完成甲方公司委托的设计工作 (由甲方原因耽误的时间,完稿时间应顺延)。









7、由于后期制作造成的损失由甲方独自承担,由于制作物设计出现问题造成的损失由乙方承担。  因版权、文责所引发的法律责任,经济纠纷由甲方承担。












甲方:  乙方:

(签字盖章)  (签字盖章)

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